Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Can't shake this feeling

i think the game is going to be a master piece in world building and design , but for some reason in the back of my mind is the combat as like in other mmorpg or all but the combat has been sub par to boring , i really hope for this one the combat is great , i really do as that what i believe will make players leave and the game falls like blessed . 


  • Do you have sexual healing?
  • You just have to belieb!
  • We will just have to wait and see how the final product is. Wildstar, ESO and GW2 have the most enjoyable combat systems so far IMO.
  • Although, @Sintu does have a point, if it is available for you.  I think that nagging feeling is from the videos out at present.  I just keep reminding myself that it is a limited sample of skills and in pre-alpha development.  I would not expect any groundbreaking improvements in the combat but I would hope that it will be on par with the combat of other recent releases, maybe some small improvements.  The major improvements that Ashes offers is the method of content release, Node improvements; the story is developed based on player actions in the game; non linear character progression; the return to the massive feel of MMO's, no fast travel; and the sense of community, needing to band together to develop the world.  These are the genre changing concepts which Ashes offer us.

    Combat is unlikely to undergo massive improvements within any game regardless of genre.  Combat mechanics have been the focus of development since the beginning of gaming.  We have reached the point in the development cycle when massive improvements are incredibly unlikely, if not impossible.  As long as combat is interesting and engaging then they have delivered what IS promised.

    Take hope in the thought that the combat for PAX represents about 20% of what IS is planning for release.  This is the joy of watching a game in development.  The early stages of development will always create fear as the information is released.  The bonus is that IS releases the early development information so that we can see the improvements as development continues.
  • i think the game is going to be a master piece in world building and design , but for some reason in the back of my mind is the combat as like in other mmorpg or all but the combat has been sub par to boring , i really hope for this one the combat is great , i really do as that what i believe will make players leave and the game falls like blessed . 
    The quality of Ashes combat will be partly a reflection of how good our feedback will be during the testing phases. The combined wisdom of the community will be a huge asset for Intrepid in tuning this game.
  • Hopefully with the gaming experience of the Devs and our feedback combat will be something we can all live with.  
  • Originally, when I heard about Ashes, and their Node systems, and Caravans, and the Augments (before I even knew about how religion factors in etc.) I was full of excitement as to how they would also change how combat is done in MMORPGs.  When they said they were going to use tab targeting in their combat system I still had an open mind.  But @Marenor Touches on many good points, and it's kind of what I feel is going to happen as far as the combat system is concerned.
  • I'm sure they will make the combat great. I understand your worrys but they are not going to make something that is bad. They will get some feed back at pax anyway. Hopefully they wont all lie.
  • Relwoh said:
    They will get some feed back at pax anyway. Hopefully they wont all lie.
    This is an important point.  For those of us with access to the alphas & betas, it's imperative that we all give honest, constructive feedback.  Don't attack or bash, but if something doesn't seem right, let them know.  Explain what it is that bothers you and perhaps even offer thoughts on how it could be improved.  This constructive feedback is what's going to help determine whether or not the game is good at release.
  • Annatar said:
    lexmax said:
    i think the game is going to be a master piece in world building and design , but for some reason in the back of my mind is the combat as like in other mmorpg or all but the combat has been sub par to boring , i really hope for this one the combat is great , i really do as that what i believe will make players leave and the game falls like blessed . 
    The quality of Ashes combat will be partly a reflection of how good our feedback will be during the testing phases. The combined wisdom of the community will be a huge asset for Intrepid in tuning this game.
    Wisdom of the community?  If you ask 100 gamers the same question you will more than likely get 100 different answers, each skewed by personal bias, rather than what is best for the game as a whole.
    100 people most certainly will not say or express themselves in the same way but many will have similar ideas and experiences.  These can easily be determined.  That's what testing is all for.  Believe it or not testers are listened to.  I've been in enough Alpha and beta testing groups to know this.   
     What will matter most is HOW the feedback is given.   Constructive feed back is just that.  Screaming and demanding is another thing all together.   
  • Annatar said:

    Wisdom of the community?  If you ask 100 gamers the same question you will more than likely get 100 different answers, each skewed by personal bias, rather than what is best for the game as a whole.
    117, more likely.  Some people can't decide.  :)
  • Annatar said:
    Annatar said:
    lexmax said:
    i think the game is going to be a master piece in world building and design , but for some reason in the back of my mind is the combat as like in other mmorpg or all but the combat has been sub par to boring , i really hope for this one the combat is great , i really do as that what i believe will make players leave and the game falls like blessed . 
    The quality of Ashes combat will be partly a reflection of how good our feedback will be during the testing phases. The combined wisdom of the community will be a huge asset for Intrepid in tuning this game.
    Wisdom of the community?  If you ask 100 gamers the same question you will more than likely get 100 different answers, each skewed by personal bias, rather than what is best for the game as a whole.
    100 people most certainly will not say or express themselves in the same way but many will have similar ideas and experiences.  These can easily be determined.  That's what testing is all for.  Believe it or not testers are listened to.  I've been in enough Alpha and beta testing groups to know this.   
     What will matter most is HOW the feedback is given.   Constructive feed back is just that.  Screaming and demanding is another thing all together.   
    I get what you are saying, but you are also referring to an older school of testing, when testing communities were small and those involved actually played the game (and tried to break it) and submitted decent feedback on the systems and their experiences with them.  

    These days test phases are treated by many as a free trial/early access where the unwashed masses try the game and if they don't like it they blast the game/company on the internet and then try to get a refund before moving onto the next upcoming release.
    This is yet another negative trend in the genre that I'm hoping Intrepid can reverse with Ashes.  People with access to testing phases need to actually test and see what they can break.
  • Rofus said:
    We will just have to wait and see how the final product is. Wildstar, ESO and GW2 have the most enjoyable combat systems so far IMO.
    They could pretty much just straight up rip off the Wildstar combat system style and I'd be fine with it.
  • When wildstar was at pax in like 2013, their combat system was complete garbage. They made huuuuge adjustments afterwards and have one of my favorite combat systems to date.  I think that's one of the most important things about ashes going to pax, getting the feedback to improve things like the combat system and feel of the classes. It's one thing to make something you like in the shop but if the people don't like the feel of combat and classes, adjustments need to be made. This is the point in the development where they can still make those big overhauls for combat and adjust to be perfect.
  • I think the combat we've seen so far is very basic in their animation talent and I do hope to see a massive improvement and I know there will be for the animations so far has been pre-alpha. PAX will give us a better idea of what to expect but remember 
    • PAX combat is fixed to the 4 Primary archetypes Mage, Tank, Cleric and Ranger
    • The classes present at PAX have set races
    • They have also been given set weapons. We know at launch your character won't be weapon restricted.
    • Class trees won't be available 
    • Class Secondary archetypes are not available at PAX (so no augments even "double down" augments e.g tank/tank is not available)
    • The skill bar is restricted to 5 main skills 1 keystroke 1 ultimate and 1 utility skill ( this may not reflect the actual options available at launch)
    ^ all of this and probably more reasons is why it's only 20% of what we will see.
    If you haven't seen this is a snipped of the animation for cleric with staff. It's a nice animation and I look forward to seeing more ^^

    Breakdown of skill types :

    5 MAIN SKILLS : 5 class abilities.

    1 KEYSTROKE SKILL: A keystroke time frame combat system that activates based off your weapon use. Every player will have a weapon which generates keystroke energy. The weapon will influence the total damage you do, other conditions and stats associated with weapon type. One of the most integral parts of having a weapon is your WEAPON USE ABILITY and that weapon use ability contains within it a keystroke driven/ precision type combat that then allocates energy to the ability to use a certain ultimate skill that your class is going to have.These are to take place of a boring auto attacks. You do not have to do keystrokes - you can just auto the attack but the keystroke allows you to generate energy for an ultimate skill.

    1 ULTIMATE SKILL: Special skill determined by weapon type that can be activated by enough energy accumulated from KEYSTROKE. Skills will be “enough time” so when used strategically can “turn the tide” and be game changing.

    1 UTILITY SKILL: Each class has a utility skill that isn’t necessarily dependent on a combat situation. Utility skills grant the player the ability to interact with their environment and hazards that may exist within that environment. A unique way to gather information about the world that another player may not be able to do.  Utility skills are NOT spammable so will need to be strategically used because they will have cool-downs.

    Even though Ashes will be a cross Tab target/ motion combat I don't think it will be boring because a good player will need to make the most of their positioning, keystroke ability and combination skills they can make with other group members :)

    PAX/Alpha/Betas etc will help us get a better vision and understanding of the combat system ^^ Time will tell :3

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