Dev Easter Eggs, will it be in the game?

Do you think they will put in Easter eggs that represent each of the dev team later on when the games finished? like one where Stevens got a bug catching net and is running trying to catch is wallet or a reference to what they have done in the past? it'd be interesting and funny to see what they come up with!


  • Knowing the team working on the game I would change the question to how many Easter eggs will be in the game
  • The hunt for the ice cream truck is on!!
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    So true cant wait to see what they come up with : D
  • Huge vanity statue of Steven in game that has water pouring out of strategic places. ie. it leaks.
  • Huge vanity statue of Steven in game that has water pouring out of strategic places. ie. it leaks.
  • I'm hoping some of the players that get to choose npc names throw some Easter eggs into the game.
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