Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Freehold Designs, Wishes for your Home in Game

So far, we haven't seen too many freeholds.  There were a few in the freehold video, but they all fell under one style out of, as far as we know, eight.  As for myself, I like them.  They look pretty neat, though there doesn't appear to be much variety (yet).  Unfortunately it doesn't look like you can do anything crazy with them, like building a minecraftian dirt pillar into the heavens, or a gothic castle re-imagined in fine detail.  Despite that, I still have hopes that there will be some uniqueness to them as well as other features.

However, I'm really interested in how an Under Realm freehold is going to look.  After all, what's the point of a roof if there's no sunlight or rain?  Will they just cut and paste assets from the above ground homes, or will they be different and exciting in ways we can only dream of.  For me, an ideal Under Realm freehold would be hanging from the ceiling of a cave, practically inaccessible save for magical means or a secreted away elevator trapped behind a locked and hidden door.  Imagine trying to assail a home hanging from the roof of a cave!  Especially if said home was raining down hot oil and fire, as every missed shot sent a barrage of stalagmites to ruin your day.  Or imagine building a home that hung from the ceiling!  The same thing could be done above ground with elven homes in trees, but come on, who wouldn't want an upside-down wizards tower in the caves near some active, yet silent volcano.

I'd like to hear your thoughts as well.  What designs do you think will make it into the game, and what are your wishes for Under Realm freeholds?


  • There could be areas within the underrealm that have a large space between the ground and the ceiling of the cave, so roofs could still be a thing imo
  • Sand People (humans 2):  Hardened sand syone buildings.
    Imperials (Humans 1): Shiny, nice, and that of like a fortified white stoned house.
    Mountain People (Dwarves 1): Have a cave like house theme. Like its a house in the shape of a cave.
    The Wildhammers (Dwarves 2): Houses that look like that belongs to typical hunters out in the forests.
    The Tree Elves (Forest elf 2): A tree house.
    High Elf (Imperial Elf 1): Something like elderscrolls online high elf homes. i got nothing really.
    Zenyetta Orcs (Typical Orc 1):  Spikey huts with skulls like wow but more extreme.
    Space Orc (Future Orcs 2, Vek?): White stone buildings with blue star symbols and such. (Simialr housing style of the first city you ener on Disc 2 of Legend of Dragoon.) 
    The underrealm races: IDK N/A
  • I would just really want to be able to find me good ol' cliff face and make a home inside it (minecraftian style I guess?). Having the classic villian lair in a mountainside would be awesome, but that might just be me.
  • I think a roof will still be needed underground. Water could still drip down from the room. Also the roof helps keep the warmth from the hearth in. 
  • Do we have any info if the freeholds are made on a grid? Seemed to me like they were anyway. Personally I'd like to place my furnace, home, storage, etc freely. You could in theory just fill all nooks and crannies if you really wanted to that way!
  • For underrealm I would think along the lines of tunnels and burrows.  Roofs give protection from intruders, also, besides the elements.  I would envision non-tunnel homes to be made of mud and rocks with bits of gems and metals used as décor.

  • I want a wooden cabin with a nice roasty toasty  fireplace inside xD
    I'm not imaginative enough to design a building but I can't wait to see more. I like that we get a plot of land rather than a singular building ^^
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    As a consummate mage, I would also like the ability to build a tower with a balcony that would give me views of the surrounding area (and let me defend my freehold by casting spells from the top of my tower).

    Oh, and a rack that I can put by my front gate that displays skulls/trophies of enemies killed in PvP - with a sign that says "Trespassers will be polymorphed"
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    I am excited for the housing system as I have never really been a part of a game that used it. I mean I've played games with homes but they were so badly developed that I didn't play the game long enough to get into them.

    The biggest thing I am worried about and I have faith this will not happen is that there is so much focus on the housing system that people are not out in the world. An example of this is, in a few videos we have seen some things for crafting in the freehold...... I mean its a cool idea  "I don't know anymore about the crafting system then you guys" but I don't want to see people forced into their freeholds to do things and not out in the world doing work and making the game immersive. I highly doubt this will be the case. 

    I would like to have a house in the mountain made of stone and iron as I am going to be a dwarf !
  • I would like free holds to have buildings and cosmetic designs for all Archetypes and artisans. Popular examples would be having a wizard's tower in place of a farm house, or an alchemy lab attached to a greenhouse, or even an abbey for clerics, or a hidden vault for the rogues and summoners.I would also like to propose the following idea for builder artisans, like carpenters or stone masons ((They discusses, very briefly, that there will be artisan classes that can make furniture for guild halls and free holds))

    Stone masons and/or carpenters able to make blueprints for freeholds, anything as simple as stone walls and towers surrounding a free hold and guild house, to a miniature mansion for those who have the deep pockets for it. These blueprints wouldn't be on a developers level: with full fledged designs, but rather give the options like
    • Stone walls with an iron gate, stone walls with towers ((And type of towers, be it watch towers or murder holes, etc.))
    • Mansions with specific rooms ((builders can put the option of: dining room, throne room, council chambers, 4-5 bedrooms, things like that))
    These builders can add to the market system with their designs. Players buy them and the necessary mats, then run off to their free hold/ guild hall and add that blueprint to the plot. This could work similar to the garrison system we saw in Warlords ((World of Warcraft)), where there is a builder's table and you put the blueprint and mats in a slot and you wait x amount of time for the construction. 

    As for the Underrealm freeholds. I would like to see those players have the option for their "roof" such as their hold being inside a massive stalagmite, or making a cave dwelling if they wanted those.

    I am always for individuality and players being able to live out their fantasy lives how they want it, and not forced into generic "cookie cutter" houses.
  • More than specific houses i want a ton of options for customization that can be mixed and matched, forexample they mentioned a "mage" house pack, but rather than just having pure mage everywhere you could have a mage house, some orc plants, some elf fences or something. 

    And definitely allow us to colour our house to some degree to make it more unique.
  • I want a wooden house in a snowy place, far away from everyone else. I want my own vegetable patch and a stable to keep my horse in. I want a stream running past the house so I sit and listen to the sound it makes as I play my lute with the sun on my face. I want to stop strumming and hear the wind bristling through the trees, and all of a sudden hear @Nagash screaming "WHO STOLE MY F******** SCYTHE!!!".
  • I understand the concern of people getting too obsessed with their Freeholds if they are made "too good" with tons of options.

      The key is for Intrepid to provide enough to make them functional & enjoyable with decent customization options, yet still give players incentive to head into the City nodes. I've seen too many MMOs over the years where many major cities looked like ghost towns, no matter how beautiful and well laid out they were.

      Crafting stations within a city, for example, may have some added benefits... especially once the node has reached higher tiers. Perhaps, an increased critical success chance or bonus quantity output. If they implement player shops within a Freehold, then steps should be taken to make running a shop in a city more enticing / profitable. Of course, more foot traffic alone (being in a city) can help in this regard.
  • So I played a game ages ago that there was a wishing well at a cottage that if you threw a coin down, you got a random buff (it wasn't always a positive one either). 

    That would be kind of cool to have on your freehold. People passing by could flip a coin in and maybe you could keep the Goonies down there or something.
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