Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

[Fun/off topic] Oh crap stealth still on

Oops, seems I was stealthed longer than planned. Hard to keep track when you are balancing both the life of a Cleric, Rogue...and real life (jk mostly video games). Idk just felt like posting to see what all everyone's been up to, new faces around I've seen, a good amount of exciting news, there is still some buttons missing that I wish were there (agree, and inspiration, gotta get that badge). But what is the happenings, has everyone been well, sorta dumb question as I was here; just not truly present, but still the question stands. I hope you all are doing well. I myself recently spent nearly all of the bi-weekly fun time monies "allowance" of my last two paychecks thanks to steam sales. Though I have control and hadn't spent more than planned...still damn you sales. I also await the moment in which I can upgrade my pledge package, but no rush for that really, and some major hype brewing for PAX, hoping to scrounge for some tickets. And of course video games and lots of it.

Also one of these days I really have to figure out some "on-topic" posts since most of what I do is off topic, lol.

Anyhow, my regards if you made it this far,
                                                                    Sithis, of Ashenguard


  • I have been doing good, just trying to get my friends on the ashes of creation train but to no success. Trying to find a summer job as being a student at uni is expensive XD. Besides all that I have been playing games and enjoying the holiday!
  • Yeah I know that feel, I have talked to my friends about AoC but haven't attempted to push any of them towards its direction as out off all my irl friends I'm really the only one really into MMOs. I hope the search for le job goes well.
  • @I_Am_Sithis Thanks XD
  • I_Am_Sithis   Nice of you to take time to say hello.   :)   It's hard at this stage to completely "stay on topic" as you say.  Most people here help the newest members and we discuss what little we can. Mostly we try to keep in good spirits as we all know it's going to be a long wait.  

    I have some rl young acquaintances who will join much later when Ashes gets close to release or open beta.  It's hard to get active young people interested in something so far off in the future.  

    Hop in whenever you get a chance to say hello and join to party!
  • Yeah that's true that's the other difficulty. Trying to get people on board a train that won't arrive at it's destination for much over a year. And we'll see my activity happens in bursts. I lurk for a few weeks, show up and spam a bunch of nonsense for a few days, rinse and repeat.
  • Nothing wrong with that!  Some people actually do have a life.  I have the time to follow my whims where ever they lead me.  
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