Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Will Players and Mounts be Static or Can I Walk Through Everything.

Not sure if I used the term right. But my question brings up 2 games. AA everything was physically there when it came to mounts and players. BDO that was not the case. They both have there pros and cons. For AA this gave rise to people making blockades, trapping people, and claiming land. For BDO it basically killed the immersion when you go to the stable or warehouse and there's 100+ players/mounts stacked on top of each other. Also when it came to farming people would have farms stacked on top of farms. IMO I would rather do it the way AA did since it gave a better sense of immersion and added more elements of a sandbox that players could explore. Planetside 2 also had an issue. In beta no one could run through anybody and it gave way to people blocking doors, they fixed that by only applying that mechanic to other factions.. Although this will be a factionless game.


  • For the sake of immersion I hope that all of the game entities have collision detection and physics.

    Griefers beware... the townsfolk at my node will smite your face into the dirt!
  • Lol collision detection was the term I was looking for.
  • Ya I'd like to see everything be an actual object as well. Nothing more irritating than falling through a floor that you think is solid but they decided "Nah, I wanna see how many people we can get killed with this."
  • Well I could see that in instanced zones, or basically any area that doesn't allow PvP should have no collision detection. In areas where you can PvP though it should be strictly collission detection. I always feel it is weird in games such as Guild Wars 2, where you can just run through enemies to get to the sweet spot of stabbing them in the back. The same with World of Warcraft, especially since there might be skills or abilities that can't be used while infront of you. It is also used to combat the spellcasting since the target has to be infront of you for it to be succesfull. 
  • For the sake of having a coordinated group and not letting mobs target the mages/clerics/bards/rangers I hope there is collision detecting so the mobs don't just walk through the tank like "excuse me need to go kill this healer of yours" nah no thanks xD
  • Lanova said:
    For the sake of having a coordinated group and not letting mobs target the mages/clerics/bards/rangers I hope there is collision detecting so the mobs don't just walk through the tank like "excuse me need to go kill this healer of yours" nah no thanks xD
    Would rather have smart mobs with good AI that run around the tank or stun him first.  Or step over the dwarf tank to get to us healers etc.   hehehehe
  • From what we've heard so far, players will have full collision.
  • As they should.  I agree with Lanova.  Yet I believe his statement is much more suited to PVP.  Such as during a castle siege.  You have your wall of tanks up front with healers and range damage behind them.  They send there gank force strait on and... they run right through the tanks because no collision detection.  That would really ruin the fun for large scale conflicts for me.
  • Making all objects not including foliage solid would be a good thing, and if it game to door blockers lamke so when under a door way you can walk through someone of the game guild/faction.
  • Is there collusion between players?

    • Players currently in the game have collision yes, but there will be mechanics that prevent blocking like that + spell collision.

    Source: Community Doc

    Player and spell collision, so you can freaking intercept magical spells, tanks you gona be needed so much!
    Mounts will probably be summon/desummon like WoW, so while mounted it will probably count like player collision and otherwise won't exist.
  • Player collision? Great, but I sure hope they thoroughly limit the amount of doors.
  • They could also approach the way they make towns, as in scale high population areas much larger to help prevent that, or open floor plans.
  • It was confirmed in a stream there will be full collision. *remember everything Pre-Alpha is subject to change after reviewing testing*
  • In my experience, even having to run into something for a few seconds before being able to run through it gets old, especially when in a hurry. People have a habit of getting in the way; and a lot of them do it just to be annoying.
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