Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

class pre-viewing

I'm hoping this game will have some prober information about the class. Ability's and how they can be augmentet, by a secondary class. Sometimes a class dosen't sound as cool, as you though, when you start to read about it. Other times a class seems nice, when you do. Add in that a class can get their ability's augment. That can create some things you didn't think of. It would suck to hate the class, you played, or just don't feel for it. Just because the game/forum didn't inform the players properly.


  •  Much info will be available prior to the game launching once the NDA's are lifted and such.  Either way, your second class selection can be changed along the way to effectively change your primary class.  It really isn't up to the game or the forum to inform players how to create their characters. Suggestions can be made, but there is no "one size fits all" guarantee.  It helps to talk with other players and ask for advise though.  

    In the end it's all trial and error to find what fits you as an individual and your play style.
  • Im not saying they should say what people should make. But just tell some of the ability's a class can have. And how they can get augment by the various classes. I don't expect there to be for all the combinations. But there are still 64 combinations of classes to make. And then add in race, which also affects it. Which adds to over 500 combinations. That is alot of trial and error. Some don't have the time to just reroll a new char
  • With how much information we are getting during pre alpha I feel fairly confident that Intrepid will be giving out what you need to make an educated assessment on which class to start with. I am sure there will be videos when the NDA is lifted after alpha. 
  • I am personally hoping they have set augmentations based on the subclass you choose with a couple one offs. I feel that "500" different variations is too much, though that would depend the actual intention. It could be hard to implement or balance. 
  • I am personally hoping they have set augmentations based on the subclass you choose with a couple one offs. I feel that "500" different variations is too much, though that would depend the actual intention. It could be hard to implement or balance. 
    If you also count race and religion, there are over 10,000 base build variations in Ashes :open_mouth:
  • @insomnia
    As ClyverRayne said, you shouldn't need to re-roll your character - just change your sub-class. Especially choose a sub-class that is a good fit for your racial stat progression.

    But, we also have Religion, Social and Guild augments.

    By the time the game launches, we will have a lot of info about all of the class abilities from alpha and beta gameplay.
  • If I were to ask for a system to do this, I'd love to have a system similar to GW2's PvP lobby. Upon entering the PvP lobby, since gear and levels are normalized, you gain access to every ability your class has in the game. To test your abilities, you'd just buy a few white weapons for some loose change, and then you could just thwack away on test golems to your heart's content and test abilities that way.

    Now, I'm not saying that Ashes has to do this; Ashes PvP may largely not be normalized. However, depending on lore, I think it'd be really cool to have a sort of tutorial area where you're scaled up to, like, half level or max level and have a couple of tutorial weapons. The twist would be that this tutorial would take place outside of the entry portals. After all, we know that the 4 races other than the Tulnar left this world via the portals and are now returning to it. Basically it could give you an idea of what your class would offer, and then stepping through the portal would be the reset for your character, so until you walk through the portal, you can test as much as you like! It's not a terribly long shot to think that something like this could be implemented.
  • If I were to ask for a system to do this, I'd love to have a system similar to GW2's PvP lobby. Upon entering the PvP lobby, since gear and levels are normalized, you gain access to every ability your class has in the game. To test your abilities, you'd just buy a few white weapons for some loose change, and then you could just thwack away on test golems to your heart's content and test abilities that way.

    Now, I'm not saying that Ashes has to do this; Ashes PvP may largely not be normalized. However, depending on lore, I think it'd be really cool to have a sort of tutorial area where you're scaled up to, like, half level or max level and have a couple of tutorial weapons. The twist would be that this tutorial would take place outside of the entry portals. After all, we know that the 4 races other than the Tulnar left this world via the portals and are now returning to it. Basically it could give you an idea of what your class would offer, and then stepping through the portal would be the reset for your character, so until you walk through the portal, you can test as much as you like! It's not a terribly long shot to think that something like this could be implemented.

    But those 4 races each has 2 subraces

    I recall somone asked in a video, about a system, where you can test your class. And some people might not have time for "trial-and-error". They have other things to do, than gaming all day. And as mentioned. There are alot of ways to build your chars

  • I'd like a trial run mode for classes/subclasses. I loved the way this was done in Skyforge, but in Ashes this will probably have to be done in a sandbox area rather than in the main game.
  • I can understand where you're coming from. You don't want a grind a character to the level cap, only to find that they're vastly inferior because you picked the wrong subclass or archetype. But AoC isn't trying to be a heavily grind based game, you're meant to immerse yourself into the world around you. A lot of MMOs suffer from blank characters, where players don't enjoy the character but simply pick the best class, skills etc with no regards to the storyline, background or even the visuals of the character. If a character doesn't play like you thought they did, commit them to a trade instead and support the node economy. Or just create a new character and go down a different path.
  • I can understand where you're coming from. You don't want a grind a character to the level cap, only to find that they're vastly inferior because you picked the wrong subclass or archetype. But AoC isn't trying to be a heavily grind based game, you're meant to immerse yourself into the world around you. A lot of MMOs suffer from blank characters, where players don't enjoy the character but simply pick the best class, skills etc with no regards to the storyline, background or even the visuals of the character. If a character doesn't play like you thought they did, commit them to a trade instead and support the node economy. Or just create a new character and go down a different path.
    As said, some might not have the time, to start over. Or want to, if they have spend so much time. And for me, it it isnt about having the best class/spec. It never has been. When i played swtor, it got tired of seeing people, constantly asking in chat, what talent tree was best. Play what sounds interesting to you. Which is what i want here. I wan't to know what i can get. Or have an idea of it. And some, like me, won't be interested in the trade part. And it might be hard to immerse yourself into the world, if you find your class combination boring. I know they have said, you will get the option to change secondary class, but that wont be right away. And again, without information, you will have to do this often. With just race and base class, there is 72 combinations to create your char.
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