Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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What Kind of Tank Most Interests You?

Since Ashes will allow us to have a lot of customization when it comes to play style, through augements from our secondary class and racial/stat choices, what type of Tank would you be the most interested to try out?


  • If you think of a playstyle not on the list, feel free to describe it here in the comments! :smiley:
  • I've personally always been a fan of Tanking without getting hit, or at least getting hit as little as possible. It serves as a challenge to me to see how many hits I can dodge and still effectivly tank for my group. This would probably fall under an Elf Tank/Rogue combo
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017

    Damage mitigation tank for PvE.

    Control tank for PvP.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Any/all tanks that choose to faithfully stand between me, and death.  Other than that, I'm easy.
  • I don't often play tank, but CC's are bae!
  • I like pushing the limits of evasion :)
  • Evasion, evasion, evasion.  Most fun tank and sadly not utilized enough in modern mmos. I miss monk evasion tanks.
  • activ block and dodge.
    and for pvp some cc and dmg possibilities
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
  • Evasion tank interests me the most however in most MMOS mitigation tanks seem to normally be the best overall. We will have to see how it shakes out. 
  • I am not really that interested in making a tank, but if I did make one I would like to make a self healer tank.
  • Roxx said:
    and for pvp some cc and dmg possibilities
    You are tank, you get no damage possibilities.
    If you want damage possibilities go mage or something.
  • I am really hoping to see all kinds of Tanks in the game and I will make it a point to group with every single one at some point! 
  • Mitigate that damage so you don't need as many heals and thus the healer can concentrate on the silly dps who cant stay out of red.
  • Something with proactive mitigation. I don't like tanks that are tanky by existence. Give me an ability to dodge anything for 1.5s. If I go Tank/Mage, give me an illusion ability that allows me to split damage with a clone on the next damage taken. I like feeling like my decisions matter when I'm tanking.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    I always like to play a paladin when I can. No game ever let players make a paladin good enough though. Paladins should be able to be the best off tank, and a pair of paladins should be able to be almost as good as a fighter a tank and a healer, that is if played well. Some day.
  • Relwoh said:
    I am not really that interested in making a tank, but if I did make one I would like to make a self healer tank.
    Self healing tanks, I quite like them too, they made tanking in WoW fun. Blood DK and more recently Vengeance DH
  • Ariatras said:
    Relwoh said:
    I am not really that interested in making a tank, but if I did make one I would like to make a self healer tank.
    Self healing tanks, I quite like them too, they made tanking in WoW fun. Blood DK and more recently Vengeance DH
    If you played them right, you were nigh impossible to kill in a 1v1 or even a 1v2
  • Zastro said:
    Ariatras said:
    Relwoh said:
    I am not really that interested in making a tank, but if I did make one I would like to make a self healer tank.
    Self healing tanks, I quite like them too, they made tanking in WoW fun. Blood DK and more recently Vengeance DH
    If you played them right, you were nigh impossible to kill in a 1v1 or even a 1v2
    Yup, during patch 7.1 with mostly EN heroic gear, and maybe two mythic pieces. I could solo mythic +10 Lady what's her face in the Azsuna dungeon. My group was angry at first (Keystone was already depleted, I helped them because I was bored) But then they saw, she, and the adds couldn't get me down xD 

    In other words, it needs to be balanced right, because that right there, was not acceptable.
  • As a healer, I prefer damage-mitigation tanks. They constantly take damage and it is more fun for me.

     I really hope AoC will have all sorts of play styles for tanks, including evasion. Variety is a good thing in this case.
  • I tanked trough all my mmos and will continue to do so , what i learned during that time is, that only pure "Damage Mitigation Tanks " can tank properly and healers will love you.
    • Evasion Tanks get a chance to dodge and if they don´t they will get the full hit and just die.
    • Self Healing Tanks will tank with there mass hit points and will also just die easy with there hp bars jumping up and down all the time healers get confused 
    • Ranged Tank could be a kind of kiting tank running a round or away from the monsters and slowing them down during this time.
    • Control Tanks:  i think you meen a tank that is able to CC or change the battleground.
    I would like to see a mix of Damage Mitigation aka : shield and armor  and a Control Tank. 
    as well as a shape shifting roll could be nice with shapeshift and tank = turtle or shapeshift and fighter = wolf  etc...

  • The paladin class.
  • Gothix said:
    Roxx said:
    and for pvp some cc and dmg possibilities
    You are tank, you get no damage possibilities.
    If you want damage possibilities go mage or something.
    nah in some games u could use a tank skill build with dmg gear to become a bruiser type class.
    i dont like playing just a bullwark in pvp cause i want to kill things in a decent amount of time.
    for pve idc xD
  • All tanks should have some ability to mitigate damage otherwise it's not truly a tank, that being said tanks should be able to control the battlefield otherwise their ability to damage mitigate gets waisted.

    My reasoning for this is a dm tank will be viable in most if not all situations where an evasion or a kite tank there will be bosses that you can't kite and can't evade
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    All tanks should have some ability to mitigate damage otherwise it's not truly a tank, that being said tanks should be able to control the battlefield otherwise their ability to damage mitigate gets waisted.

    My reasoning for this is a dm tank will be viable in most if not all situations where an evasion or a kite tank there will be bosses that you can't kite and can't evade
    I imagine Intrepid will give the Tank class abilities that help them mitigate damage, and if they are wearing heavy armour then they will naturally have better damage mitigation. The options in the poll are simply referring to specializations for the different possibilities. So, choosing damage mitigation Tank means you are wanting to specialize in mitigating as much damage as possible, while choosing evasion Tank means you want to specialize in dodging and evading attacks rather than just straight up mitigation. Choosing either doesn't mean you won't have the ability to do the others it just means you are better at the one you have choosen :smile:

    Edit: Except for probably the self healing. We don't know if Tanks will have any ability to heal themselves if they don't pick Cleric as their secondary.
  • I like Control tanks.
    Ones that hold everythings aggro, while relying on the healer to keep them alive while everyone has at it. Damage mitigation just makes it less fun for healers as they do less and sometimes end up dd'ing out of boredom..
    But hey, we're on the forums, I don't get an opinion.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Have a little other "vision" on that question, since prefers hybrid <dodge> +<parry> + <some selfheals> - more like monk-friar classes. It's faithfull person and disciplined self-deffence specialist aspiring to excellence( i can't see rogue architype as main/default requirement for "dodge'' or "light" tank cuz they are not frontline specialists of close combat - more like tactic/fragile "dirty" class for me at least - eh... just hopes we can get "light tanks" from dif. architypes)). 
    There is some "traits":
    + some spells to heal self(or ward) + blessings(buffs)
    + def. stances + high basic evasion - or fast reuse for active dodge+ parry bonuses with certain weapons(with qarterstaff ex.)/ good def. bonuses from wearing robes/tunic(or maybe magic tatoo)
    + def.utilities like "catch/deflect arrow" / iron skin/ closed mind etc.
    + not high dps but abilities to lower down offensive enemy capabilities
    + simple weapon prof./"eclesiastic" weapon prof.(quarterstaff/bo staff/sceptre/flail/handwraps/maces/hammers/kama etc.)
    + some bonuses against undead/demons and hidden enemies
    cleric + ...
  • I had to check the self healing tank. Id love to see a bulky and intimidating tank sit there and take a beating behind their shield only to then retaliate with a quick shield slam and a heal... I just picture them with a smile as they once again raise the shield and watch the rogue slink away back into the shadows. 
  • Due to the amount of possibilities Ashes of Creation intends to give it's Players ... i can confidently say that it'll something that's not comparable quite to other MMOs. 
    ( if there was an MMO such as this ... let me know m8 ?   :p

    Like ... " Off-tanks " might actually be viable to use in Dungeons / Raids , it seems as though you can literally have about 2 - 3 Hybrid Tanks in Group without having a need for a " Primary-Archetype Tank " or '" Pure-Tank "

    Something i mentioned in this thread - my 1st two comments

    Regardless, my experience with tanking, i personally believe other elements would have to presented beforehand. But at the moment ... lols idk tbh 

    I'm still not even sure what Hybrid Archetype I'm going to try 1st, let alone the
     " Type of Tank " ... i might not even pick the Tank Archetype   :s 
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