Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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An awesome idea for gear that allows infinite variety, while also allowing challenge for raids.

So us fellas on discord had a little debate, and it stirred something in my brain which led to this awesome epiphany..

"Each piece of gear can be infinitely customized with a stat the player chooses, but only a finite amount of times per reset. the higher tier the gear is, the more chances and a higher stat boost you get.. For example, blue grade gear goes from 40-49 crit where purple grade gear goes from 40-55 crit.

To bring in the challenge for raids, raid gear gets more chances, so a regular blue piece gets 3 or 4 chance to upgrade, before needing a reset to change the stat.. a regular purple gets 5 or 6 chances. etc etc..

Tier 1, or the entry level raid difficulty offers 7 chances.
Tier 2, or the mid level higher raid difficulty offers 10 chances.
Tier 3, or the higher/highest raid difficulty offers 15 chances.

Keep in mind these are examples, but it would allow the player to have complete control over their preference, and help get rid of the BiS meta that many, if not all MMOs have.. It would allow players to just go after their gear once in order to gear up, rather than getting burnt out trying to go for 3 pieces of 16+ slots.. It would also tie in well with the class change mechanic this game is going to have in the process!

Again, this is just a work in progress example between 10 or so of us in Discord, but we all agreed after about 45+ minutes of debating that this sounded insanely good.. 

Variety, freedom of choice, no meta build, no cookie cutter builds, the World will be ever changing, so our gear should be too!

Let me know if you think of anything constructive to contribute, no problem with making good ideas better guys!

Regards, TRC!


  • I concur. 

    This idea seems to have come from the mind of a madman (or genius...unsure), it requires a bit of fleshing out. 

    For a bit of a backstory, a few of us were debating on Best In Slot gear. I for one absolutely hate a game that tells you what your best in slot is. For example FFXIV was like this, if you're a white mage, you go do end-game raiding Turn 1 to 5 (back when I played), and you get Best In Slot gear, which effectively said, if you want to be a white mage you need THIS piece of gear. That works fine for linear style classes in some games, but as this game promises to be unique, and less of a "rollercoaster style" mmo, and more of an open world open styled one, gear should not lock you into this FFXIV BiS kind of style. You should be able to choose a piece of gear and upgrade it so it becomes best in slot for YOUR CHARACTER & PLAYSTYLE. 

    To further clarify this, if you're a Cleric/Cleric, your BiS items may be different to if you're a Cleric/Summoner or Cleric/Bard.  As you might value one stat over another, or maybe hybrid 2 stats. 

    At the end of the day, people are always going to find the perfect item combos and builds that output a maximum DPS, and people will always jump the bandwagon and follow that build and item combo, but at least it was player created, rather than a game dropping a pre-determined "Best in Slot" item.

    That's where the idea came from, and if you can get your head around the explanation from the OP, that's the proposed solution to the problem. 
  • Don't hate me please but to misquote Galaxy Quest, could you describe it to me, as you would to a child?

    "Each piece of gear can be infinitely customized with a stat the player chooses, but only a finite amount of times per reset. 
    Eh? What do you mean by a reset when it comes to armor?

    [ERROR 404]
  • Need clarification of chance* and reset* means. Or why there are tiers of gear that only seem specific to raids?

    Why random gambles and RNG systems overlap?

    No mention of set bonus or crafted perk materials/salvage.

    I understand the appreciation of choice but with no bound items anything not wanted could be traded for something else desired. Opening up player interaction.
  • Chance means you get 10 chances until you have to reset.. No RNG involved.. The chances are 100% and the cost to reset stays the same, thus giving infinite choice to every player.

  • In terms of resetting, let's say you change your sub class, and the stats you have on your gear don't work with it, you can then pay an NPC to reset the chances from 10/10 to 0/10 and choose the stats you want for your ease of play with the new class.
  • Thankyou for responding :)

    I have to apologize, I have brain damage that affects my comprehension and cognition, so I can get easily confused by difficult subjects.

    How I understand your idea so far:

    Everyone gets basic blank armor items without stats attached. 

    You pick which stat you would like to focus on for each item when equipping, ie focus on 'Avoidance' or 'Energy' or 'Vigor' 

    ... but that's where I'm still getting lost.....

    You talk of chances.... but haven't explained chances of what....

    My assumption is chances of a crit... but how exactly does that work with the resetting, do you have to roll to get a fixed stat when applying the armor, does it change each time of battle?

    When I said, please explain it as if to a child I was kind of hoping you'd re-explain the whole idea, after all, if it's a fabulous idea I'd rather not have to dismiss  it  out of hand because it's explanation is a little too complex to get my head around. 

    Thanks again. 

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    This system while apparently flexible is a selfish system that nullifies crafting legitimacy and seems by design an attempt to improve an "End Game" raid loot system based on a single player experience.

    over-convenience can be counter productive to the  longevity on an MMO.

    I would prefer a stat selection adjusted by appropriate crafting professions provided by player to player interactions.

    And the potency/rarity of stats effected by item durability and craftsmanship.

    All augmented by global* materials and loot.

    The term chance* implies a random event.

  • Ah I'm at work so can't check out my notes at home but I believe the craft system for gear already allows you control over your stats to an extent because intrepid want players gear to reflect their play style not - what is needed for this raid/dungeon. I think it's similar as to what @Whocando has mentioned in which stats augment depend on the crafters ability and trade field. 
  • Could be interesting, but I think devs have said that best gear will come from a combination of crafting and raiding.  Potentially raiding for materials that are used to craft items.  Crafters will then have "dials" that they can use to fine-tune how they craft an item.

    It sounds like it will be up to the crafters to figure out what the market needs and what they want, as well as establish themselves as the go-to person for customized gear for players.
  • I fail to see how the system proposed in this thread would kill cookiecutter builds. The only thing that can pervent people from seeking the best build possible is to ban damage meters.
  • If the game gear was only based on dropped gear off mobs/raids it might be a good idea but i do believe that Ashes is leaning more towards gear being crafted (even end game gear) I don't think it really fits this game
  • I think this also assumes that people will be changing secondary classes frequently.
    But as a general question regarding this:

    What's wrong with having 'set' gear?

    As somebody who wants to focus more on crafting, if the crafters/artisans are the only ones able to tune/re-tune weapons, what's wrong with going to one to have your gear altered?  The "infinite variety" knob and in-game system in that regard just happens to be another player.  And higher level gear being based on the raid drop and artisan level sounds like the perfect system to me.

    I also think other games have basically ruined gear.  I don't think there should be "tier" gear or whatnot.  There should just be "gear".  I shouldn't need the game to tell me which piece of gear is "common" versus "rare".  If everybody has it, then it's common.  If it's harder to get, probably rare.  If I've only seen one, then it's definitely unique!

    There will definitely be a best-in-slot type system, but it will also be relative to the content you wish to do as well as the class/role/secondary-role you have AND the artisans available to actually make some of it.  That alone will have more combinations than you can shake a stick at!
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