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PVE- enemies that are smart?

Hello everyone!
I realise that this game is still in PRE-ALPHA. I'll try to point out some things I didn't like in other MMORPGs and I saw some of that in latest PRE-ALPHA footages. Also I'm gonna give couple of advices and opinions that could make PVE better for the people that are thinking like me.

Can AoC make interesting enemies? Games like GW2, Revelation, BDO, Blade and Soul, Rift, and many others have this problem. Mostly a.i. monsters are **** and most people are only killing them because of drops or exp. Will AoC make more intelligent monsters with some abilities and skills? From PRE-ALPHA footage I saw some basic attack animations that can be seen in any other mmorpg (repetitive and basic). Currently the most interesting PVE for me are dungeons in TERA. Especially if you try to complete them on your own. Boss monsters in TERAs dungeons werent only tanky and strong like in most mmorpgs. They used several different attacks and you had to figure out their attack patterns and move accordinly in order to defeat them. 
It just takes a bit more time to kill that boring repetitive 2 attack combo monster that stands still, than usualy basic mob. I would really like to see monsters that are more human like (not by looks,but in planning and executing attacks; monsters that are moving and attacking in fastly, basically tough opponents. I think that this change will make people organise and prepare for strategical part of battle with bosses. That being said I don't think that SLOW and TANKY is the way to go. How about making it tougher fight in a way that monster has more different types of quick attacks, special attacks and defense composed of parrying, evading and counter-attacking. I'm usually pvp player because PVE lacks challenge. Many friends invited me to "difficult" PVE raids and I was yawning under 10min into it.  PLEASE AOC make people actually wanting to kill monster because it's fun to kill them, not because they have to farm millions of them in order to get gear or some drops (even tho rewarding is important). I want to turn on my aoc game and have a big smile on my face while talking to my friends about wich bastards (nickname for QUICK, strong, and tough monsters :D ) should we kill first.
Tell me if I'm the only one feeling this way about monsters in MMORPGs.
Sorry about language, english is not my first.


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Please realize the on-rails experience at PAX was meant to show a very small slice of gameplay in the fasted possible fashion. If they had given them the full range it would have made the experience too difficult when the mobs decided to run away half way through the battle. There have been a few different confirms on the plan for the A.I. in game. Please look those up and you should be happy.
    @lexmax has a good link for it, maybe he will see this and throw it on the post later.
  • Ok, ty for advice, I will check it out.
  • @Sc4ndal0uS
    ikr Tera boss monsters are amazing, ive been a pvp player all my life but when i saw these boss mechanics i played tera pve for almost 2 years even if i hate basicaly everything about the game except the boss mechanics and melee combat system.

    Just make mobs run away at low health doesnt solve the problem imo. WoW had some mobs run away too, it wasnt fun at all - just very annoying.
    Where did they announce stuff about the a.i.? All i know is their promise to make it amazing, which doesnt mean much actualy.
  • @Uao yes excatly my point. Game is terrible but dungeon bosses are freakin amazin. I don't know why cant they make all the monsters like that. dmg is not a problem of mobs.. The problem is their style of fighting and repetitive same basic attacks. And because developers gets lazy they just make them tanky instead of making them hard to defeat by means I've staded in my argument. So there is peopl that are thinking like me. You sir are a genious!
  • Was just a single example of why they had the AI dumbed down for the PAX experience. I don't have the quote handy, and don't feel like searching for it, but there is an actual developer blog about how they envision the AI functioning. Maybe someone will be nice and link it for you or you will come across it as you search and learn more verified information about the game.
  • I'll keep my eyes open, ty
  • Here is one. While it doesn't give you any specifics, it at least lets you know that they have thought of this and are planning for it.
  • Thats the exact part i was refering to when i said 'All i know is their promise to make it amazing, which doesnt mean much actualy.' ..  ;) 

    Really hope to see some nice iframe and dodging mechanics, even if its hard to implement with a cap of 12 active skills hmm
  • They have already said that AI has moved on a lot....and will be implemented and its potential fully exploited.
    We also have what they call monster coins. That monster attacking your village may very well be under human control.
  • Rune_Relic mentioned the monster coins. In a previous Twitch stream, they described a scenario where a node hits a certain point that triggers an event like a monster invasion to the city. Any player who has a monster coin gets a message that this event is happening and if they want to get involved. The monster(s) could then be controlled by the player and not based on AI.
  • @diwata that could work on event monsters. But I doub that every monster I fight will be controlled by human. I would like to see regular mob to be a bit more difficult to fight.. I would really like to see difficult mob that is wondering wilds. And it should be made that every type of monster feels different to fight. Like each different kind has it's own special skill set and different patterns that you have to figure out.  So basically I don't want to see only couple of bosses being fun to kill. I would like to see majority of mobs hard to kill. I mean they can put regular animals to wonder the wilds. I understand if they cannot fight. But if you wonder into a dungeon or cave or island, I would like to see some tough monster that will make you think twice before you explore new area alone: :)
  • We don't have many details, but what has been said about the AI in Ashes sounds promising for intelligent NPCs and mobs.
  • Based on the Title Alone - Definitely Agree, yes .
    ( Though i haven't read all of it yet ~.~ )
  • Well if they were really smart they would try to be our friends.   :D
    They have promised NPC's won't be static.  

  • @CylverRayne I hope so. But combat part is much more important for me. Stand still enemies that repeats one basic attack over and over again..
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