Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!


Hi there, sorta new here! Made an account a while ago but haven't posted anything until now! 
Let's see, a little bit about myself: I go by Eirella (pronounced air-el-la) or Eira! Been playing MMOs for the past....14 years? (Has it really been that long?) My favorites have been Ragnarok Online, Guild Wars 2 and ESO (which I still play,) and I am really looking forward to AoC, looks like it is shaping up to be exactly the type of game I'm looking for.
Aside from gaming I like to draw and paint, write and travel. Oh, and I like coffee!
It's very nice to meet you all :smile:


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    Welcome to the best gaming community that you will ever be a part of @Eirella!
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    Eirella welcome and hope you enjoy the community. hope to see you around discord or forums. Nice to meet you
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    Welcome ^~^
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    Hello @Eirella and welcome to the community :) Sounds like you will fit right in here... There are a whole bunch of gamers with creative sides... some used for good, some for evil ;) Looking forward to seeing your work.
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    Heya Eirella, may your coffee always be blue mountain :)
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    Welcome to the community!
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    *Offers @Eirella a magic coffee bean to welcome her to the forums*

    It's great to meet you, I hope you stay out of the shadows, it's a great place here, and once we start getting more images I get the feeling that what is already a healthy community art thread is going to explode.... I look forward with excitement to seeing you there :smiley:
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    Welcome to the community :smile:
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    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone  :)
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    Welcome @Eirella! ESO PVP was pretty good up to the lightning patch but hopefully, you'll find a community here that you'll enjoy being a part of and maybe you'll spend a little more time here and a little less time in Tamriel. This community is full of kind, helpful, knowledgeable people so make the most of them :)
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    Welcome to the community
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    hello and welcome to the new dawn of MMOs
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    Welcome to the community @Eirella!  Don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have.  Lots of helpful, friendly people around here.
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