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Game music, speculations.

If the music in the game is anything like what they have used in their videos so far i'am allready in love with it and wanting for more.

What do you think about the music? Good, bad, or do you want something completely different from what we have heard so far?


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    if its anything like the intro music then I think we will have no problems in that regard 
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    I'm happy with what I have heard so far.  Love me some good music, even if I do turn it down low in game.  Gotta hear what's sneaking up on you!  :D
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    Yeah the music linked to the AoC vids thus far has been quite exemplary imho. I can't wait to hear the full soundtrack that's for sure. I don't even know whose composing the music for AoC but I'll do some research. TSFH will keep me busy in the meantime.
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    Just get Hans Zimmer on it ;) But really music is a large part of the game, so please do it well.
    I for one would also like some worded songs, not just instrumental, like skyrim. I've always like Ashley Barret and Darren Korb, but thats more indie music I guess  :*
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