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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Re-imagine Archers and how they play. Thoughts on Livestream30/06/2017
Hi Folks,
I don't know about you, but the archer class sounds very "boring". It felt like a rehash of all the same old mechanics we've seen in the past.
I'm here to suggest new mechanics that will stay true to the core concepts of archer while bringing forth enjoyable and meaningful gameplay.
1) Ammo system skill variant.
I propose having a combination of what ammo is being used + skill = resulting skill.
3 types of ammo: Classic, heavy, compound. You can rotate the ammo loaded via "R" key or mouse scroll wheel (doesn't matter how). The icon associated with the arrow type will be displayed near you character. Each skill will have a bonus effect depending on what arrow you have selected.
Basic power shot: Deal X% dmg. Classic: Additional armor penetration. Blunt: Stun enemy. Compound: Splash dmg.
Sparrow kick: Jump backwards while shooting an arrow: Classic: Pin the enemy. Blunt: Knock back the enemy. Compound: Explosion launches you back 10 extra meters.
Auto attacks: Classic: fast/low damage/high range. Heavy: Slow/high damage/low range. Compound: AoE dmg/mid range.
2) Charging up shots.
Holding down skills will apply additional bonuses.
Volley = launch 3 arrows in a arch towards a location (+2 arrow per charge). Holding down the key, a glowing arrow icon will appear above your head. Every 0.5 seconds of holding, another glowing arrow icon will appear above your head, for a total of 7 arrows icons. Once you let go your key, instead of shooting out 3 arrows, you launch 17 arrows.
Basic power shot: Deal X% dmg (+5 m range per charge). Holding down the key, a glowing arrow will appear above your head. Every 0.5 seconds of holding, another glowing arrow icon will appear above your head, for a total of 5 arrows icons. Once you let go your key, instead of shooting 25 meters, you shoot 50 meters.
3) Toggle between close and range combat
Use the "shift" key to switch between weapons and skill hot bar. The method how doesn't really matter. But it should be easy and fluid. I would put a cooldown (like 2 seconds) between the two "stance".
The end goal of these mechanics is to 1) reduce hotbar space while providing more variety to skill tactics. 2) Add flexibility and purpose to charge/channel skills. 3) be more fluid in combat, reduce downtime of gameplay.
What do you think? Did you like the archer preview in the Q&A? Do you think they could do a better job on the archer class? What mechanics do you think would enhance the archer gameplay?
I don't know about you, but the archer class sounds very "boring". It felt like a rehash of all the same old mechanics we've seen in the past.
I'm here to suggest new mechanics that will stay true to the core concepts of archer while bringing forth enjoyable and meaningful gameplay.
1) Ammo system skill variant.
I propose having a combination of what ammo is being used + skill = resulting skill.
3 types of ammo: Classic, heavy, compound. You can rotate the ammo loaded via "R" key or mouse scroll wheel (doesn't matter how). The icon associated with the arrow type will be displayed near you character. Each skill will have a bonus effect depending on what arrow you have selected.
Basic power shot: Deal X% dmg. Classic: Additional armor penetration. Blunt: Stun enemy. Compound: Splash dmg.
Sparrow kick: Jump backwards while shooting an arrow: Classic: Pin the enemy. Blunt: Knock back the enemy. Compound: Explosion launches you back 10 extra meters.
Auto attacks: Classic: fast/low damage/high range. Heavy: Slow/high damage/low range. Compound: AoE dmg/mid range.
2) Charging up shots.
Holding down skills will apply additional bonuses.
Volley = launch 3 arrows in a arch towards a location (+2 arrow per charge). Holding down the key, a glowing arrow icon will appear above your head. Every 0.5 seconds of holding, another glowing arrow icon will appear above your head, for a total of 7 arrows icons. Once you let go your key, instead of shooting out 3 arrows, you launch 17 arrows.
Basic power shot: Deal X% dmg (+5 m range per charge). Holding down the key, a glowing arrow will appear above your head. Every 0.5 seconds of holding, another glowing arrow icon will appear above your head, for a total of 5 arrows icons. Once you let go your key, instead of shooting 25 meters, you shoot 50 meters.
3) Toggle between close and range combat
Use the "shift" key to switch between weapons and skill hot bar. The method how doesn't really matter. But it should be easy and fluid. I would put a cooldown (like 2 seconds) between the two "stance".
The end goal of these mechanics is to 1) reduce hotbar space while providing more variety to skill tactics. 2) Add flexibility and purpose to charge/channel skills. 3) be more fluid in combat, reduce downtime of gameplay.
What do you think? Did you like the archer preview in the Q&A? Do you think they could do a better job on the archer class? What mechanics do you think would enhance the archer gameplay?
You might be right. I cannot tell if it is possible.
I really do hope they add the love, care and attention they gave to the tank class to the archer class. I've seen many MMOs where the archer class felt lack luster, repetitive, with overused mechanics and skills. Everything they mention in the Q&A for archers was not new to the genre. Unless i missed something ofc (I was playing a game while listening to the Q&A).
Anyways I feel you. I would be disappointed if summoners did not get the love and care tanks did as well!
I once thought of Rangers using an MMOFPS Combat-Style ... but then I remembered about those Aim-Bots ... so probably not.
My idea of the Ranger is being able to make use of the Arrowhead, Fletching and the Nock:
(Zoom-in on the Image-Link Below)
The Arrowhead could be drench in Poison, could be an Armor-Piercing Arrow, or imbued with some Magic (as shown in a Cinematic Footage).
Or maybe a Barbed-Arrowhead ? While the Read-End of some Arrows could be latched on with Rope ?
I'm hoping the Bow can Crafted into a Metal Bow ? If so then ...
Well short, i'd imagine the Ranger to be something similar to this Vid below
( Along with the Magic, of course )
Lols, in actuality, its hard to pin-point my vision of the Ranger.
I was going to make a long post about what you said ... but that resulted in making an entire post about it
Back from holidays.
Yeah, I agree. The tab targeting takes out the fps mechanic. If they had it fps style shooting, I would have a archer skill that would show "weak spots" on the boss that would guarantee a critical hit if you can snipe the exact spot.
Hitting anywhere around the hitbox(enemy's silhouette) will be a normal attack.
Hitting outside the hitbox but inside a square crossfire would be reduced damage.
But it's sad they went the tab-targeting route (thought I understand why they would do so as well).
I had to zoom in on that image 250% lol. I would love to see a certain level of expertise revolved around archers such as how their bow and arrows are crafted. Giving the class more depth and a steeper learning curve. Creating bows that have poison crafted inside OR having skills that gives poison to the attack? Or both?
As for the combat, in the video, the mix between fluid melee range and long range combat would make the archer class exceed expectation. Using the bow as a "sword" or switching out to a dagger could be implemented to give archers the flexibility to go in and out of combat depending on the situation. Personally I would like to see maybe the "left mouse button" be used for the long range attacks, and the "right mouse button" be used for close range attacks.
Anyways, you are not alone friend. XD
Good to know I'm not alone in this.
They talked about the skills that they will showcase in their pax-showcase of archers. Many of them were the typical archer class skills you find in most mmorpgs. They mention abit about playstyle. Anything concerning the actual weapon was not really touched on, but there was a glimpse on the effective range of the archer class, which might be correlated to weapon used.
But also you just need to think of your imagination and say it out as you think of some of the abilities that are released, a ranger/cleric could have a power shot that does healing to allies it pierces as well as damages enemies because they were talking about having the arrow pierce through people. a ranger/tank power shot could be a lasso, but instead of pulling people it roots people to the length of a 15ft rope where the arrow "lands" or where you shot it from for a duration further enabling them to kite.