Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What will we craft.

Steve has said that crafting in AOC will be diverse and one of the main foundations of the entire game, but what will we be able to craft, grow, train, breed, conjure or enchant. What are the possibilities?
Will our gear consist of more than just arms and armour, ring necklace etc could there be a possibility of other items that could be part of the gear you carry. How about mounts will they have gear as well saddle bags special shoes that increase speed or some other stat, barding etc all of which could be crafted. Items that increase the strength of a conjurers minions, instruments that give bonuses to bards.
How about magical grappling hooks that allow you to throw them further, lanterns for those classes unable to conjure light as the mage does, potion, scrolls or other items both magical and mundane.
What would people like to be able to craft, what other things would you like to see crafted by us the players?


  • I hope we can craft every item that is in the game, but only if you put loots of effort into geting the recipes.
  • I think almost everything (within reason) will be crafted. Since they intend for a complex, player driven economy in the game (think EVE), its going to mean that the contributions from crafters and the unique resources available from each node will dictate how it will operate. As for limitations, expect anything that is considered super unique to not be craftable. For example, the dragon mount you get for being the owner of a castle will likely not be breedable, but every other animal that has some use and is available in the world likely will be.
  • Over a range of professions (probably on multiple characters) I'd hope to be able to master the arts of crafting: Weapons, Tools, Armor, Consumables (food, beverages), Ammo (arrows etc), Potions/Poisons/Flasks, Maps/Charts, Spells/Scrolls, Enchants/enhancements, Dyes/appearance items, Clothing, Jewelry, Shoes, Furniture & decor, Repair kits, and much more that I can't think of right now.
  • I think they should category crafting.

    The main: Blacksmith, Enchant, Woodworking, Cooking, Alchemy and Clothing.

    For example
    The sub-category for:
    - blacksmith: Weapon, Gear, Furniture
    - enchant: Jewelry, glyphes/runes
    - woodworking: Weapons, furniture, mounts (boats, Caravane)
    - cooking: Food/drink, ...
    - alchemy: Potions, heal- & poison
    - clothing: Gear, gear for mounts, furniture 
  • Just call me Robert Oppenheimer for I craft death ^^
  • I'm sure they said pretty much everything you see is made by the player? xD
    I hope we can craft guild structures together that are functional too ^^
  • For things like housing furniture and armor, I hope we can craft "racially diverse" appearances for these items. 

    We've already started to see that the Freehold housing has racial styles, so I hope that means we can create matching furniture in those styles.   It might help economic trade as well, if you buy and sell styles you don't normally have access too. 
  • For things like housing furniture and armor, I hope we can craft "racially diverse" appearances for these items. 

    We've already started to see that the Freehold housing has racial styles, so I hope that means we can create matching furniture in those styles.   It might help economic trade as well, if you buy and sell styles you don't normally have access too. 
    Damn right I want my mausoleum or crypt for my house 
  • From what I understand it will be possible to craft everything and anything, as has been mentioned above, but I hope crafting professions will be restricted to a certain number per player so as to encourage interaction and cooperation. Whilst I don't have many positive things about the development of the genre of late, I do actually think crafting has been getting better in MMOs and I hope Ashes will prove to be no exception.
  • This page as all the info gathered so far on crafting
  • An idea I had that I think could be cool is the following. Imagine if Boss loot didn't drop, such as you eliminate the idea that these creatures somehow have a mass production of armor that has a chance to drop whenever you defeat them. Instead, they could be tattered and ruined pieces of loot that you have to then reverse engineer to figure out how they are made and of what material.

    Upon figuring it out you can now use future drops to deconstruct and gain materials from it, work to mass produce and sell the loot. With this concept the Boss would always be relevant since they drop loot to craft what you want and said materials could be used in future recipes. 
  • I hope there is a desynthesis skill for each craft as well.  As most have seen, when leveling a craft, a person tends to spam the same item many times, flooding the market and such.  Allowing to desynth at item (usually at a much lower success rate) will prevent this from happening and even make selling otherwise useless items profitable.

    As for limiting the number of crafts per character.  I'm against this because it generally just causes a person to make another character which in my case I hate doing, other don't mind and actually enjoy it.  It also limits the immersion of some crafting recipes (ie making a couch may require both a carpentry skill and a textile skill unless its a hippy beanbag chair).
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Would like to be able to craft attachments for caravans... I can imagine someone attacking a caravan and then they pull off a sheet revealing a huge Ballista or a canon or something.
    Obviously unique and interesting furniture crafting systems. Would be an interesting idea if you could craft specific items with trophies earned from slaying boss monsters or doing very hard quests. Just a little something to show off to your dinner party guests a chair made out of a huge dragon head etc xD
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Completely Tangent but added a bit of flavor to your signature it encase you wanted.

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Perhaps some siege equipment that allows for some interesting siege spells..

    I should add, by requiring casters to channel their mana into the device to amplify it's powers or whatever... kinda like what you see in the Elder Scrolls Online castle siege...

    You could also create defensive shielding in a similar manner to allow for melee to close the gap....mage already has a barrier of sorts... amplify that over a larger area, take the hits for as long as you can keep it up.
  • DarkTides said:
    Perhaps some siege equipment that allows for some interesting siege spells..

    I should add, by requiring casters to channel their mana into the device to amplify it's powers or whatever... kinda like what you see in the Elder Scrolls Online castle siege...

    You could also create defensive shielding in a similar manner to allow for melee to close the gap....mage already has a barrier of sorts... amplify that over a larger area, take the hits for as long as you can keep it up.
    This has already been confirmed. I didn't have the quote about multiple summoners being able to summon a large monster/golem during a siege, but it is out there.

  • Yeah I heard that multiple summoners can summon a monster golem for sieges,at which point, one of the summoners will control it.  Is this accomplished via some crafted piece of siege equipment that allows the summoners to do so?
  • DarkTides said:
    Yeah I heard that multiple summoners can summon a monster golem for sieges,at which point, one of the summoners will control it.  Is this accomplished via some crafted piece of siege equipment that allows the summoners to do so?
    No info released yet.
  • Korchy said:
    I hope there is a desynthesis skill for each craft as well.  As most have seen, when leveling a craft, a person tends to spam the same item many times, flooding the market and such.  Allowing to desynth at item (usually at a much lower success rate) will prevent this from happening and even make selling otherwise useless items profitable.
    If crafter could demolish those items to get back some of the resources (about 25% for example) would help overflooting markets for sure. 
  • DarkTides said:
    Yeah I heard that multiple summoners can summon a monster golem for sieges,at which point, one of the summoners will control it.  Is this accomplished via some crafted piece of siege equipment that allows the summoners to do so?
    Or imagine multiple crafters crafting these huge siege vehicles/weapons and maybe even boats. That would be cool too. 
  • For things like housing furniture and armor, I hope we can craft "racially diverse" appearances for these items. 

    We've already started to see that the Freehold housing has racial styles, so I hope that means we can create matching furniture in those styles.   It might help economic trade as well, if you buy and sell styles you don't normally have access too. 
    Would be interesting if any diversity gets tied to specific materials that are in turn tied to certain regions. This would be a passive pressure to cause certain races to migrate to where their resources are more plentiful.
  • as much as i like the idea of players learning to craft other races style i think they shuldnt.
  • First things first, we gotta craft a new couch for @UnknownSystemError :p

  • Trust me, I can't wait for them to fix signatures.
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