Everybody is saying this is going to be the new WOW killer but it seems to me like there are just a lot of recycled ideas floating around on this tread. Why doesn't AOC release their own VIOP systems for group content. I have noticed in every MMORPG people use voice communication to RAID why not make it part of the game?


  • Intrepid Studios have discussed that they may implement a VOIP system in game - for particular setups such as dungeons ^^
    There isn't much more depth than that atm but it may well be a system we will see at some point :D
  • This was addressed in a couple livestreams. There are several free VOIP programs out there that already do what an in-house VOIP already does. Besides the development cost and the headaches of making it work right is why you have seen MMOs like ESO abandon their early attempts at it. FFX14 was the worst one day when I had some idiot screaming in French in proximity to where I was because I hadn't bothered to do my settings right from the game interface. The developers are big fans of Discord, and are going to leave it up to players to make their third-party VOIP decision that they decide to run with.
  • Why spend loads of resources to "invent hot water" if it already exists.

    There are great VoIP options out there that do not depend on the game client. Further advantage of such options is that you can jump in and take a chat with your friends while they are playing even if you are not in game, or not even at home, but at some place where you dont even have game installed.
  • Nobody really uses built-in voice comms because external programms are better and more convenient.
  • Gothix said:
    Why spend loads of resources to "invent hot water" if it already exists.

    There are great VoIP options out there that do not depend on the game client. Further advantage of such options is that you can jump in and take a chat with your friends while they are playing even if you are not in game, or not even at home, but at some place where you dont even have game installed.
    Because they need to add features that make this game better then any other MMO before.

  • Adding in game VOIP would not make the game better, and probably would make it worse. What possible in game benefits do you see from having VOIP built in? Other than making it easier to harass people through an open positional channel. I get that since there are no factions you want to be heard screaming "Take that noob! I pwned you!! Now let me feed on your salty, salty tears." With Discord, Mumble, Teamspeak, Ventrilo, and the list goes on and on, you have the ability to mute and block those that are idiots and have control who you actually have to interact with. Anytime you put humans in an anonymous, confrontational system the absolute worst comes out. I could link several vids of people saying the most vile things over in game VOIP, but I think you get the point.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    In every game with VOIP in it, people still prefer 3rd party communications. They're better for the most part and far more reliable. And, it's a lot more secure than shouting out orders for a Siege or Raid in-game.
  • Idk i disable VOIP on every single game i play. If i wanted to raid seriously i should be on TS/Discord with my group anyway.
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