Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Anyone Else New Here Want To Throw Money At Dev's?

So unfortunately i just recently found out about this game.  And i already want to throw my money at the dev's for little whatevers in game. pets and whatever other bull they wanna gimme.

That Being Said!
After talking to a few randoms here on forums it makes sense that its not right to take away from what those who have been here have already put forward.  Dont want to lessen there loyalty and belief in the dev's for this game.

I still wanna throw money at this project and get whatever doohickey.  Even if those who already committed get the same "Thing".

So. Devs.... Shutup and take my money. plz

With the game so far out, should they allow another "fund raiser" type thing? maybe just one reward that if u already paid some you get anyway? dumb pet? somethin somethin? 50$ flat rate or some shit? no alpha or any of that jazz the founders allrdy got.  But....... plz.

AGAIN. Important to note.  This should NOT take away from original founders options, or reskin anything from those fund raisers.


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Ok... While your intentions imo are not that sincere because its mostly simply not being able to wait and im not convinced. 
    There are some good things in the proposal. 
    1. They could make some cheap founderpacks (50 > 80 > 120) and simply sell them the same ALL the way up to the alpha/beta stages while NOT putting in reskins of exclusive stuff like the paypal-kickstarter extension nor will they be as filled with stuff probably. I will not support any temporary sales,so it better stay untill at least alpha then :) 
    2. This also would make sure there is no chance on them getting weird ideas about weird crowdfund events because they have the founder packs alrdy

    Only problem would be wether people will accept founder packs this early in development
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    There will be campaigns in the future that will allow you to throw your money at the Devs :3 I can't seem to link the quote in this thread but I'm sure someone will :) You'll be able to get alpha and beta keys but no "crowdfunding"  :)
  • According to Steven there will be ways to support the game in future, just not "crowdfunding"

  • Welcome to the forums @OutHouse ....really outhouse?
    Like yourself, I too missed out on the founders kickstarter, I am sure that there will be many of us that will flock to those key sales when they release them. Now we just wait.....and live through the forums and youtube of the videos we now have downloaded to our phone and watch every second we can....over...and over...and over....
  • Welcome, as Lexmax and Diura stated there should be some type of packages being sold in the future just have patience.  Glad to have you around!
  • Question has already been answered, so if you have scrolled down this far, STOP! Look to @lexmax or @Diura my forum mum for the answers!
  • I'm waiting to see the what the Summer items look like and then I'll spend more money.
  • Question has already been answered, so if you have scrolled down this far, STOP! Look to @lexmax or @Diura my forum mum for the answers!
    Image result for stop meme
  • Question has already been answered, so if you have scrolled down this far, STOP! Look to @lexmax or @Diura my forum mum for the answers!
    i read to the bottom just because you said not too :smile:

  • I want to have money available to throw at the devs.  Being poor sucks.  :(  Can't tell you the number of people I want to give money to that I don't have money to give to.

    But this is one project that I'll actually figure out how to give money to.
  • Can I throw Chicken Nugets? I have no money.
  • Please don't, as someone who knows from experience, trying to give money to back the game, you end up offending 99% of the Kickstarter backers who think only they have the right to support. Keep your money and wait for the game store to have the packs.
  • I think there has been enough crowd funding for now they need to concentrate on making the game. They have made way more than they hoped they would make so it should be enough.
  • I just want to throw money, not at anyone in particular, just give it a toss.

  • Redheart said:
    Welcome to the forums @OutHouse ....really outhouse?
    Like yourself, I too missed out on the founders kickstarter, I am sure that there will be many of us that will flock to those key sales when they release them. Now we just wait.....and live through the forums and youtube of the videos we now have downloaded to our phone and watch every second we can....over...and over...and over....
    lol i hear ya. and yes.  OutHouse :P @ou7house
  • Damn, I feel bad now, I don't have a throwing money meme to post.  Y'all make me a sad panda....

  • Never known a meme to make so much sense than with this game and its dev's.
  • IS right now
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