Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.


Is there gonna be another crowdfund i missed the last one by 1 day : (


  • it's highly unlikely another crowdfunding campaign will take place, maybe a store or something like that in the future might appear   
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Ofcourse cant garantee that there wont be another small crowdfund but i think the next thing they will do will probably be quite a while and probably only will be something like a "founder pack" system used alot, aka.. 2-4 lower priced packages further in development untill release.
    But you never know so hard to say
  • steven did hint at a merch store so there's always that :)
  • I think there might be another crowdfunder just before the Alpha/Beta release, they would be able to use this money for inprovments if need be but the actual possibility of having another one is quite low 
  • At this point I have learned that Intrepid could do anything when it comes to this. 
  • They need to take the money that they have and focus on development. After the hit that they took over the KS exclusives word smithing and Steven trying to squash perception that his involvement in MLM when he was younger is somehow linked to this being a vaporware cash grab, they need to just crank out product milestones that they can show people. They need to turn the current bad feelings from a fart in an elevator, to a fart in a wind tunnel and let the community have time to generate good will. If in two months we see "Join in our Fall Backing, all new skins amazingly similar to what we offered before, but new elements or color, and a new price on lifetime subscriptions!!" you will see that goodwill evaporate.
  • I don't think they will do another one now. The point of it was to let paypal users buy something to. They need to concentrate on finishing the game now. There original target amount was much less. I think they have enough now.
  • damn hope another chance to get in alpha appears : )
  • They give away alpha keys every week and during the livestreams, so there's still a chance :)
  • If in two months we see "Join in our Fall Backing, all new skins amazingly similar to what we offered before, but new elements or color, and a new price on lifetime subscriptions!!" you will see that goodwill evaporate.
    If they do that it's going to be gross around here, lol.
  • TBH I think if intrepid took a middle ground approach to it would be fine. Like limiting people to the Founder and below packages, I see it from a business perspective not keeping the Braver of Worlds or Higher tier packages out for much longer, because the game will be Subscription based in the future, and by allowing more and more people to have a lifetime sub they will lose out future profits later down the road. So I can only really see them taking a middle ground stance. If they were to allow Braver and higher packages to continue.
     1. it would hurt the longevity of the game by having a large portion be lifetime subs
     2. People who got in at ground level would feel the risk/reward for their investment early on is not equal to someone who got basically the same package later (less risky) 

    for these reasons I can only really see one way on how to keep a healthy inflow of subscriptions for the game, and keeping the backers happy with the risk/reward of their early investment. 

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