Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Malicious Intent [NA] Hardcore PvP | Discord | Structured & Organized | Non-Carebear |

ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
edited June 2017 in North American Guilds

: Malicious Intent

Guild Events Times: Nightly PST
Age Requirements: 18+ Our humor can be considered offensive to quite a few
Requirements: See below
Guild Streamers: Samsta (, Yuber (, Cryy (

Malicious Intent is a community of like minded individuals who seek to enjoy games and other subcultures for what they truly are; all the while upholding the age old saying, "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well". Our brash yet ambitious atmosphere has led us to be notoriously labeled as "trolls" and "ne'er do wells" by others in the games we've played, to which we gladly accept this behumbling and honorable title. The joy and friendships made through our adventures have forged bonds that will last a lifetime, and at the end of the day that's all that really matters. Whether you wish to join or hate us, Malicious Intent will strive strong, tongue-in-cheek, and let the good times roll.

We also enjoy making movies of our nonsense, feel free to browse through our youtube channel to see how we generally are/get a feel for the vibe we work with. A notable group of our current roster is coming from Black Desert Online, ArcheAge, and Revelation Online. We were a major force that ranked #2 out of 3000+ guilds, and every guild knew us as "THAT" guild in BDO. We prided ourselves on having the most fun out of any guild on the server because of our outlook and playstyle, while still being a dominating force in both PvP and PvE related content.

Our plan for Ashes of Creation is simple. Be the best guild on the server, no discussion necessary. We'll also be sure to let EVERYONE know about it in the process of course. Castle Sieges/Arena Domination/Battlegrounds/PvE Content, even just general camaraderie. We'll be the best at all of it, so while you aren't allowed to "talk smack because it causes drama", we'll be tearing up in laughter, having friendly banter like the best of friends do, and of course, loving every single moment of it.

Some notable features that set us apart from the million other cookie cutter guilds out there are:
  • In-house PvP system
    • each week we hold a Guild Only PvP Tournament. This is your typical elimination style tournament of various team sizes (1v1, 3v3, 5v5, prizes can range from various in-game goods to even nonsense like having your own "segment" in a video about you)
    • This is to develop and improve general PvP skills between members, as well as 
    • bolster the competitive nature that many of our members have
  • Structured Squad System
    • When you join the guild we encourage you to join with friends to set up a "squad".
    • Squads work in tandem during PvP events to control/flank areas
    • Each Squad chooses it's own captain, and each have their own requirement (all have gear checks, some require you to trash talk, some require you to deadlift 500+ lbs)
  • Guild Events
    • As we all know, the general game can get rather stale rather quickly, which is why some guild events we often have are
      • Random topic guild trivia for prizes
      • Stream Sniping as a guild (typically we stream snipe the most popular streamer on the server, and whoever kills him first gets a prize)
      • Hide and seek
      • Video filming nights (wanna be in a video?)
      • Guild Movie Night, generally we have someone set up a stream and as an entire guild we watch great family movies like "A Serbian Film", "Human Centipede", "120 Days of Sodom", and many more great classics! (Sometimes we watch stupid stuff like Wall-e and Lion King)
      • and anything else you think might be fun!
  • Likeminded friends for other games
    • Need friends to throw matches in LoL, Overwatch, CSGO? We got you
    • Got a master plan to upset every guild on the server BESIDES us? We got you.
  • Are you Fat IRL? Are you aware?
    • Ask our guild fitness instructors for health advice! (Oddly and purely by coincidence we have 4 certified instructors)
    • Each fitness instructor can help you get the body you always dreamed of, while still being a pro gamer

Let us be formally clear on this. We do not have many rules. For the most part ANYTHING goes. However things like posting NSFW images in the wrong specified channel on discord , Griefing our own guild members, blatant hacking, member disrespect; will get you a warning, and if not corrected will result in being kicked immediately.
We are a troll guild, but we still have thieves honor. Treat your brothers in arms with respect, and in turn you will have it as well.
  • If you are looking to join the guild you must be first and foremost be okay/interested in constant PvP Action. In order for us to claim that "Number 1" title, we actively seek to poke the giants on our server with the biggest sticks possible, as well we constantly try cause problems for them in whatever way shape or form possible (abiding the games rules of course). This behavior generally makes them like us a lot. As such you will most likely be under attack or ganked constantly while playing. If this is not your playstyle, or if you are not okay with that, we suggest you join a more care-bear oriented guild.

  • As stated previously, we play this first and foremost as a GAME, as such we will be trying to have as much fun possible by any means necessary for ourselves.
  • Having thick skin is necessary. If you do not agree with our playstyle or general attitude we suggest you join [insert -generic guild with no drama allowed- here] as they are most likely still recruiting.
  • Discord for PvP Events (this is an obvious one for active PvP engagements/Castle Sieges)
Application Process
  • Read over the rules
  • Head to the website and check it out.
  • Join our discord and send a message to Yuber#5428


  • Best guild NA!
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Is this the same Malicious Intent from BDO? Hello from the Veritas crew <3

    Had fun farming you guys when you spewed racism, sexism, and bigotry. I know its your "thing", no need to remind me.

    Our 1v1

    Your alliance

    The last war before you disbanded and left the server. Apparently you did the same recently on Revelation Online against Malice etc. Then you blamed the game and trash talked the devs. 

    You were never #2 in anything besides your own made-up definition. On the rankings you never made it past the 3rd page (rank 100+) and in Revelation you quit within a month, leading to multiple reddit threads calling you out for running away.

    I only made this post because you started trash talking in our thread first, but like you said, you live for this stuff. To each their own, but if we see you attacking women or race again we will do the same as above.

    See you in-game.

  • Now this looks worthwhile.
  • Uhhhhhhhhhhhh *w00pw00p*
  • Oh boiii
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017

    You were never #2 in anything besides your own made-up definition. On the rankings you never made it past the 3rd page (rank 100+) and in Revelation you quit within a month, leading to multiple reddit threads calling you out for running away.

    BDO ("You never made it past the 3rd page in BDO")  :^)

    Revelation Online ("In Revelation you quit within a month, leading to multiple reddit threads calling you out for running away")  :^)

    People were soo tilted by our success, they even made this  :^)  (Revelation Online)

    As well, if you still play RO, Feelancer, then the joke is on you. To find out why 90% of the playerbase quit/were banned, here's a video for you to watch :^). Thanks for the EZ views by the way.

    More  :^)

    Just a heads up, Freelancer, we accept your meme. We look forward to FRIENDLY and PRODUCTIVE battles in Ashes :smile:

    By the way, to find why everyone thinks Freelancer is a great guy/guild leader, check this out. :wink:

    GG EZ

    Also to add on a serious note, neither I nor Samsta have ever said racist/sexist shit. However, because we are a guild that actually allows people to be themselves/human beings, we can't control what people say nor would we ever want to. You are defining the actions of a few, and labeling it as our entire group. LUUL

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Anyone who's played either game can tell you posting screenshots of rankings of beta and/or the first weeks of the game hardly counts. Hell your first ss, there weren't even node wars yet. People were still leveling.

    Here is just a week after your shot.

    Or we can take this classy ranking from our Orwen dude that posted the results from the first sieges and node wars.

    Look at the bottom if you missed it.

    Even the other trolly guilds started making memes out of you guys. I mean ffs thats LaughingCoffin. 

    Looks to me like you posted a fresh screenshot of week 1 in relevations too, unless guilds cap at level 2? Im not sure. (I legit dont know, rev was an awful game we avoided)

    Also to add on a serious note, neither I nor Samsta have ever said racist/sexist shit. 

    Then there must have been more than one Malicious Intent. The only reason we went after and farmed your guild was because of that nonsense, and the stream sniping. We didn't randomly dec and farm guilds for no reason.

    Anyway, free bumps for your thread.

    Just a heads up, Freelancer, we accept your meme. We look forward to FRIENDLY and PRODUCTIVE battles in Ashes smile

    Touche. All these memes aside this will lead to some fun pvp.


    Come join the guild.
  • Hello.
    The Discord link is timed out. 
    I would like to speak to an officer or GM is possible. Send me a valid discord or pm please. 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Kyler said:
    The Discord link is timed out. 
    I would like to speak to an officer or GM is possible. Send me a valid discord or pm please. 

    I just updated the Discord link. Send me a message once you're in.
  • Still recruiting.
  • Still recruiting. As well, here's the newest piece of MI Artwork. If you're a weeb, you're welcome with us.

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Seems like the website ( is down.
  • Gawerty said:
    Seems like the website ( is down.
    Probably overloaded from the epeen weight
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2017
    New MI art. Also still recruiting!

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    Freelancer calling someone else toxic.... priceless 

    In any event, I heard from someone that used to be in this guild that the guild (MI) broke up. I see that all of Samsta's you tube videos have been removed and his account banned so not sure I would count on MI for a large guild presence in this game. 
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