Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Since we will have caravan's, that supposedly means our bank inventories aren't universal and we aren't allowed to fill up our personal inventories to travel to the next city. So does that mean we will have encumbrance limits??? No more, carrying 3 sets of armor, 20 weapons, 10 cords of wood, 500 lbs of ore, + up to our inventory slots? Will items have actual weight and you have a weight limit based on your STR/CON and the closer you are to the max, the slower you move/react?
OR, will our inventories continue to be virtual bags of holding like they are in so many other games?

OR, will our inventories continue to be virtual bags of holding like they are in so many other games?

A coin purse might easily hold 5 pounds worth of gold coins, but that same coin purse would have a really difficult time getting 5 pounds worth of wooden planks inside. To me, that seems to be the missing component.
Sure, my pack horse might be able to carry a couple sets of armor and some loot, it probably isn't going to carry enough wood planks to build a house. I know Intrepid has some ideas on how they want it to work, and I'm curious to see how their ideas translate and impact the world.
Also, little storage huts could be craftable by gatherers near gathering areas?
In any case, I would be very happy with an encumberance feature but it has to have sense: theoretically, if you have 3-4 pieces of armour, that's it. But if monsters drop them frequently, then what, you kill a couple monsters then you have to go back to deposit/sell you drops and forth again to kill two more monsters?
There will be compromises.
I think @Krojak can manage more than that. I'm positive we could dig up an SCA / LARP foam sword.
And I'm glad to hear items will have weight. That's a step in the right direction (at least imho). So do you think we will have a carrying capacity based on STR or maybe STR and CON or some funky equation like (STR + CON/2) / 2?
You do give me another thought however from Dungeon Siege.......could we buy/own pack mules? They obvioulsy wouldn't be fast but could we have a couple to go on those long gathering trips?
Pack mules, etc. will be able to carry some goods but still not near enough to bypass the caravan system if you want to be a serious trader.
I think this will be a good thing.
My guess is to start off with the NPCs A.I. ; in short, some NPCs will be a
" tad-bit smarter " than other NPCs. For example,
if you try to attack NPC " D ", she/he might cast a Sudden Spell, and you'll be
pushed-back (via Magic ) by a considerable distance and ... might be " threatened " if you try it again.
(i.e. Interaction with the NPCs could help make the in-game World feel more alive )
While Players are traveling / exploring, we'll come across some NPCs that you may have seen earlier in another Node - but this time they are in the Forest, or within the Treetops, etc ...
What does " this " have to do with @Banditman & @PlagueMonk said ?
These same " Smarter NPCs " could have their own, seperate business outside of the Nodes - this " Seperate Business " could be a ... " Nomadic-like Hub / Service " to friendly travelers.
( this is where that Mule Picture comes in
and for the cherry on top ... it could be a " Lawless Area " where no Guards patrol the Area, but their will be Nomads that might do something about.
( **winking intensifies** xD )
( although i expect the PvP-System to always be active everywhere ... including this area i just suggested )
Oooorrrr .... Player's could build this " Seperate Business " outside the node. doesn't have to be Guilds ( although ... it might become " too Zerg-like " over time ~.~
Sounds like caravans are going to be a very big deal. I just hope those weight limits won't be increased to the point of trivializing it.