Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

How to make your friends want to play AoC

Step 1. Tie them down to a chair

Step 2. Make them watch a bunch of video untill he knows more than you

Step 3. they'll love it

Step 4. Give them your referal code

Step 5. Wait I have friends?!?


  • Anyone who isn't excited for AoC is no friend of mine to begin with
  • All of my friends are degenerate gamers who have been burned over and over by the likes of SWTOR, ESO, NMS, and the list goes on. They are all waiting for me to come back with feedback from alpha and beta, and will wait till launch. I might be able to get one to come in for beta depending on when they offer testing packages, but right now they all are waiting to LOL at me when I get burned and they don't for taking another chance on a hype train.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    I have some buddies that I managed to hype. Some others are just saying they will try it. They are going to wait for a while haha
  • Friends? What's that?  New mount in game? 
  • PAX will really help sway a lot of people's opinion since many - like my partner- refuses to be interested until he sees "proper" combat. The pve and pvp player experiences at PAX will give many a wee sample of what to expect with Ashes which is so exciting :3 
    Will be interesting to hear lots of player feedback :D
    I hope to see many many new face during and after PAX xD
  • I hope PAX has lots of facts! I wonder what they're going to surprise us wiff! =D
  • Diura said:
    PAX will really help sway a lot of people's opinion since many - like my partner- refuses to be interested until he sees "proper" combat. The pve and pvp player experiences at PAX will give many a wee sample of what to expect with Ashes which is so exciting :3 
    Will be interesting to hear lots of player feedback :D
    I hope to see many many new face during and after PAX xD
    Yeah, Pax is about to change a lot on how uninterested people sees AoC atm
  • My friends were burned by several games in the past few years and refuse to take a chance. All I get from them is "if it is good when it comes out I will join."

    Of course that is a good argument and probably the most rational way to approach any game. I mean Mass Effect 3 and then 4...

    IS will do their best and I will likely enjoy Ashes anyways. If they happen to nail it my friends will come in droves.
  • I was hoping this guide was indepth enough to help me collect the friends in the first place.....I feel thats important.
  • Wolfwall said:
    I was hoping this guide was indepth enough to help me collect the friends in the first place.....I feel thats important.
    Wait untill PAX, then start talking about it to your buddies. Because atm its a "like what you see or not". After PAX it will be easier to show some stuff to your friends than just the trailer where they will just say; "well the graphics are nice but will the game be good"
  • PAX is going to make or break the hype for this game. I have some friends who are on the fence so I hope AoC kills it with awesome gameplay...also, I don't want to think that I made a poor decision funding this game haha...
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    PAX is going to make or break the hype for this game. I have some friends who are on the fence so I hope AoC kills it with awesome gameplay...also, I don't want to think that I made a poor decision funding this game haha...
    Yeah I also hope my 50$ is not for nothing. If so, guess I'll keep playing guild wars 1 and 2 @Aguasatori
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    I wonder if it would have been better to sample short vids of individual skills and animations as they progress.
    1. It keeps the playerbase upto date, informed and happy as a consequence.
    2. Intrepid gets lots of snippets of feedback to help steer future skills as they work on them.
    3. There is no nuke effect.

    I see the PAX release as an all of nothing way for garnering feedback and that has the potential to be explosively good ....or bad. The fact its Pre Alpha, specific to PAX and subject to change and is essential a test to gain combat feedback will be lost on many. All they will see is what AoC combat will/would/should be in the devs eyes.
  • My friend has introduced me this game so... 
  • Step 1: Kidnap them.
    Step 2: lock them in a room with only a computer and ashes of creation access on it.
  • I think I will have to leave the basement before I can start recruiting lawl!
  • Taking notes. 
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