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UI Question

I have so much to ask about the UI it's one of the most important things to me about any MMO, No matter how great the game, if the UI is junk I walk away.  With that being said I have really high hopes for Ashes of Creation.  

Mouse Movement.   I am not a WASD user, in fact the only time I Ever touch my keyboard is for Buffs, Casting spells (with hot keys) and Fighting Moves.   I'm wondering if you are going to have a mouse Movement, Much Like Wow or SWTOR?

UI.  One of the Best Customizing UI I have Seen Was SWTOR.  With this I was able to completely customize the buttons and Maps and well Everything on my User Interface.  The hot keys Shortcut bars, you could save it and move it between characters, use the saved UI on new Characters.

 These are a couple things I am VERY Curious about.   

MY Womans Intuition tells me this is going to be my Most Favorite MMO


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    i think they might 
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    Well since UI is not one of their priorities for the pre-alpha ( at least with the videos we've seen so far, we have only the skill slots and hp/mana bar), we can only hope that they deliver by the time the game is released.
    However, I've very little hope they'll work on it before 2018.
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    I hope that the UI is highly customizable... I actually prefer not to drive my character with the mouse, but the option to map it that way would be awesome
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    I think most of us agree we need/want a  UI that's easily customized.   Key mapping and being able to bind keys to a game pad also.
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    I understand that it could be some time before a UI is addressed, though in my estimation you should always plan ahead.  With that said if it was a lot like Wow and SWTOR in the aspect you could go which ever you wanted on that and less like lets say Guild Wars I'd be pretty happy.
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