
Hello! Wistian here!

I'm Wistian.  I'm 9 and I like coding and computer games.

I'm quite excited about Ashes of creation. This will be the first MMO that I'll get to play. I'm excited to play with my family members that I know and love. 


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    Welcome to the community!
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    Thanks! I really appreciate your welcome!
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    Heh heh, Welcome @Wistian, behave yourself here :wink:
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    Wow. You're nine and you can code? Thats some talent ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
    Lol anyways, welcome! xD

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    Welcome @Wistian! Hope to see you around and have some great chats :)
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    Welcome! I wish I could code when I was 9  :o
    Actually, I'm more envious that you'll be able to play MMOs at such a young age  B)
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    your 9 and you code? I ate mud at 9
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    Solarion said:
    Welcome! I wish I could code when I was 9  :o
    Actually, I'm more envious that you'll be able to play MMOs at such a young age  B)
    Well, he'll be 11 when the game comes out.

    But I remember watching him circle strafe when he was 6.  :D
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    Welcome young one!  Very impressive that you can code.  I've played with some great young people over the years and most came on board with families!
    Again welcome!  
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    Welcome to the forums Wistian
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    Why do have a star wars flashbacks 
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    Heh heh, Welcome @Wistian, behave yourself here :wink:
    *chuckle*  I'm not sure @Wistian is the one we need to worry about behaving.  :P
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    nagash said:
    Why do have a star wars flashbacks 
    Indeed.  We'll have to keep an eye on this youngling.
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    Well, I played a half MMO, it was called ROBLOX.
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    I wish I had started programming at your age. I'd be a lot further down with my career by now.  Welcome to Ashes. 
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    If anyone was wondering, i don't regret eating mud and I wish I could go back to those days. If I did that now... The responses i'd get ...
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    Don't let peer pressure crush your dreams. You go eat that mud, we're all behind you.
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    Simple, I like it.
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    Wistian said:
    I'm Wistian.  I'm 9 and I like coding and computer games.

    I'm quite excited about Ashes of creation. This will be the first MMO that I'll get to play. I'm excited to play with my family members that I know and love. 

    I'm so very happy to have you here! You sound awesome and brilliant. 

    We need a few more young people here to make us all feel so very, very old :D

    You don't know yet, but trust me, feeling old is a wonderful thing. *sagenod* :)

    Welcome to the forums.  *arranges a party for @Wistian*

    I actually mean that, after all, it's you and others your age who are going to inherit this wonderful thing, anything we can do to make it better for you, just say. 

    Cyreph said:
    But I remember watching him circle strafe when he was 6.  :D
    *Sobs and wanders off to apply  some wrinkle cream*

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    A very warm welcome! Feel free to ask us whatever comes into your mind.
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