Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Number of characters per account and is account local to only one server?

ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
edited 2017 24 in Forum and Discord Help
I have asked in other forums about the number of characters an account holder can create per account, per server. Also had a question on how many servers can one account access. meaning if I start out on server A, would I be able to go to server B if I didn't like the community at server A. But at the same time can one account play on multiple servers with just one subscription? Or is this make one character, one account per server and you're stuck with it or left having to delete it after finding you don't like the class, role, and or server for whatever reason?


  • We will be able to make more then one avatar (five or so range?) and they will be able to be on more then one server. Not sure about transferring to other servers. 
  • Where was this information posted? I couldn't seem to find any information about the number of characters one could create. A lot about a main and sub main of a character's class and role.
  • Because we are a year and a half plus away from the number hasn't been set in stone.  I have seen quotes from the devs on the number of avatars around the forums. I don't think the forums are searchable still. 
  • Okay thanks for what you know it is helpful to me. I craft as it is a better way to gap gear over and other method in a mmos I have ran across. Would really like an answer more definitive before buying in this June. But thanks just the same. :-)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 24
    Robo said:
    I have asked in other forums about the number of characters an account holder can create per account, per server. Also had a question on how many servers can one account access. meaning if I start out on server A, would I be able to go to server B if I didn't like the community at server A. But at the same time can one account play on multiple servers with just one subscription? Or is this make one character, one account per server and you're stuck with it or left having to delete it after finding you don't like the class, role, and or server for whatever reason?
    from what we can gather so far, you can have multiple characters, exact numbers arn't know yet, and you will be able to have another character on a different server, seeing it's so early in development character transvers hasn't really been touched on as of yet. 
  • @Robo hopefully someone who better answers will show up soon... and thank you Shunex, wonderfully timely of you. 
  • All is well, if I can create more then just one character. Thanks Sozia and Shunex for shedding some light into my inquiry. Now time to crunch some budget numbers and get this party started. /cheers
This discussion has been closed.