Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Wich game are you playing awaiting AoC ?

Everything is in the title,

Need some inspiration, seeing the current offer in terms of RPG/MMOs depresses me so much...

I almost found one called "Reading and Discussing on AoC Forums" but it lacks a little bit of action !


  • If I were you I'd play an MMO that doesn't require a heavy amount of investment or dedication to enjoy. You don't want to eat the main course like WoW to prepare you for another main course like Ashes. Eat an appetizer like Runescape. I hear you'll be able to play it on your mobile device starting this year.
  • I'm still playing Archeage, I have a lot of time invested in it, and a bunch of guild members and friends that still play it.  Probably since they are waiting for some major game to come out, I wonder which one that is.... *points at YOU Ashes* :pensive:

    It isn't too "newb" friendly, since the gear gap and time to get up to somewhat reasonable gear score to stay alive in PVP, will be a while, unless you swipe HARD.... not sure that is what you plan to do... but can still run around and check things out.

  • Playing Conan Exiles. Got it off steam for $20 week of so ago. Good survival game. Not a lot of commitment in needed. Game can be brutal on Purist or hard settings. Lots of open servers to join but not really Massive or persistent as they reset the servers now and again.
    Personally loving the brutal challenge.
  • I started to play Blade and Soul and WoW is still chugging along. Those games can keep me going for a while I think.
  • Star Wars the Old Republic, RP
  • Not a damn thing. This is why I am so excited about AoC. I've looked at many tried many nothing is any good neither worth my time and especially not worth my money. I'm just worried that I've been out of PC gaming for so long that when AoC comes out or I get an Alpha Key that I will not be able to play because my equipment is so old. That would sad irony.
  • Finally quit ArcheAge after 3 years. Playing PUBG and Witcher 3. Thinking of giving a try to Dauntless when it's on Open Beta. 

    God forbid starting another MMO seriously before Ashes.
  • I'm kinda intrigued about this S.O.S. game.  (Though I'm not playing it yet.)

  • Playing ESO at the mo to practice non tab target combat. having fun so far.
  • No MMOs really but I have been playing some Gigantic
  • Ff14 - I am hoping this is the game to finally pull me away from it forever.
  • FFXIV and a healthy dose of Dark Souls (mainly PvP)
  • Gw2 and Divinty Original Sin 2 comes out Sep. 14th - yay!
  • Gwent, Total War Warhammer 1 and soon 2, ESO, X-Com 2 are all pretty fun.
  • GW2 path of fire expansion is live end of this month. So should get 2 years out of it. other than that any indy game that might pop up. don't bother with AAA* games anymore over hyped and overrated.
  • Currently just playing WoW because I have friends there. But I'm mostly busy with studying (university) so I only do casual play. I also play a lot of Stellaris, and when I'm not playing or studying I'm busy working on my Stream/Website.
  • Runescape3, world of wacraft, waiting for destiny 2 mainly :( pc version.
  • I'm currently playing PUBG and Dauntless.
  • WoW and Dota 2, also some GW2.
  • Currently not playing anything, also looking for something to play.
    I ocassionally play PUBG until I get killed in a very ridiculous way and rage quit. Black Desert only keeps me entertained for 2-3 days at a time, ArcheAge is dead.
    Not sure if I'll like Blade and Soul or not, played it a bit at launch.

    I'd like something more recent, but Dark and Light is not an MMO and the other released MMO of this year are crap. If Albion was f2p I'd give it a try.

    Currently waiting for MU Legends, that's the only game I have in sight right now other than AoC, even though Diablo style gameplay is not my thing.
  • Honestly I'm all over the place, conan, deceit, riders of icarus, guild wars 2, all that stuff.
  • I'm in WoW atm. A bit. And Transport Fever. And RimWorld. And Empyrion. For now. I'm bored out of my mind though. WoW is neat though atm. Cus, new content, 7.3 and all.
  • Aion currently, nice to play even if you don't pay real money, almost a must if you wanna be in the top 10%... getting quite bored tho like a lot of other people, just waiting for AoC. Will maybe give GW2 a go again when the next expansion is out.
  • WoW      FFXIV      Hearthstone     BDO      Dark souls
  • Divinity Original Sin 2, soon :)
  • No MMO's at the moment.
    Playing The Witcher 3 right now... Which is one the best games I have ever played.
    Probably will try Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor when then hits in early October.
  • No current MMOs at the moment. I dipped back into EQ2 for a few months several months back but just stopped once the 'grind' was felt once again. My mistake for starting a new character but also wanting the new Epic 2 weapons. I knew there would be some grinding but.. dang.. and I did most of that grinding back on several characters when I was actively playing.

    Picked up 'Styx: Shards of Darkness' and that's been a good distraction along with another play-through of 'Skyrim'.
  • I've been playing Mordheim: City of the Damned. A small tactical game based on Warhammer. Very challenging, very brutal and unforgiving.

    I'm coming up on 1 year away from ESO and have considered returning since AoC is a long way off and apparently so is CU.

  • I might give the new Assassin's Creed a go since it is more open world then past 'creeds...
  • It's not that much of an RPG and more survival, but I occasionally play 7 Days to Die with some friends. It's not a game you tend to get too heavily invested in(partly because sometimes updates render old save files unusable since it's in alpha stage ... for 4 years now), but you definitely need friends to play it with, because alone it's extremely frustrating. Can be played both online and offline.
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