Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Summoner class pets/minions ideas?

This may have already been asked or explained which would make me just a pleb.... but as a curious mind I would like to know what you all think would be some cool ideas for the minions of the summoner class? 

Like do you think the devs will go with a necromancer feel and be able to summon the undead?

Maybe summon astral spirits or demons?

What do yall think?

(Side note my first summon will be called fluffy if its does turn out to be undead)


  • I don't think we've gotten much info on the summoner class, But I hope they add a cosmetic pack either with in game currency or in their in game shop that will change the look of your summons so instead of the normal summon whatever that maybe you could get skeletons, elementals, animals, flying weapons ect... 
  • Rivest said:
    I don't think we've gotten much info on the summoner class, But I hope they add a cosmetic pack either with in game currency or in their in game shop that will change the look of your summons so instead of the normal summon whatever that maybe you could get skeletons, elementals, animals, flying weapons ect... 
    Oh I hadn't thought about it in that aspect but i think that would be awesome so you could better customize how you think a summoner should be.
  • Tentacles 
  • Great question :0 will depend on the Gods and the word I imagine :0 we don't really know what kind of magic or power it really is yet. 
    Think the only thing that's been mentioned is that it might be more like elemental summons and powers rather than actual animals or 'pets'.
  • Mage + Dwarf gives you a shrinking spell
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 06
    Demons, Undead, Golems, Spirits, Elementals

    those are the most likely ones. Other then that....

    Animals, Dragons, Plants, Humanoids, Machines, Angels, Gods, the physical incarnations of concepts like time and space.......
  • Diura said:
    Great question :0 will depend on the Gods and the word I imagine :0 we don't really know what kind of magic or power it really is yet. 
    Think the only thing that's been mentioned is that it might be more like elemental summons and powers rather than actual animals or 'pets'.
    Thanks for the information, i did read somewhere that some aspects maybe the result of the node you are aligned with. In that regard it would be cool if it was a devine node then you could summon the god of that religion in that devine node.
  • Summoner/Bard. Summons the devil to challenge people to various musical challenges.
  • Karthos said:
    Summoner/Bard. Summons the devil to challenge people to various musical challenges.
    Yes! Break out that fiddle
  • Well this is a great post. I would like a summoner who depending on his choices could have a large variety of minions/summoned. Id be partial to the necromantic as well as the elemental. I just HOPE there is a wide variety of pets to choose from, I get bored with one or three, be awesome for like 12-15 different summoned with differing abilities I know its a coding nightmare but it would be awesome! 
  • Pet Honey Badger. You get one and it does what it wants. It doesn't care if you own it. It doesn't care if you  have a house. It does what it wants. It goes where it wants. It doesn't care.
  • I miss my necro... i want a necro.  i liked how in some games you couldn't even enter some towns as that class though.
  • I may get some hate for this but I was a big fan of the Avatar/elemental system from Final Fantasy XI... Several different avatars that could each be obtained after killing them and elemental spirits that you could get through a scroll that teaches you that spell... once summoned they could remain at your side but cost mana per second to keep out, unless you obtained gear that would reduce the mana cost when kept as pets.. Each one had both defensive/buff/healing abilities as well as offensive/debuff/attack based abilities. Each type of ability (offensive/defensive) we're on separate cool down timers.
  • It'll be great if a summoner/cleric could summon a small avatar of the god he/she represents.
  • Karthos said:
    Summoner/Bard. Summons the devil to challenge people to various musical challenges.
    Summoner/Bards plays the pipes and has hoards of rats and children obeying his/her commands.
  • Summoner/Summoner will be like Rick from Rick and Morty and keep summoning copies of himself from other dimensions. And each copy will have their own summoning device.
  • It'll be great if a summoner/cleric could summon a small avatar of the god he/she represents.
    I would love this idea it would be a cool aspect to further expand on the religion aspect of the game
  • Xolver said:
    It'll be great if a summoner/cleric could summon a small avatar of the god he/she represents.
    I would love this idea it would be a cool aspect to further expand on the religion aspect of the game
    Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing how the religion progression will augment the class skills. Especially for the clerics. 
  • I want to be able to summon Bacon who, when summoned, causes Ashes concept art to dance across the screen of my opponent, rendering them helpless until the effect clears.
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