Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Are there anymore people other than me experiencing the total vist to the web site not being added?

I have joined 06/04/2017 and I've been logging in many times to see about the new Summer Crowdfunding. The Total Visit on my profile states 1... As you can see I'm visiting right now and it still is at 1. Not a great deal, but it shows what level of competence in the accuracy of the programmer that wrote the function. I also had other question to address but felt one at a time would work better but. I have direct messaged Yaviey and waited 5 days with no responce, Granted it was over the weekend and before the 4th, but I would think by the 6th of July a simple response would come. on that day I ended the conversation I seen no point in waiting while being ignored. Not a helpful way to bring in a new supporter. Good day to you all.


  • Robo said:
    I have joined 06/04/2017 and I've been logging in many times to see about the new Summer Crowdfunding. The Total Visit on my profile states 1... As you can see I'm visiting right now and it still is at 1. Not a great deal, but it shows what level of competence in the accuracy of the programmer that wrote the function. I also had other question to address but felt one at a time would work better but. I have direct messaged Yaviey and waited 5 days with no responce, Granted it was over the weekend and before the 4th, but I would think by the 6th of July a simple response would come. on that day I ended the conversation I seen no point in waiting while being ignored. Not a helpful way to bring in a new supporter. Good day to you all.
    I think that's the number of visits from others to your profile page.  I'll visit your page and we'll see if the count goes up.
  • Apparently, I was incorrect.  I visited our profile and it didn't up the count.  Sorry, not sure what the issue is.
  • I'm not certain what that's counting.  My profile only shows 12 visits.  I can tell you, I've visited the forums more than 12 times in the last couple hours, let alone the last few months.  lol
  • i think it's people who have visted your page. cause mine says 47.... and well times that by a 1000 and that'll be closer for me :P
  • It seems to be reset every week as I had 56 last week and now its lower
  • ill see what i can find out about it and see if it's working :smile:

  • is it really a problem to cause this sort of response? 
  • Atm, the team is flat out with the upcoming event's such as the Phoenix Initiative Q&A and PAX as well as going through the backlog of messages sent over the the long weekend, they will catch up and get back to you :smile: rest assured if you run into a problem feel free to post it in here and we will try and help you out as much as we can :)

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