Mac Compatible

Will this be mac compatible?


  • Not outside the realm of possibility but with their studio being so small, probably not. I seriously recommend getting away from Mac if you're a gamer :/
  • Check list for gaming on a Mac.

    Step One: Throw Mac in trash.
    Step Two: Buy a PC.
  • Yaviey said:
    No, the plan is PC only.
    Quote from the previous CM.
  • Sorry!!!
  • You can split your mac in a windows for 50% but wouldnt recom it. I had a mac to but i bought a new MSI gaming laptop. Dont regret it <3
  • You could dual boot the system with another OS, since mac's are all pc's now with intel chips.  Throw on windows 10 or linux mint.
  • I am also hoping that it comes to Mac, but I am not getting my hopes up. I will either have to partion my hardrive and get windows or just a PC for the sole purposes of gaming. 
  • Use your Mac for EDM, but a PC for gaming. Gawd.
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