Game of Nodes

What would be the best way to make a node last "forever"?. Go for a military node and invest in full defense? Make alliances with other nodes? Attack nodes that are being perceived as threats?

Fo example lets say I'm into crafting and I'm part of a scientific node, but this warcrazed node next to me wants my oil - it feels like its only a question of time before I'm bombed back to the stoneage. We could invest heavily into defense but I'll doubt it would help in the long run, it would also take the fun away not being able to invest 100% into crafting. How do we sheep protect ourselves from imperialism  :'(


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    As a scientific node, you will likely advance through PvE content faster, thus you will have better equipped guilds, thus your playerbase is going to be stronger? You are also going to be more mobile if they decide to attack you as you can fast travel all over the place.

    Gotta think what fast travel brings. Faster leveling, which means faster node progression, which means faster gearing.

    Economic node makes it easier for everyone to get gear. Scientific node speeds node progression and the progression of the populace in that node. Don't really know what divine and military do =P. I know military has bounty hunters and people fight for leadership of the node. As far as its benefits in PvE, which in turn fuel PvP ... it probably falls behind? Probably good for people crazed with bathing in blood and ruining everyone else's day at all costs.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    An everlasting node? Even if it is managed by The White Order, it has to be destroyed at any cost. Developers, players, cats, dogs, whoever/whatever is defending that node ought to taste the sweet taste of defeat :v 

    As an economic node, you buy everything so everyone depends on you. 10/10 would work
  • I would think the economic node would last the longest. If it is rooted with the correct people in a good location and is a staple of the society one would think it would be feverishly protected, or at least looked upon as necessity.. though everyone wants that brass ring.
  • If content around a perpetual node becomes "stale" people will move on. Fewer citizens means less node supporting actions coming in. Keeping a metropolis going is a huge undertaking requiring an active population contributing in various ways to keep the node going. You could have a population of 1000 citizens in a metropolis, but if a majority of them are not logging in or participating in the node, the node will delevel. If server population caps remain at 10k active, and we go with the number of 1000 citizens needed for a metropolis, then to have 5 active metropolis would require 50 percent of the servers population to remain viable. Expect things to be much harder to maintain than people think.
  • @UnknownSystemError I can see player activity being a problem, but hardly in the first years when the game is new - otherwise wouldn't it mean the game has failed?

     I'm curious though how the people will react after the first metropolis has popped up, will they continue on making it stronger or get bored and try to destroy it? 

    @nestharus The developers said fast travel would be limited. Even if you get a 1-2 week advantage I doubt you could keep it for very long, especially when you hit the cap for your node.
  • all men mush die 
    all node will fall
    and rise from fire
  • You have to consider every node every time from every where all the time.  You have to think of all of the possibilities and you have to be prepared for them.  If you do that, then you'll never be surprised.  
  • Winter is coming!  No really...Ashes has weather!
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    @Egolego You brought up something interesting that I too was wondering.  Everyone of course is speculating and theorizing with the succulent tidbits of information we're being fed steadily.  So everyone is trying to figure out what they want to focus on and such, have a game plan so they can hit the ground running.  Which, there's nothing wrong with that!  But, after all that time is spent developing that node and it reaching the metropolis level, and it's the first one to pop up, depending on what kind of metropolis it is, and, what the wants of the citizens/players are, would determine if their goals.

    By that I am referring to (unless it has changed), the fact that no one will know what type of metropolis a node will become.  So if there are some players and guilds working in the ZOI to develop the node, and it turns out to be a type that some did not want.  While yes, achievement unlocked, first node, but, they may decide to leave, give up their citizenship there, and go elsewhere.  That doesn't mean a mass exodus or anything of that sort!  Plus, knowing the type of metropolis could bring others in! 

    Either way, I liked your question!  Sorry for the rambling.  But as far as the OP, like @lexmax posted, I do not believe there is a "forever" possibility.  And without a server wide collaboration of sorts, and that in itself is unlikely.
  • @kirasenouBy that I am referring to (unless it has changed), the fact that no one will know what type of metropolis a node will become. 

    Had this topic last week. Confirmed that while you won't know what a node is until it reaches level 1, after that it will not change. At level one when npcs start to appear it will become apparent what the node is (priests in a religious node, merchants in an economic, and so on). So people unlocking the node will know very early on if they want to keep developing that node type based on their metropolis goals. Someone else was nice enough to link this info in last weeks thread.

    What types of nodes are there?

    -          There are 4 different types of nodes: Military, Economic, Divine, and Scientific


    Do players get to choose the type of node it will develop into?

    -          No, the type of node is predetermined.


    How can players tell what type of node it is they are developing, in case they don’t want to contribute to the growth of a particular node?

    -          The NPCs will reflect the type of node to expect, even at stage 1. Divine nodes will have preist NPCs, military will have soldiers, Economic will have traders & merchants, and science will have scholars. 

  • @kirasenouBy that I am referring to (unless it has changed), the fact that no one will know what type of metropolis a node will become. 

    Had this topic last week. Confirmed that while you won't know what a node is until it reaches level 1, after that it will not change. At level one when npcs start to appear it will become apparent what the node is (priests in a religious node, merchants in an economic, and so on). So people unlocking the node will know very early on if they want to keep developing that node type based on their metropolis goals. Someone else was nice enough to link this info in last weeks thread.

    What types of nodes are there?

    -          There are 4 different types of nodes: Military, Economic, Divine, and Scientific


    Do players get to choose the type of node it will develop into?

    -          No, the type of node is predetermined.


    How can players tell what type of node it is they are developing, in case they don’t want to contribute to the growth of a particular node?

    -          The NPCs will reflect the type of node to expect, even at stage 1. Divine nodes will have preist NPCs, military will have soldiers, Economic will have traders & merchants, and science will have scholars. 

    Ahh got it, thank you for educating me on that!! :smile:

  • Do players get to choose the type of node it will develop into?

    -          No, the type of node is predetermined.

    So does that mean 'always' pre-determined to restart as the same node? - say if an 'economic' node's been destroyed - will that always restart from scratch as an Economic node or might it restart as another type at random?

  • Do players get to choose the type of node it will develop into?

    -          No, the type of node is predetermined.

    So does that mean 'always' pre-determined to restart as the same node? - say if an 'economic' node's been destroyed - will that always restart from scratch as an Economic node or might it restart as another type at random?
    Probably set. The map is going to be static and balanced for node type. Would be really strange where you could end up with a whole section of the map where there was no option of military nodes and only scientific nodes in a cluster. The guild pvpers would be shitting themselves all over the forums if the (most likely) military nodes near the castles when burned to the ground came back as another type. Until they clarify on that specific circumstance we won't know. The info I linked it pretty much all that is out there at the time of this writing. During the Livestream Jeff was asked if they were ever going to finish off part 3 of the node video series and he kinda looked sheepish and shrugged.
  • Do players get to choose the type of node it will develop into?

    -          No, the type of node is predetermined.

    So does that mean 'always' pre-determined to restart as the same node? - say if an 'economic' node's been destroyed - will that always restart from scratch as an Economic node or might it restart as another type at random?
    Great question! Everything I've read points to the predetermined node type not changing, but this hasn't been explicitly stated yet.

    What has been stated is that a node's base style template is reflective of the race of the founders of the node (video link). So even if the node type remains the same, it may end up looking different the second time round.
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