Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Received my Kickstarter key fulfillment email!

Hopefully yours will arrive soon!

Yay! Your Kickstarter key code is here.

Your Kickstarter Key Code is Here!

We have great news! Your Kickstarter package code is finally here!



  • Just successfully entered the code and linked it to my account :) It's working!
  • I've linked mine as well, though it doesn't seem as though titles are appearing anywhere. Have people figured out what's up with that yet? Apologies if this is beating a dead horse, haven't been keeping up with forums lately.
  • lexmax said:
    Just successfully entered the code and linked it to my account :) It's working!
    Looks like I'll have to share the world with an Elf after all :p
  • I've linked mine as well, though it doesn't seem as though titles are appearing anywhere. Have people figured out what's up with that yet? Apologies if this is beating a dead horse, haven't been keeping up with forums lately.
    I've noticed that too however, seeing how many folks are having trouble linking their accounts to their pledges then I suspect we'll know more about that when it's deemed a priority by Intrepid.

  • Same here just waiting for title.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    I did it too! Yeah! 
    Did you guys tried to purchase a summer campaign package, after having linked the accounts? So far, prices are not deducted by what I've spent during Kickstarter. 

    It's the same for everyone as well? There's no rush about it, of course, just curious :)
  • I got mine as well but the submit button doesnt work when i paste my code in. 
  • I got mine as well but the submit button doesnt work when i paste my code in. 

    You probably have an extra space after the key. That'll cause the submit button to be blanked out. 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Also, if you copy/paste you need to backspace the last digit and punch it back in. I had to do that.
  • @CrazyCanukk
    Also, if you copy/paste you need to backspace the last digit and punch it back in. I had to do that.
    Thank-you Very much. That worked like a charm :)
  • congrats.  that is pretty cool
  • yes all done  
  • Code redeemed successfully but did find that if you copy paste it make sure you click on the code in the box and move the cursor to the end of the code, wouldn't highlight the enter code button before I did this. 
  • Yay! Code redeemed. Not sure about the titles though...
    Had the same prob with copy and pasting the code.
  • I found I had to manually enter the code and it worked.  Still nothing is showing up title/badge wise.  Looked for STORE items to purchase, but nothing has changed there.  Wish we had visuals for the perks.
  • So excited! Getting closer! 
  • @T-Elf go to
    Under orders it'll show your package. They haven't synced rewards yet.
  • this is out ticket on the hype train ^^
  • nagash said:
    this is out ticket on the hype train ^^

    Indeed it is lol
  • anyone know any good hype songs?
  • Now we wait for the game! Going to feel like forever.

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    @T-Elf go to
    Under orders it'll show your package. They haven't synced rewards yet.

    It says: "the package you are looking for cannot be found"   what the...?

    Went and tried it again and it worked.  Thanks.
  • That's a new one!? What does your orders page look like?
  • yesss, got mine too. Man.. just a few more da... years to go. :(
  • Got it!
  • I got mine in and everything went smoothly. Can find the reciept now-- though seems the Dashboard itself isn't displaying what that code gave me. At least, not of writing-- but I am sure it will be fine~

    If now, I'll just drive to California and hold the ice-cream truck hostage and with all the sandals in the world!!! (kidding-- though Southern Cali is only a 4 hour drive for me)
    But more seriously, if it doesn't probably work sometime later, I'll poke support thread. I am not that greatly worried about it cause woooo! Code!

    ... Now to wait another year. .__.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Received and applied correctly !!!!
  • :+1: I got mine too!
  • So, are we able to use the store to by content as addons yet?
  • Hooray!!!
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