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Mounts i hope to see

 im hoping to see a Pegasus that can glide. Idc if it dosent fly i just want one that i can breed for different colors and patterns. 

They came up with some awsome mount skins for horses so i have faith it would be done awesomely.

Intrepid devs dont forget us girly girls we love our sparkles lol at least i do anyways. I wanna be a badass gliding on a rainbow Pegasus killing stuff.


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    Mounts that could glide probably wouldn't be such a problem in the game. They could even use them in jumping puzzles (I hope there will be jumping puzzles :D ) I believe they already said the Dawnbreaker mount will be able to glide and he'll have sparkle particle effect around his wings. I don't see a problem with them adding more gliding mounts     later.   ;)       ......Not a big fan of the rainbow pegasus tho :D

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Who knows, you might be able to breed a chain of different mounts to get exactly what you need. My tastes for mounts are a little "darker" than the ones Intrepid have shown so far.

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    Would be so badass to see a huge warrior riding into battle on an armour plated Tulnar (Underrealm race)... Could be an interesting bit of backstory/lore depicting how the other races look down upon the Tulnar and see them as lesser beings.

    I, however, was always interested in a mount that shifts due to your surroundings...  If it was incredibly warm then perhaps a horse would have less 'clothing', less hair as horses shed in summer. However, in a snowy climate, your horse would have a jacket, a thicker, longer mane and hair around the hooves.
    Even when going in and out of the water if there was some sort of pet system then say you had a gold fish, on land the gold fish would be inside a small magical bubble of water. However when in the sea or a pond it would happily swim around you. Just the little things that make a big difference to me, personally.
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    I can see a Pegasus type mount being in the game ^^ They won't fly but we can still admire them ^^ I already like the appearances of the horses we have in the KS and Summer Campaign. Intrepid are very artistically talented so I can imagine they would come up with some beautiful Pegasus designs :)
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    Sparkle ponies and unicorns vomiting rainbows.
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    Lol ohh those sre some good ideas,  i like the cute fish pet idea that follows in a wAter bowl or swims with you.

    I hAve no doubt that if they made some Pegasus skins thAt they would look amazing. With some nice particle effects that differ depending on the breeding. 

    I dont mind darker themed mounts, but i just prefer a majestic pegasus with rainbows as it runs and glides lol. 

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    Like rainbows that you could find leaping out like it came from a Lisa Frank school folder or Rainbow Brite?  Or something more subtle, toned down, but still girly enough for you?  Because I'm not a huge fan of the idea of rainbows, I can definitely agree with the idea of a majestic pegasus!
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    Crymoar said:
    Sparkle ponies and unicorns vomiting rainbows.
    ACK.../shakes head no

    Unicorns don't vomit rainbows, they FART rainbows! Sheesh get it right.
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    kirasenou said:
    Like rainbows that you could find leaping out like it came from a Lisa Frank school folder or Rainbow Brite?  Or something more subtle, toned down, but still girly enough for you?  Because I'm not a huge fan of the idea of rainbows, I can definitely agree with the idea of a majestic pegasus!
    So i was thinking subtle toned down rainbow shimmers when it flaps its wings or walks lol. I dont even like straight up cArtoony art so if its done right with the realistic style i think a little splash of rainbow color would be a nice effect.
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    I want a diverse array and if they ever add breeding I'd love for it to be intricate.

    Zid said:
    Even when going in and out of the water if there was some sort of pet system then say you had a gold fish, on land the gold fish would be inside a small magical bubble of water.
    haha wow has you beat on that.
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Crymoar said:
    Sparkle ponies and unicorns vomiting rainbows.
    ACK.../shakes head no

    Unicorns don't vomit rainbows, they FART rainbows! Sheesh get it right.
    But but I really wanted to be an epic Amazonian riding backwards on a unicorn :(

    Though yes @Pinkberry , lots of pretty mounts to glide on and breed, I really want a furry one, one with fur so deep that all you'll be able to see is a your head. 

    Wait, that'd be even more fun if you could also get a companion pet 'flea' to creep over it and groom it. possibly something like a monkey. 

    Oooooh, every mount to get a Symbian 'companion pet' option that adds a buff: like a hippo has a tooth cleaning bird or a coral has clownfish etc. That'd be fun. 

    It'd be great if they've considered options like Lexmax posted too though, ones with more of an 'edge', ones that rather than necessarily 'gliding' have a 'long leap and gentle land' option. Possibly?

    Edit: @Loyheta breeding, aka husbandry is confirmed :love:

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    War boars and war mountain goats for my Dwarven character please!
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    Crymoar said:
    Sparkle ponies and unicorns vomiting rainbows.

    Would interesting to see a rainbow  vomit out a unicorn
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    I NEED a giant frog mount to ride around on... a frog with frog armor
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    Annatar said:
    I want a camel.
    A camel?! Outrageous. Next you'll be asking for a horse!

    Seriously though, I love that we've got "I want a dragon", "I want a frog", "I want a pegasus", and yet some of us are happy with something as simple as a camel. I don't know why, but it makes me weirdly happy.
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    As far as land mounts go here are a few ideas i think could be done and would love to see produced from the incredible designers of AoC, which are outside the common horse/wolves/bears/big cat mount options:
    Raptors and other dinos.

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    Honestly I'd just like horses and mount armor so I can customize my horse that way and get him to match me. (Although I wouldn't complain if I was able to get a Skeleton Horse...  o:) )
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    I like all main beef on mounts are the dismal animations.   A great animator makes or breaks the game!
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    Tempest Steed thank you very much. :-)

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    I also think that this official AoC "Glowing stag" could be one real option for mount. It would look really cool especially at night when those stripes and horns are glowing spiritual light. :-)

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    Ferryman said:
    I also think that this official AoC "Glowing stag" could be one real option for mount. It would look really cool especially at night when those stripes and horns are glowing spiritual light. :-)

    Also has Christmas theme skin potential :)
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    @lexmax true. It would be tradional, but in AoC way. ;-)
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    I want to have a bear, maybe a fast ostrich (or tyrannosaur), a wolf, a leopard, a lizard (or a crocodile).

    By the way, I would like a separate storage for pets / mounts, for example as in the WOW.

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    Mounts are something I'm looking forward to, a lot. gliding would be interesting idea, I don't really like the idea of flying. I would just break the game like it has in many mmo. I loved BDO breeding system, and as they told us, this game will have much more of it.
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    Wibang said:
    Mounts are something I'm looking forward to, a lot. gliding would be interesting idea, I don't really like the idea of flying. I would just break the game like it has in many mmo. I loved BDO breeding system, and as they told us, this game will have much more of it.
    Agreed. I think too that those gliding mounts would work nicely and that way we could get more mount variations without destroying the open world aspect with flying mounts. 

    I am also interested about this breeding matter and i hope there will be lots of variations and even some species could be mixed with each other. Maybe not to get anything too weird, but something reasonable would be nice add.

    We are going to see flying mounts as part of fast travel system, but i was wondering that maybe there could be special land parts where you can only get with flying mount. These areas could be unlocked when node evolves. This should be only implemented way that it wont let players to bypass open world. Otherwise i dont support own my idea either. ;)  
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    I'm hoping for some badass idle animations. xD
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    I hope there are some cool underworld themed mounts to, maybe lizzards that are big. With climbing abilitys.
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    Fleelix said:
    I hope there are some cool underworld themed mounts to, maybe lizzards that are big. With climbing abilitys.
    Would your cold blooded mount be slower at night or in winter?
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Annatar said:
    Annatar said:
    I want a camel.
    A camel?! Outrageous. Next you'll be asking for a horse!

    Seriously though, I love that we've got "I want a dragon", "I want a frog", "I want a pegasus", and yet some of us are happy with something as simple as a camel. I don't know why, but it makes me weirdly happy.
    When Vanguard: Saga of Heroes was still running, I played a fat Dwarven Sorcerer that rode a camel.  Best mount I ever had.
    One-humbed camel, two-humbed camel or dromedary? ;)
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    I may be biased, but I'm really looking forward to an elk/deer mount
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