Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Addon or mods programming?

Will there be any way to make addons? I am mostly interested in crafting enhancements like bookkeeping, marking interesting items, resource locations etc. As a programmer i might create them myself.


  • I recall that was told something about minor things, suc as custom UI but nothing big
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    They have said they want all those things to be discoverable in game and not datamined and thrown on a wiki.  Also, once a resource is used up, it will respawn in a random location elsewhere.  
  • I would like to see a game w/o add-ons myself, as they tend to make the game too easy, though I would like to see an intuitive interface for crafting and such as that it would remove the need/want for an add-on.
  • I would like to see a game w/o add-ons myself, as they tend to make the game too easy, though I would like to see an intuitive interface for crafting and such as that it would remove the need/want for an add-on.
    Usually games have rather basic crafting user interfaces. They are adequate for regular players. I am hardcore crafter minmaxin' everything i can. I don't expect devs to make UI tailored to my kind of 1%. That's why i prefer addon interface.
  • The dev team answered this question during a stream. The answer was no for the mods you may be thinking of. The mod they mentioned may be a part of the game was changing the UI appearance, but nothing that could make anything "easier" for any one player.  
  • My little dream is to tweak the game like GTA Vice City, where you could make a golf-caddy as sturdy as a tank and as quick as an airplane :D 

    <drives on an indestructible caddy at 1200 km/h making fortresses explode>
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    I want Ashes to be Addon free... plain and simple. I have played too many MMOs where I became damn near dependent on the addons that I had installed... from resizing and moving my action bars in WoW to getting a minimap in ESO.... I just want those UI options in the game already... I don't want to have to update a 3rd party addon every time there's a patch... My vote? Take your addons and shove 'em
  • Rohkai said:
    I want Ashes to be Addon free... plain and simple. I have played too many MMOs where I became damn near dependent on the addons that I had installed... from resizing and moving my action bars in WoW to getting a minimap in ESO.... I just want those UI options in the game already... I don't want to have to update a 3rd party addon every time there's a patch... My vote? Take your addons and shove 'em
    You'll be addon-free when you don't install them - plain and simple. ESO is a good example where addons flourish and allow to tailor the game for a crafter without burden to devs. Talking about e.g. ESO minimap, how soon would we get that as in-game feature? Now waiting three years and counting.
  • I admit, I'm torn when it comes to Add-ons.

    In one hand: the more people you have working on a thing, the more diversity you're going to get. Thus, the more likely it is that players will have access to something which actually appeals to them. This is a good thing because it helps ensure community happiness.

    However, on the other hand: in order to allow the creation of Add-ons, you open up at least some of the back-end Coding to the community which is sure to get abused. Not maybe, not what-if, it WILL get abused.

    In the end, I'd rather learn to live with what's available than deal with the potential abuse: hacking, trolling, etc.
  • I would also like it to be addon free. The only thing I would love is the ability to customize the UI and placement/size of my bars (I play from my sofa 8feet away) 
    also allow us to increase text font size for quests/tooltips/chat
  • So far their standing regarding this is no add-ons allowed, they don't want the game to come to the point where its like "you must have this, that and the other add-on to join the group"

    And my opinion - the addons take away the effort and a need "to work out for"/"discover on your own" something over time and in some ways make the game way easier then intended by the devs. So i am against any kind of such and similar things in the game.
  • In my opinion, I dont like addons, maybe only custom UI (move bars and boxes,...) 
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