Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Your thoughts on Mini Games in AoC? Your Thoughts Wanted!

Now, this will most likely not be in game but since the game is still being developed who knows what can happen! With that said, most of you who will read this have played many MMOs so, I would like to know your thoughts on the idea of Mini games with AoC. A simple idea would be a mini game that takes [X] amount of players, puts them into an arena together and the last one standing gets points that they can accumulate over time to get cool cosmetics or items that help with gathering etc... This doesn't have to be PVP orientated, there could be gathering, skilling mini games for you PVE people that can also reward points that you can spend on other unique items or cosmetics. The reason why I used points as currency is because I don't wants RNG slot machine rewards (*Cough WoW Cough*) and with currency you work for the items want. If you guys like the idea hit a like or maybe share a cool Mini Game idea of yours on this post so that maybe the devs can see your idea and draw inspiration from it!


  • I'd be keen on wagering over a game of Senet or Hounds and Jackals at the local tavern.
  • I want mini-games integrated into the bigger game itself. Like how some games have a mini challenge for lockpicking, puzzles for arcane locks, etc. You can even put challenges (e.g. like those connect the pipe challenge) onto NPCs, just as a little side quest and reason for interacting with NPCs.
  • lexmax said:
    I'd be keen on wagering over a game of Senet or Hounds and Jackals at the local tavern.
    I see your wager, and I raise you 50%. Your move.
  • I like the idea of tavern minigames, especially social games whether gambling is involved or not. This would be something people could do when waiting for something else or just kicking back doing something different with friends.
  • One of the kickstarter rewards was tavern games, so we'll see what types they come up with at some point. 
  • Drinking games/contests 
    *Finger crossed

  • betting on mini games would prove to be a surprising resource if players did it well. people will come from all over for the promise to get rich, which will entice many lol. but i wouldnt mind a simple game of chess or chinese chess, wits vs wits is always fun.
  • One of the kickstarter rewards was tavern games, so we'll see what types they come up with at some point. 
    Yeap these will be our mini games and will be nicely immersive to an extent because you'll need to go to your select tavern to play. Architecture of the tavern will also determine the games playable :D
  • Cyreph said:
    I want mini-games integrated into the bigger game itself. Like how some games have a mini challenge for lockpicking, puzzles for arcane locks, etc. You can even put challenges (e.g. like those connect the pipe challenge) onto NPCs, just as a little side quest and reason for interacting with NPCs.
    Aye my words exactly :) You other guys can have board games, thats not really my thing anyway. Let me have the thinkers minigames :)
  • I want huttball. Damn that was fun.

    Okay seriously now. We know that we will have parlour games, so I bet we won't see anything more complex than what we can do inside a tavern. So card games? Cup games? I wouldn't mind a mini pet combat game like Pokemon :p Every tavern could be a gym lol.
  • Rubbish at PvP, but so ooooooo  much love for huttball <3<3
    It was basically 'tag' with fiery death!

    Doesn't mean that there won't be game type events outside though, just that we won't know till we get there. 
    Hide and seek? Does bounty hunting count as a game?

    Target practise, boules/bowling, darts/axe throwing, 3D chess?

  • Fishing with a small chance to find some good loot 
  • Liars dice please I need that game 
  • In-game poker (texas holdem) with in-game money
  • These Ideas are great lol very interesting and simple! hope more people share their ideas
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    dude. it's a stretch goal that we achieved early in the KS.

    I think we might see some really interesting games. like poker and rouletter with AoC twists.
    Slots would be so addictive. 

    What i want to know is if it can be a main facet in a town/metropolis, if it needs to be a specific node (economy makes sense in my mind) although a free hold would be a good income if you were well known on the server.
  • Hide and seek with NPC's or other players within the node. You can't go into buildings and you have a specific range. When you leave that area or you got found, you lose. Every player pays 100$ in-game currency (I don't know the value of the in game currency so that's a example). The winner gets all the money. I think that will be fun!
  • I've never really enjoyed mini-games in MMO's.
  • Darvain said:
    I've never really enjoyed mini-games in MMO's.
    you maybe haven't played the right mini game for you then:o 
  • Racing, and I don't mean getting some random lizard, frog, etc.. I mean where you are the racer, though if you did the breeding frog or lizard races could be cool.
  • For starters just put card games in, I mean ALL the standard deck based card games. Poker, blackjacker, yuker, whatever. It's just a couple hours of coding the rulesets but it creates hundreds (thousands?) of hours of 'content' for the people enjoy those games.


  • Note to self, don't play slapjack with Umji....
  • They need gems for sure as a game.
  • Battle Chess,

    Played outdoors with a chess board the size of players and chess pieces 2/3 size..

    Player v Player in own instanced menu.

    Players movement of pieces is auto animated and passer's in the city by can see the player push the chess piece into play.

    Passer's by can see the moves, and the battles.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Five Finger Fillet! Always a tavern crowd pleaser. :smiley:
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