Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Cliques Within Guilds

I just wanted to get some opinions on this.

In the guilds I've been in there is *usually* some form of clique. The only ones these haven't been present in were made solely for close friends who have known each other for a while - often years. In my personal experience in such a guild, everyone had the same status (other than the lead as their "powers" weren't able to be shared). Everyone else was an officer. I thought this showed considerable amount of trust and respect that is extremely hard to find and maintain in games.

Now, this may have been a special case, as this guild was in an MMO that has been slow for years, and we could therefore complete pretty much any content or win in PVP even vs massive zergs in a small group or raid.

BUT I can't help comparing, in some way, the guilds I've been in and the ones I've joined since. As I'm sure most know, in order to stay relevant and active, being a large guild is usually necessary and encouraged...and this is where cliques form. It could be from mutual personalities, mutual interest in the game (crafting, raiding, pvp), etc. However it also limits interaction within the guild, especially for new members who come in not knowing that these cliques exist or how to shove their way into one. In the past, as an officer, I was aware of the cliques I was a part of and actively tried to include new members for this reason.

My question is: are cliques within guilds bad? If so, how do you (as a member/officer/leader) handle them? Or, are they just a necessary part of larger guilds?

Discuss!! \o/


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    You can say that it's a part of being a larger guild. Many people with different mindset as a person that sets foot in a large game make cliques. I have been in many different guilds both large and family small and must say there are difference in the cliques from large to small. To deal with these cliques you must all have a meeting where in the guild you have regions (small groups) that have a  purpose that new and old people can relate to (like a mafia structure, works in real life to). Then you will have minimized the cliques and new players can feel welcome. Also remember in a larger guild you most have some rank seats in every region to maintain the overview. So a fast thought about that 

    Edit version: and yeah cliques can be bad, but can also turn to a strong point if you know how to handle the situation as a guild leader. You can't do it alone tho, so make some good friends that you trust and make them take a part of the cake :smiley:
  • Cliques carry a negative connotation for sure. Any behavior that limits participation with those unfamiliar with a regular group isn't the best idea. But friendships will's just a matter of keeping those relationships open to more people. It takes a certain type of people to pull off, but you can have your cake and eat it, too!
  • I feel it depends largely on how the guild is run and who is invited in. If the guild leader is rarely seen around except in a locked channel with a few of his closest friends, then naturally the guild is going to follow example. But fill your guild with good members who have similar goals and play styles, and they will form friendships and not one of these...
    Image result for mean girls
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Karthos said:
    I feel it depends largely on how the guild is run and who is invited in. If the guild leader is rarely seen around except in a locked channel with a few of his closest friends, then naturally the guild is going to follow example. But fill your guild with good members who have similar goals and play styles, and they will form friendships and not one of these...
    Image result for mean girls
    Damn! If I wasn't in a great community already I'd 100% start a Mean Girls guild and participate in the next guild faire with a super derpy Cali girl-inspired voice, just for the lolz. PVP-only, of course.

    It was a good dream....
  • Karthos said:
    I feel it depends largely on how the guild is run and who is invited in. If the guild leader is rarely seen around except in a locked channel with a few of his closest friends, then naturally the guild is going to follow example. But fill your guild with good members who have similar goals and play styles, and they will form friendships and not one of these...
    One of the things I enjoy most about our guild is, most of us will talk to pretty much anyone. And the ones who don't talk so much? They're awesome at what they do do, and they're all for supporting others. It's a really superb synergy that we work very hard to maintain.  So, in other words? Tots agree with ya.

    I seem to do that quite frequently. 
  • When leading guilds I didn't expect everyone to get along. I knew some people due to play styles, times of play, level etc will get along more with some then others. I did expect people to be polite. If someone said hello then I expected at least a few people to respond. I expected polite behavior, I always had guild where there were people who were willing to help out others. I expected guildies to help each other and those being helped to be appreciate the help. I feel that you can hate someone and still be on your best manners around them. 

    I always felt that we were there to help each other. So even if I had a group I preferred to run about with I also tried very hard to be welcoming and supportive of everyone. 
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