Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Opinion on how each class should function

I'm curious on what you guys think about how the classes should work. I'll be sharing my opinions on how the classes should work within the game. I'll be adding sub class combinations slowly.Will be updating the thread as I think of new thoughts to add. As of right now, I'll start with the main classes.



Defense capability: Strong Defense and very hard to kill.
Offensive capability: moderately lower compared to other damage classes, main purpose is to lock down targets but can manage it's self damage wise in solo play.
Mobility capability: Should have a few options to close the distance.


Defense capability: Should have some life steal or shield deplete mechanic to make them keep up with their offensiveness. Slightly more HP/DEF base than rogue.
Offensive capability: Solid melee damage and hard CC options(depends how you build)
Mobility capability: A few gap closers and should have a CC break ability.

Defense capability: Stealth is one of their key defensive and offensive options. Evasion is another option to their defense.
Offensive capability:Solid melee damage with DoT damage.(Bleeds and poison)
Mobility capability:Possibly having dash skills that have the option to use it as escape or disengage. But shouldn't have too many options to run away since they have stealth.


Defense capability: Squishy but has options to kite enemies away.
Offensive capability:Great ranged magic damage and hard CC from abilities( Ice, possibly elemental CC traps)
Mobility capability: Teleporting should be its main option to escaping danger.


Defense capability:Mobility should be one of their defenses. Maybe even have invisible trap mechanics to deal with melees?
Offensive capability:Great long range damage  and possible a melee skill or two to protect themselves from melee. (Push kick into a backflip?)
Mobility capability: Should be up there with rogue but have their own unique twist. Maybe they should have a backflip while shooting their own bow as a skill for disengage.


Defense capability: Possible have a skill that creates a zone of bones in a circle that lock people in. I feel like your summons should play a role in your defense and your offense. They should have a passive shield that reduces damage based on how long you are and can be depleted when damaged enough.
Offensive capability: besides your summons being offensive, they should long range CC. Summons should be the main focus of this class and  should require a lot of micro management to handle this class.
Mobility capability: I feel like they should have one close the distance or get away. I feel like mobility and squishyness should be their weakness.


Defense capability: Besides their heals, they should have utility spells that give short timed buffs that give great amount of defense, attack or etc. This will be nice change instead of having a 30 minute buff that's pretty decent and makes the player to choose wisely about using the skill compared to just using it because it lasts for 30 minutes. Don't get me wrong, you can have those in the game but have the short timed ones as well.
Offensive capability:Not as great compared to other DPS classes, should be able to manage it's self in solo play DPS wise. Also should have a decent about of CC abilities.
Mobility capability: They should have a decent skill to close the distance or engage, but not as great compared to other classes since their strength is else where.


Defense capability: I believe they should be a bit more tanky compared to  clerics but doesn't heal as much as clerics. They should have a similar short timed buffs as cleric.
Offensive capability:Should be slightly lower compared other DPS classes but should have debuffs and offensive buffs that make up for that.
Mobility capability:I feel like they should have one close the distance or get away. I feel like mobility and slight squishyness should be their weakness.


  • Isn't this kinda the usual/pro forma description we see for these classes? Not to knock you, but I'm not seeing anything really earth-shattering. I do have a question, though, on your cleric suggestion: you state "Not as great compared to other DPS classes ..." but I don't think the cleric is really being seen as deeps, is it?

    Or'd I miss something?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    I liked your videos on youtube. very helpful.
  • I'm curious on what you guys think about how the classes should work. I'll be sharing my opinions on how the classes should work within the game. I'll be adding sub class combinations slowly.Will be updating the thread as I think of new thoughts to add. As of right now, I'll start with the main classes.
    That's pretty close to what I'd consider the classes to be as a first cut. As you mention, many of the interesting augments will come from secondary class combinations.
  • Yeah, these descriptions look pretty generic.
    Need to theorycraft utilities, like trap disarm and unlocking doors for Rogues.
    And decipher script and disenchanting arcane locks for Mages.

    But, it's a great idea - you can always revise later.

  • Isende said:
    Isn't this kinda the usual/pro forma description we see for these classes? Not to knock you, but I'm not seeing anything really earth-shattering. I do have a question, though, on your cleric suggestion: you state "Not as great compared to other DPS classes ..." but I don't think the cleric is really being seen as deeps, is it?

    Or'd I miss something?

    I'm saying that for the people they want to go damage on a cleric.
    Who knows if it'll be viable but clerics typically don't do damage like that.

  • It seem pretty standard for the most part I do hope they stick a little closer to what you said about tank dps though. Typically games end up making the tank nothing but a wall and useless for any damage past tickling a bunny. I'd like to see the mixes be very unique when they run it through the testing phases.
  • I hope Clerics get some neat utilities.
     It always bugged me that their heals somehow get categorized as utility, while mages get all these cool utility spells in addition to their cannons.

  • Dygz said:
    Yeah, these descriptions look pretty generic.
    Need to theorycraft utilities, like trap disarm and unlocking doors for Rogues.
    And decipher script and disenchanting arcane locks for Mages.

    But, it's a great idea - you can always revise later.

    I've made it generic for the main classes so, that the sub classes add that extra kick to fill the void in the play style that the player wants. I have my theories on how the sub classes will work but I'd make it balanced in the sense to where there is counterplay and actually useful for players to use. I'll be putting out my ideas for sure though.

    Btw love the podcasts that you was in.
  • Macro tracking or micro management? I am completely against having to use macros to be viable

     I'd prefer that tanks control the battlefield more then the fighter gives tanks more usefulness then just getting aggro and sitting there

  • Macro tracking or micro management? I am completely against having to use macros to be viable

     I'd prefer that tanks control the battlefield more then the fighter gives tanks more usefulness then just getting aggro and sitting there

    Sorry about that, meant micro management.
  • Sorry about that, meant micro management.
    /say What?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Pyreal said:
    I hope Clerics get some neat utilities.
     It always bugged me that their heals somehow get categorized as utility, while mages get all these cool utility spells in addition to their cannons.

    Since mages have some interaction with the terrian it'll be nice to see clerics possible create terrian such as holy panels or holy stairs to access areas better. 
  • Hmm. It seems each class has its role,flavour to play a part in the dungeons. Party of 8?
    Their roles in dungeon and sieges and PvE "situations" i wonder about most.
    Especially the diffrence between a Paladin (tank/cleric) and a cleric/tank  playstyle f.e.
    I hope they give some extra new flavour to teh classes then just "traditional" roles.
  • @Isende
    The devs have hinted that Clerics won't just be standing in the back healing.
    Seems like they're wanting Clerics to be more like they are in D&D... capable of dealing considerable damage.
  • The defence/survivability of the class should also take into consideration the amount of crowd control or debuffs (inaccuracy, slow attacks) that's available to the class. 

    Speaking of bards, it'll be nice if they could translate lore\language based locks\puzzles. 

    Friesian said:
    Hmm. It seems each class has its role,flavour to play a part in the dungeons. Party of 8?
    Their roles in dungeon and sieges and PvE "situations" i wonder about most.
    Especially the diffrence between a Paladin (tank/cleric) and a cleric/tank  playstyle f.e.
    I hope they give some extra new flavour to teh classes then just "traditional" roles.

    The difference in playstyle of a tank/cleric and a cleric/tank would be pretty significant no?

    Steven has mentioned that the secondary classes only adds an augment and a "flavour" to the primary skills.  e.g. fighter has a skill that charges in to battle, fighter/mage might end up teleporting into battle instead. 

    So the Tank primary will have a lot of cleric flavoured tank skills, quite possibly with some self heals sprinkled in. While the Cleric tank will still be mainly healing the party, but the heals could come with some nice damage mitigation tagged on to the heals (like having addtional damage wards on the heals etc.)

  • lexmax said:
    Sorry about that, meant micro management.
    /say What?
    Hes referring to this

    "Offensive capability: besides your summons being offensive, they should long range CC. Summons should be the main focus of this class and  should require a lot of micro management to handle this class."
  • lexmax said:
    Sorry about that, meant micro management.
    /say What?
    Hes referring to this

    "Offensive capability: besides your summons being offensive, they should long range CC. Summons should be the main focus of this class and  should require a lot of micro management to handle this class."
    What I wrote was a macro. Sorry, it was a dumb joke.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    I hope they give us a little bit more freedom.
    Not like: cleric is a healer, and they can't be built to be one of main dpses or one of main tanks.
    I want rogues to be able to sacrifice dps and become evasion tanks. Clerics to be able to sacrifice heals and become dps casters or melee dpses or tanks etc.

    I believe every class should have the possibiity to be whatever they want to be, but shouldn't be able to do everything at the same time.

    DDO did that. ESO did that a little bit too. 
  • Classes should be more or less guides for people. They provide boosts in respective areas, but other than that, let people play as they want.
  • Kasyee said:
    I hope they give us a little bit more freedom.
    Not like: cleric is a healer, and they can't be built to be one of main dpses or one of main tanks.
    I want rogues to be able to sacrifice dps and become evasion tanks. Clerics to be able to sacrifice heals and become dps casters or melee dpses or tanks etc.

    I believe every class should have the possibiity to be whatever they want to be, but shouldn't be able to do everything at the same time.

    DDO did that. ESO did that a little bit too. 

    Not that i disapprove, but don't you think there needs to be some structure. Classes need to be more than just how someone plays their character.
  • Kasyee said:
    I hope they give us a little bit more freedom.
    Not like: cleric is a healer, and they can't be built to be one of main dpses or one of main tanks.
    I want rogues to be able to sacrifice dps and become evasion tanks. Clerics to be able to sacrifice heals and become dps casters or melee dpses or tanks etc.

    I believe every class should have the possibiity to be whatever they want to be, but shouldn't be able to do everything at the same time.

    DDO did that. ESO did that a little bit too. 

    I'm half with you on that. My only concern is that the arguments against this would lead to kinda the same arguments as the arguments against people being able to switch primary class/roles in a game.

    I wouldn't mind being able a make a slightly more dps focused cleric, but I wouldn't personally like a Cleric that's a pure dps. That would belong to one of the "DPS Primary\Cleric Secondary " type classes I hope.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Kasyee said:
    I hope they give us a little bit more freedom.
    Not like: cleric is a healer, and they can't be built to be one of main dpses or one of main tanks.
    I want rogues to be able to sacrifice dps and become evasion tanks. Clerics to be able to sacrifice heals and become dps casters or melee dpses or tanks etc.

    I believe every class should have the possibiity to be whatever they want to be, but shouldn't be able to do everything at the same time.

    DDO did that. ESO did that a little bit too. 
    Im pretty sure you can sacrifice some heals for dps skills since you won't be able to get all the skills for your main class.
  • Kasyee said:
    I hope they give us a little bit more freedom.
    Not like: cleric is a healer, and they can't be built to be one of main dpses or one of main tanks.
    I want rogues to be able to sacrifice dps and become evasion tanks. Clerics to be able to sacrifice heals and become dps casters or melee dpses or tanks etc.

    I believe every class should have the possibiity to be whatever they want to be, but shouldn't be able to do everything at the same time.

    DDO did that. ESO did that a little bit too. 
    Im pretty sure you can sacrifice heals for dps skills since you won't be able to get all the skills for your main class.

    Taken from the lazypeon Q&A with the devs. Notes from


    Class Structure:

    Secondary class doesn’t come with new actives, instead it comes with augments.

    1. You can double down on your archetype and make yourself better at that specific role

    2. Or you can choose Fighter/Rogue and add a stealth augment to your rush skill.

    • Normal fighter might charge in and do damage with a knockdown

    • Fighter/Rogue when you activate the rush, you go stealth and you reappear when you reach the target.

  • Subtle change to your primary class that reflects your secondary

  • If you choose Fighter/Tank you would be a tanky fighter

    If you went Tank/Cleric you could have augments that let you sustain yourself in combat, Paladin class.

    1. Can’t heal party, can heal self


    I think you just augment your primary class actives and the changes will be subtle. It doesn't look like it'll be as extreme as removing heals from the healing primary class, more like having additional abilities to those heals. Perhaps the total healing will be reduced with a more offensive augment, but to lose healing and go full dps/tank sounds unlikely to me.