Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.


Didn't know where to ask this question, so will post it here.
Is there any way to join th team as forum manager and later as game master or a member of support service, for example?

Project seems very interesing to me and I think that it would be great to become a part of it not only as player. 

I'm also shure that people with knowelege of both Russian and English will be useful.


  • Good question, and one I can't help you with I'm afraid. Maybe @Shunex will have some advice for you as he's a moderator. Good luck with it!
  • Hope you get a response ^^ would be nice for players to take on extra roles if they wish too :D
  • This is just personal opinion and such, but a good place to start is probably just being active and such. If thats your ambition, then getting well known for being a good guy (or the like) probably won't hurt ;)
  • This is just personal opinion and such, but a good place to start is probably just being active and such. If thats your ambition, then getting well known for being a good guy (or the like) probably won't hurt ;)
    That all ways help. if people know you in the community then they are more likely to ask you for help.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 05
    You can check out the current positions they are looking for here GM positions will probally open up later once the game gets closer to launch
  • Thanks to all of you for answers, and additional thanks to Shunex for the link ;) 
This discussion has been closed.