Are classes Genderlock??
Lateley there are many games, that have lots of genderlocked clases, and i like to have the freedom to chose the sex of my character, in the wizard video i only see female wizard, is going to be male wizard too? i hope yes.
Or just to force a perspective I guess not really sure in totality it just seems like an arbitrary restriction.
I enjoy the freedom however to let anyone be anything, but there's something cool about restrictions because of lore in my opinion.
** Yes, I know they Night Elves had used arcane magic in ancient times. But they had banned its use. Now, it's being allowed again? Just wrong.
If it has reasonable premise like that I usually let it slide too. Or a story has a main hero whose a certain gender sure it's a part of the story changing it's basically slapping people who wrote it in the face. Limiting for the sake of doing so is a bit bigoted though.