Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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what if humans...

What if humans are a crossbreed between elves and dwarves?


  • ...Sees lots of humans jumping out the top floor windows.
    Bye World!

  • NO! Just NO!

  • What if humans are a crossbreed between elves and dwarves?
    ...Lucky Dwarf!!!!? lol I'd love to have a SciFi/Fantasy Origin for humans. A race of advance beings fell from the stars EONS ago and were treated like gods and over centuries genes got mixed cause even deities need to get some (Or so teaches us greek religious history) and humans came to be. But they possess a power (soul) that comes from ancient galaxy travellers! 

  • They call it Nephilim I think. :)
  • Those silly Elfling females are not stout or hairy enough to carry a good hearty Dwarf child!
  • Wolfwall said:
    Those silly Elfling females are not stout or hairy enough to carry a good hearty Dwarf child!

    Maybe the dwarf is the female?
  • No stout, hardy and honourable Dwarf woman would be attracted to such a tall, skinny and weak Elfling!
  • Wolfwall said:
    No stout, hardy and honourable Dwarf woman would be attracted to such a tall, skinny and weak Elfling!

    So Dwarven society banishes them as does the elven society, thus they have to fend for themselves and eventually develop into their own race...
  • It's a neat idea but how many elves and dwarfs had to get it on before it was considered taboo to create an entire race population. If it was a half dozen humans I could go with it, but when your talking about a race of people I can't buy it. Maybe if there was a reason for the two races to be getting it on, or it was a binding of the two races for a time of peace after a war. 
  • Not sure if I am to take this post as a joke or is that a completely serious opinion xD I don't it would work considering the differences between the 3 races, elves are usually depicted as a bit taller than humans or even the same height but dwarves are small, add the pointy ears and then look at humans who have neither pointy ears or a small build, they don't seem to have any features similar to the previous two.
  • Was only half serious
  • What heresy is this!!!!
  • I actually had this happen in Divinity 2 later on in the story where my female Elf main ended up getting freaky with the dwarf Beast in a sexy time interlude.
    But why stick to Dwarves, get some of that Orc action going on.
    Related image
  • No. just no
  • I actually had this happen in Divinity 2 later on in the story where my female Elf main ended up getting freaky with the dwarf Beast in a sexy time interlude.
    But why stick to Dwarves, get some of that Orc action going on.
    Related image

    Just the thought of elf and an orc makes me want to burn down villages...
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2018 19
    Why not orcs and elves?  
  • Heresy...Elf blood is too pure and rainbow filled to mix with those filthy Dwarves...
  • It's just evolution.  Dwarves live underground.  The less you have to carve out, the better, and so they evolved to be shorter.  The dandelion eaters, er, Elves chose the open air and so grew tall to enjoy the sun, they so adore. 
  • ruohtas said:
    It's just evolution.  Dwarves live underground.  The less you have to carve out, the better, and so they evolved to be shorter.  The dandelion eaters, er, Elves chose the open air and so grew tall to enjoy the sun, they so adore. 
    and humans are so bland and boring cause they cant do anything well :/
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