Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What weapons do you hope they will put in AOC?

Anyone else really hope they put flails in the game?

Who my Verac  supporters over hurr!

side note tho I will be using a bow :P


  • Any & All tbh. 
    I just hope that the Choreography-Animations for each Weapons will be at least Decent 
  • Axes, Greataxes, Longswords, Greatswords, and Bows please!
  • The basic archetypes, swords, daggers, axes, polearms... but a nice variety of skins for them. I won't mind a bunch of Asian themed weapons. 
  • I love playing as a monk. Therefore, I hope there will be a combination of a primary & secondary class that will allow me to play with just my mountain-breaking bare fists of legend as my weapon.

    If I must use an exosomatic (outside the body) weapon, then knuckles or a staff (shout-out to Karthos in the above post) will suffice.
  • Lances and Bows are my favorite weapon, i also would like to see fist weapons. But generally i would love to see all types of weapons from all cultures.
  • I love warhorns so I'm hoping for them to be implemented :3
    A guildie also mentioned bagpipes for me and now I want those too but that ain't gonna happen xD @Yaviey maybe bagpipes? For this Scottish lassie xD
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 05
    The kitchen sink the legendary last resort weapon of mass destruction or a gunblade
  • Valkeries said:
    The kitchen sink the legendary last resort weapon of mass destruction or a gunblade
    With a good pair of Sandals you're almost undefeatable!
  • If there are no one handed battle hammers for which I can pair with a shield in my off hand, my entire sense of identity will come crashing to the ground!

    Trust me, you don't want to see a dwarf caught in the throes of Identity Crisis anxiety!!

    I really need that battle hammer! 
  • I hope they do seriously reconsider spears and/or polearms as many MMORPGs only seem to stick to the traditional set of weapons ie. Sword, Mace, Staff etc.

    Would be good to use a spear or halberd or similar nature.

  • I hope some cool designed daggers. But i'm more a mage myself. :smile:
  • I would love to use a staff and sword at the same time or maybe a staff and a tome/Grimoire
  • I am hoping that we see axes 2hs elemental staffs dual crossbows a harpy
  • I think the real question to have is if AoC will have different skill animations based on what weapon is being used, like Guild Wars 2 has done with all their class and weapon systems. If a Mage is wielding a warhammer, his thunderbolt should look a lot different than using a spellbook or a wand. Or a Cleric using an Orb will cast a Smite or Holy Fire spell a lot differently if he used a crossbow.
  • Polearms and sythes please!
  • I feel fist-weapons are often overlooked. And often a missed opportunity for cool designs. Probably alone thinking this, but hey. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • nagash said:
    I would love to use a staff and sword at the same time or maybe a staff and a tome/Grimoire

    Oh yeah! Sword and Staff would be great!

    I also wouldn't mind a nice pair of Nuchuckus.  Or claws/punching daggers whatever you call em's. 

    If the Asian themed weapons aren't going to fit the game world. A nice spear+shield combo is always great.

  • A giant Gong (Cymbal) that I can use as a shield should I decide to be a half-deaf (those gongs are loud) bard/tank.
  • nagash said:
    I would love to use a staff and sword at the same time or maybe a staff and a tome/Grimoire

    Oh yeah! Sword and Staff would be great!

    I also wouldn't mind a nice pair of Nuchuckus.  Or claws/punching daggers whatever you call em's. 

    If the Asian themed weapons aren't going to fit the game world. A nice spear+shield combo is always great.

    so thats where my spare ribs went 
  • I want a Scythe or Gauntlets, so i can punch someone in the face B)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 05
    Omgosh i would love to see a scythe and a blade with a chain attached would be cool.

    A few other thoughts - chakram, bo staff, magical orbs, and talisman gloves.

     I have faith in you intriped.
  • Lance .but would love so many 

  • I'd be happy for the Bards instruments to do all the damage and no 007 gadgets. Lute that shoots arrows, trombone that shoots flames, that kind of thing.
  • i really want one weapon that could be good for getting wood and killing anials but bad for players or one that can be good for wodd and mining would be pretty amazing too

  • Glaive, polearm (basically the same? Unsure.) and a scythe. Though I'm usually a rogue class, so the daggers we're getting will be fine
  • Hate to brake the news but they already discussed the Scythes and no plans for it. at 27:05. Not on the list 
  • Insomnium said:
    Hate to brake the news but they already discussed the Scythes and no plans for it. at 27:05. Not on the list 
    Yet  >:)
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