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[REE] Squirtle Squad - PvX HC| Arena Teams | Girls | Memes

ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
edited September 2018 in North American Guilds

Guild Name: 
Squirtle Squad 

Guild Tag: [REE]

Focus: PvX | MEMES | Crafting

Guild Masters:StabmanMcStabneyRogue

Timezone: EST/PST/EU

Contacts:  @tempy

Age requirement: Above 14 in may btw, but under 69. 

Who We Are
We're a hardcore gaming guild aiming to make a name in small scale PVP and dungeons. We like to more consider ourselves as a merc guild.  We're all memers aiming to have a fun time in AoC and rack up a nice KDA. You're a meme, i'm a meme, this is a meme...... everything is a meme.

We like the idea of "have fun, make money and kick butt". 

Why Join us?
Idk. We're cool people, will most likely kill many people and make lots of memes.

Is roleplay allowed : D?
ahhhh no


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