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I am going to...

Turn the ReaperOfCookies into a cookie with the wand of many things. 
You just wait, every time I see him running by-I will use it until I achieve this goal. I am emailing the devs now to make sure that it will be possible to make cookies out of the wand of many things just because of Reaper. It will be a grand sight. 

PS: I can't for the life of me figure out how to tag him in this from this phone. Bleh


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    After I finally accomplish this. I will try to make sure to turn objects into cookies to gift him. Because the ReaperOfCookies not only deserves to be a cookie for a day, he deserves cookies too. 
    Thanks, that is all.
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    Poor poor reaper
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    That TOTALLY isn't what I thought you were going to say.

    I totally thought you were going to say, "I am going to....  narfle the garthok."

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    Hide all the chips.
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    What was the name of that thing they said on the live cast? Pac Sun? Pac 10? PacPuc?
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    Saeyo, are you being mean?  :( lol
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    Kalilinux said:
    Saeyo, are you being mean?  :( lol
    No way! I think it would be a great honor if devs put cookies in the game on the behalf of Reaper. Lol
    I get a kick out of his sigs. They have made me laugh almost every time. So, when I saw them talking about the wand of many things-turning objects and people in things, colors, giving them tails and whatnot-I thought: "Cookies!"
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    That would be pretty awesome, actually. Lol
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Yeah, I think it would be hilarious. Then, everyone could give Reaper cookies. 

    It'd be just as hilarious to see a giant cookie running by named @ReaperOfCookies
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    Excuse me, because I've had some drinks, but your signature is hypnotic and I must have stared at it for 2 minutes before I realized it was a 1sec loop. 
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    Karthos said:
    Excuse me, because I've had some drinks, but your signature is hypnotic and I must have stared at it for 2 minutes before I realized it was a 1sec loop. 

    Lol thanks. Yeah, size limits won't let me do much more than that. 
    I thought it was a cool gif, though
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    Sozia said:
    Jealous.. arg hah
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    Lmao that's freaking funny
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    I clicked on this thinking awww someone's made a holiday thread to tell everyone where they are off too for their holidays xD cos it's summer time xD
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    P.s I bet there will be an transform into a frog so please if you see me *waves wand*
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    Haha I imagine most people thought that. 
    I'll surely try my best to turn you into a frog if I see you. There's been a few mmos with that in play.
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    Haha I imagine most people thought that. 
    I'll surely try my best to turn you into a frog if I see you. There's been a few mmos with that in play.
    That'll make me the happiest player on the server xD
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    The idea kind of horrifies me, as someone could make me "human" .....
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    :cookie::cookie::cookie:  <- Reap that
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    :cookie::cookie::cookie:  <- Reap that
    I wil ;)

    Turn the ReaperOfCookies into a cookie with the wand of many things. 
    You just wait, every time I see him running by-I will use it until I achieve this goal. I am emailing the devs now to make sure that it will be possible to make cookies out of the wand of many things just because of Reaper. It will be a grand sight. 

    PS: I can't for the life of me figure out how to tag him in this from this phone. Bleh

    Funniest thing I've read all day (though I just woke up..)
    But I'll allow this xD Cookies everyday? Hell yes! And if they put my name into the game it would be a great honor. 
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    @GMSteven So, can we have cookies? Maybe we could call them 'Reaper's', instead of cookies. Then we would all know they are his cookies. Lol
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