Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Personal Lore

I hope they have a spot in our character screen where we can type a little lore about ourselves. So others can see it while they scan your inventory to look at gear.


  • Thats a really great idea that would be easy to implement, and I've seen it done in other games.  

    How in depth would you want to see?  Or rather, how much length/character limit?
  • Not exactly sure about character length, but I think short and sweet is the best option. There are some people, like me, who could write entire novels about back stories and players would be sitting there for hours reading it all.

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 11
    The biography window is one of my favorite features in mmorpg's truth be told.
    I'm always a little disappointed when I play one that doesn't have that feature. 

    I tend to read into that as if they are saying, "We don't really care enough about roleplaying gameplay to do something like that."

    In EverQuest 2, I liked checking the Bios of various players I met and enjoyed reading the ones where someone obviously put some effort into creating something interesting.  You often got a feel for someone that way and it made me feel like they were more approachable when initiating a gameplay encounter. 
  • An "in-character" or "RP" flag would be nice too!
    "King Rumbleforge - The wise and slightly intoxicated (RP)"

    Of course, he might just be shit faced and not RPing at all :tongue:

  • lexmax said:
    An "in-character" or "RP" flag would be nice too!
    "King Rumbleforge - The wise and slightly intoxicated (RP)"

    Of course, he might just be shit faced and not RPing at all :tongue:

    It's called "method acting," thank you very much! 

  • Character bios are great! I've always found that the space they provide is usually too little though. 
  • Yes please! 
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