Game cost

If i got it right the payment for the game will be 15 dollars per a month. Now i realy love this game and i would realy like to play him but i cant afford paying 15 dollars per a month. Now i dont think the game should be free to play but im pretty sure 15 dollars is a little but too much for a highschool student like me. (Sorry for my english ????)


  • It might be reduced by the time the game is released and by then you will most likely be able to afford, and if you can't then it means you should focus on something else~~
  • You can play for free if you refer your friends :)
  • In all honesty, if something isn't affordable you probably shouldn't pursue it.
  • The game can technically be free, so refer your friends and make sure they keep paying your bills.
  • 15 dollars a month, is two less packs of cigarettes a month, a few bottles of beer less. I used to be a highschool student too, and 15 euros a month isn't nearly as bad as it sounds, considering the amount of time I put into it. It's what? Fifty cents per day? There are plenty of VERY minor changes you can make to accommodate for the money. It's really not as bad as it sounds. And, as the others correctly stated, you can refer people.
  • You need atleast 7 playing referrals to reduce your monthly sub down to 0 :) 
  • How much do you spend a month on other activities?   Now is a good time to learn to budget your money.  Apparently your parents can pay for  the internet so you are not homeless.  
  • truetears said:
    If i got it right the payment for the game will be 15 dollars per a month. Now i realy love this game and i would realy like to play him but i cant afford paying 15 dollars per a month. Now i dont think the game should be free to play but im pretty sure 15 dollars is a little but too much for a highschool student like me. (Sorry for my english ????)
    15 dollars a month is pretty standard for a MMO sub price, on the bright side there is no Box price, so you only have to pay the $15 to play monthly unlike WOW where its $49.99 for expansion plus $19.99 for starter pack and $15 sub fee

    AoC starting play cost: $15 or $180 first year
    WOW starting play cost: $85.97 or $250.97 first year

    when you look at it from this view AOC is very much more friendly to new player, now i expect future AOC expansions to have a box fee, but that is also standard practice in the mmo community.

    Now if $15 a month is to much you can use AOC referral program and the more people you get to sign up the less you pay. and even then if you cant come up with $15 go mow someones yard or stay an extra hour at work, buy less junk food for one week or cut out a bad habit such as smoking, there are many ways to come up with $15 a month, buy and sell stocks online, easy $15 a month off a $5 investment, just have to be willing to work extra to make extra money, i understand you are a high school student, get a part time job, if you live in snowy area, shovel someones drive way, there is plenty to do to earn money in a neighborhood.
  • Wish these monthly sub posts could be auto deleted. 
  • @xschlemmx
    when you look at it from this view AOC is very much more friendly to new player, now i expect future AOC expansions to have a box fee, but that is also standard practice in the mmo community.

    Steven has answered this in a livestream and in other media interviews. The plan is for there to be a sub cost. That is it. Future expansions and content are part of that cost. Reason given is that MMOs fall into the trap of coming out with substandard expansions to just make a quick cash grab, which ultimately pisses off the playerbase, costing more than it gains. If content is timely and relevant, it keeps the playerbase engaged and subbed. I believe the timing was small content bumps every 4-6 weeks with larger content every quarter. Ambitious, but they felt they could make it work.
    Could they turn around and change all that and charge for "expansions?" Sure. But then they start down the slippery slope that so many others that started out strong then failed have done. I personally don't see it happening, but I have high hopes on the promises being kept.
  • @UnknownSystemError ok wasnt aware that expansions would be part of the sub price, i myself dont believe they will be able to keep to the adding of content that quickly over the course of time, all other mmos have failed to pump content out in the time frame that they have set, the most note worthy of recent mmos is Wildstar, they promised the 4-6 week content pump with major patches every quarter, we all know how that ended; with them falling flat on their faces.

    imo major content patches should be on a 3-5 month cycle and expacs at the 1-1.5 year mark, anything faster than that is just wishful thinking.
  • 15$ per month has seemed to be the reference standard. No exact confirmation from Intrepid at this time.
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