Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Am I meant to see anything on my dashboard under "Purchase Add-Ons" or your "Your Rewards"?

Sorry if this has been asked but most posts are about receiving the email or the linking itself.
I have got the settler pack and it has successfully shown up on the "Orders" tab.
All seems good but nothing is showing up on the dashboard. No one on the forum has their packages name so maybe it just hasn't registered for anyone yet.
Anyway the issue is am sure I heard somewhere you can upgrade you package during the summer kick starter (undecided if I will/can atm) and also purchase the individual summer exclusive stuff of your level and below. Am I right in thinking this, and if so, how?
On the summer kick starter page, when I had a look the price of pioneer is still full price and not what the difference is. Is this what I should see?


  • I think they are still working on it. Many are in the same situation as you too :)
  • You will soon but its not available for now :)
  • I just hope its fixed before the summer crowdfunding ends
  • The fact that you see the full price is just the page working strangely, but if you try to buy the Pioneer pack you'll see that they will ask you to pay the difference and not the full price.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 05
     BaddiNaddi said:
    Sorry if this has been asked but most posts are about receiving the email or the linking itself.
    I have got the settler pack and it has successfully shown up on the "Orders" tab.
    All seems good but nothing is showing up on the dashboard. No one on the forum has their packages name so maybe it just hasn't registered for anyone yet.

    the badges wont be available till after the summer backing period is over,

    Anyway the issue is am sure I heard somewhere you can upgrade you package during the summer kick starter (undecided if I will/can atm) and also purchase the individual summer exclusive stuff of your level and below. Am I right in thinking this, and if so, how?
    On the summer kick starter page, when I had a look the price of pioneer is still full price and not what the difference is. Is this what I should see?
    Upgrading/Addons isn't available yet should be up in the next few days
  • And you won't be able to "claim" your rewards till after the backing period is over as well.
  • Thanks for all the replies!
This discussion has been closed.