How is the Crafting/Loot system going to work?

Almost all MMO's I have seen have a crafting system that is superfluous because the bosses drop better gear than the players can create. What I'm asking is if the non-humanoid bosses will drop crafting components with special abilities that a crafter can make weapons and armor from, or will they just drop a sword that beats out any sword a blacksmith of comparable level can make?


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    The best crafted gear will be on par with the best drops from raid bosses. 

    Edit: And bosses will drop crafting compentents. Gear can also be broken down for components as well as a possible recipe to make that piece of gear
  • Thank you. 
  • Of course, We are here to help of we can :) I'm really excited to see crafting become relevant again. It's been ignored for far too long in my opinion.
  • I definitely agree with that, especially since I'm not a big fan of late game combat.
  • There is a lot of information out there already, they just do a poor job of putting it in one place. Here is some stuff that might interest you from the developer.

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017

    "Herbalist and Alchemy will be found in ashes" Yes!

    That's what I care about, I miss playing AoW specifically for their Herbalist/Poison maker. It let's me play out my Wuxia fantasy of being a powerful alchemist :blush:. Hopefully they take cues from AoW and combine those two classes into one here so that alchemist become an important aspect of AoC.

    AoW Herbalist/Poison Maker: Potions (HP/MP recovery), Potions (buffz/debuffz ingestible), Potions (coating weapons with buffz/debuffz (like bleed and burn) and enhancing armor/jeweler), making enchantment stones (to level up gear/weapons), and of course Potions (xp gains). 

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