Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

To back or not to back?

Relatively new here. First time posting.

I am very interested in this game and particularly interested in backing at the $550 lifetime subscription level. My hesitation is that I have bought into lifetime subscriptions before and been burned when the game shut down or went "free-to-play" well before the lifetime subscription paid for itself. If my math is correct, it'd take over three years worth of $15/month fees to catch up to the initial investment (not counting other perks at the $550 level).

I'm already sold on the game and fully intend to play it when it's released but I'd like a little help! Why should I take the plunge at $550/lifetime or why not?


  • While I can't tell you go one way or another, I can give you some pros and cons! 

    Pro: the IS team seems very against the idea of going F2P. They even went so far as to say that the game is P2P or nothing at all.

    Con: we, as a community of MMO players, have been burned before. Statistics would say that an investment that large would be risky.

    Sorry if I wasn't much help! 
  • I wouldn't if I were you.  I backed during the KS for the lifetime subscription and I regret it now because immediately after the KS they lied.  Now they are just cashgrabbing.  It's all up to you though.  I wish you the best.
  • No one can make the choice for you and I completely understand your dilemma. Good luck on your choice either way. My only advice would be to make the choice and move on. No need borrowing trouble by second guessing a choice like this. 
  • I really want this game to be made is why I backed. I've been waiting for a refreshing new MMORPG for over a decade. What you decide is entirely up to you :)
  • Sure it's a risk and it's up to you if you can take it. I would propably do it if money wasn't an issue but I'm happy with just my lowest KS pledge :smile:
  • Life time is a nice perk. I have had one before. What I liked most about it was the feeling of no pressure to play. When you pay monthly you keep going through that feeling did I get my $15 bucks worth this month lol. 

    Also its not about what you get from the pledge package, its about supporting something. Being part of something. If I had the money to burn thats where I would have pledged even though I am not a casual gamer. 
  • If the cost makes you stop and think, then I would go for a cheaper option.
    At the end of the day the perks are nice, but too many people forget they are backing the game, the perks are a nice bonus. Is it a risk you can afford to take (financially)? It could be tremendous (I hope), or, it could crash and burn.
  • One of us, one of us!
  • I backed Zynga stock when it was $17.. If this one doesn't make it, at least I'll have experience with disappointment already.
  • Backing should be an investment you are willing to lose.  With that it should also be something you want to win. I felt it was a winner when I backed. IS hast had a few stumbles but they also seem willing to listen. I still feel good about my braver of worlds pledge. We have an amazing community thus far. 
  • So it would be roughly 3.5 years to break even, but even if the game goes free to play, a lot of times there are still restrictions or a hybrid sub system. Think about it this way, no matter how bad or how good the game is, you'll never have to worry about subing to play.  If the game last 5-7+ years you've made a good investment, and will always have something to play with no money.
  • If the devs deliver on what they promise this game will be a success and they will not go F2P or P2W since they are highly against the P2W model. The question is, will they be able to keep people interested in the game for 3.5 years? They all play MMOs so I think they know how to keep people interested. I'm sure they all want to play the game as well.
  • If you are really that concerned and just want some exclusive stuff and to support the game, purchase a smaller package. At the end of the day the decision is yours.
  • Vorthrax said:
    Relatively new here. First time posting.

    I am very interested in this game and particularly interested in backing at the $550 lifetime subscription level. My hesitation is that I have bought into lifetime subscriptions before and been burned when the game shut down or went "free-to-play" well before the lifetime subscription paid for itself. If my math is correct, it'd take over three years worth of $15/month fees to catch up to the initial investment (not counting other perks at the $550 level).

    I'm already sold on the game and fully intend to play it when it's released but I'd like a little help! Why should I take the plunge at $550/lifetime or why not?
    I would first like to extend a warm welcome to the Community. I hope that with the answers provided by fellow members that you'll choose to be a supporter of our Project =D Let us know if we can answer any specific questions.
  • I got the Braver of worlds pack from KS, I was hesitant due to the amount it costed. this is even higher. I say if you can spare the money now, and believe in the game. do it. When the game launches it will have been around 2 years since you spent the money, you will most likely be glad you did. if you don't the risk of regretting it is there. 

    it all boils down to, can you spare 550 bucks?
  • I can only say that, now 2k17 (2k17 CARL) and few of the developers can provide something worthy. WoW has been shown to the public since 2004. And this game is still top on the count of players. As I said above, all the games that are out now are a complete horror or a copy of Korean games. Since I tried so many games, I'm not sure even in this one (Ashes of Creation). But I hope ... I hope that this is something that many of us are wait for such a long time.
    If you think BDO, Bless, AO, AA, and rest of the games is good for you. You can easly pay 5XX$ for this game. If not, just wait for some new info from this project. Check devs info/stream, utube for any news, read AoC(Ashes of Creation) fansite. Time will show you what need to do.
  • Well, time is coming to the wire to fund now so your hand will now be forced by time. But here is my input:

    Is the game worth backing? That is subjective, but I would definitely say YES, and so would a lot of others. 

    Have you researched the game? Is the design philosophy and direction slightly appealing, appealing, or overwhelmingly appealing, etc? Ask yourself whatever other questions you'd generally ask yourself before investing.

    Do you understand the intent behind backing or funding? If no, then read on. Funding/backing is an investment, literally. You're taking a risk on whether or not your monetary investment into the game will return to you in-game satisfaction for months or even years to come. And sometimes...that isn't the case, but then again that's a fundamental of investing that you need to acknowledge. By investing you are prepared to lose out on what you've initially spent be it monetary or emotional. So if you make the plunge to drop over half a grand on the game or any money at all then you've acknowledged the risks.

    Now, this isn't some failsafe net that I've described above to protect the company, no. But instead, this is me telling you that if something doesn't turn out your way after your investment then be constructive and civil in your discussions, unlike some others who forgot their age and turned into 8-year-olds on our forums during the most recent KS issue regarding AoC. Intrepid Studios has been incredibly responsive to player input, and I along with many others applaud them for that. If any issues arise you can BELIEVE that IS will hear you and will meet you in the middle if the issue itself is actually legitimate and not a petty, "THIS ISN'T WHAT I WANTED" (selfish) QQ post.

    You have the green light of confirmation that you're seeking from me. The rest is up to you! I enjoy our community, and I'm in love with the goals and design philosophy IS has for AoC. I hope you will be too! 

  • Welcome @Vorthrax! Well, I think a bit of scepticism is healthy but I'd be a hypocrite if I said don't do it. If you want to something to happen, you've got to make it happen and backing the game is the surest way of doin that at this point. Backing at that level is a very personal decision but Steven has stated publicly that money will be returned to each backer if the game doesn't make it (hope that helps) :) 
  • I recommend cleaning out your checking, savings, and 401k and using it all to back Ashes.  Go big or go home!
  • You can only determine if it's worth it or not.  You could just pay for 3 months at a time and take a break.  If you play continuous then it may be worth it.  Again, up to you.  I'm going for lowest and then will buy other things as I wish. 
  • i fully believe this game will be a success, if I had the extra capital to back them I would, but i used the money i was going to back to get a nicer engagement ring. but if I wasn't planning to get married 100% would've backed the 500$
  • You can call me 'un-AoC' but I have been burned too many times in the past to back a game financially before release. Does that mean I think the game will fail? Absolutely not. I will show my solidarity however in other ways like moral support, frequenting the forums, testing (if I get an invite), buying the game and paying monthly for the game once it's released.

    If that's not enough for some of you then so be it!
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