Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Lore: What We Know
What do we currently know about the lore of AoC, can someone post some links if they don't mind.
Checkout this thread by @lexmax
We may not know much about lore, but we understand from the above that these people have existed without magic for so long that it could hardly be considered anything other than a myth.
I imagine for any people to suddenly find themselves in a world where magic is real, and further to that, a world where magic is a real threat... well, there would probably be a very serious stigma, in some communities, around the practice of magic.
I don't know about other races, but in my experience with humanity, just the idea of magic and that sort of thing tends to be frowned upon by large groups of people. When people don't understand something properly they tend either to revere it or despise it.
Perhaps our lore will have room for a large anti-magic movement?
There may be groups of npcs that refuse to use the magic but we players are part of a chosen expedition team to go explore the new world so I'm sure we are curious enough to learn magic if it's something we've heard from tales
Ofcrouse this is all speculation so who knows :O
Certainly i I do not anticipate being able to pass back and forth through the portal in the game... it really sounds like a one way trip to magic land... But will it make any sense from a plot perspective?
perhaps matter from the magic world does not survive transfer to the mundane world in a useful form...
perhaps using the gate gate more than once or regularly is too dangerous for some reason....
thirsty for more lore!
Perhaps a reasonable solution to this situation. The people left their magic home from necessity and arrived at a non-magic destination. This probably sucked, but had to be done, for the sake of survival.
Perhaps there was even a period of withdrawl, as it were.. people having to adapt to being cut off from the magical source.
1000(s) years later, a generation for whom this land is only a myth (or something less than that), a people who were meant to be connected to that magical source, feel that connection for the first time, and it becomes an addiction for them.
They were always dimly aware that something in their lives was missing, and now, having come home and 'reconnected' to their magic world of origin, they are finally made whole... if that were the case, I could understand the reluctance to go back to the mundane world, if it could possibly be avoided.