Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Should we have more weapon abilities in use than just one?

Currently we have only one weapon ability in use which is in slot 1. So should we have more weapon abilities in use than just one? I suggest consider to raise this to two, so two-handed weapons would give two abilities to use and one-handed/off-hands one each. That would make weapon choises little bit more meaningful and give more variations to use those. Also this would make off-hand weapons/items/shields more useful and not just give some bonus stats. And if wanted (optional) this could also make QTE/combo system more interesting with different combinations if it does not complex the system too much.

I see this would make character builds and combat more interesting. As downside it would need more balancing, but would it still doable especially when we are in so early state of development?  



  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Then they start down the slippery slope of restricting certain weapons to certain classes because the balance just doesn't work out any other way. I am all for letting them work on what they have envisioned, then giving it to us to test. They have already committed to listening to feedback and scrapping certain systems if they prove to be loathed by the community at large.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    I always liked in D&D despite specialising with a certain weapon, It would always be useful to carry a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. Would be nice if all classes could have both a ranged and melee option usuable on the fly, perhaps making the secondary weapon option restricted in some way or less effective.
  • I always liked in D&D despite specialising with a certain weapon, It would always be useful to carry a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. Would be nice if all classes could have both a ranged and melee option usuable on the fly, perhaps making the secondary weapon option restricted in some way or less effective.
    Well thats one option even a little bit different what i had in my mind. But in your suggestion that secondary weapon could be less effective like you said or weapons could have separated main and secondary abilities depending which slot you have put that weapon.. that would be sweet. Maybe the cooldown could be longer for secondary weapon too.. *thinking*
  • Then they start down the slippery slope of restricting certain weapons to certain classes because the balance just doesn't work out any other way. I am all for letting them work on what they have envisioned, then giving it to us to test. They have already committed to listening to feedback and scrapping certain systems if they prove to be loathed by the community at large.
    Well yes the balancing will be the issue with this, but if that could be handled, then adding another weapon ability slot would be really nice add. And maybe devs are adding few more slots anyway so it wont be away from other abilities at all.

    Maybe the solution to balance issue would be the same i wrote to one post earlier.. seperated main and secondary abilities, where these secondary abilities are less powerfull and balanced in mind to work with all main abilities. That would make off hand items so much more interesting and meaningful.
  • I always liked in D&D despite specialising with a certain weapon, It would always be useful to carry a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. Would be nice if all classes could have both a ranged and melee option usuable on the fly, perhaps making the secondary weapon option restricted in some way or less effective.
    or just have people to do that for you, necromancers are so helpful in that regard
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Having compulsory melee and ranged weapons would fix many issues.
    I think they already confirmed this in a stream anyway ?!?!

    Anyway, two weapon buttons ?
    This being a tactical game will require many movement and cc buttons.
    Adding even more 'weapon' buttons starts to put us back in the finger gymnastic scenario with skills buttons all over the place.

    We need a way to streamline CC, movement and Combat buttons down to a minimum if we want to start adding others. Not that I hate the idea. TBH...thats probably why we only have 1 weapon/combo button in the first place.

  • In regards to the single weapon ability, it's also not like that one ability is static and unchanging. They've said that you will be able to customize your weapon ability as you please. To an extent, you'll be able to make it deal more damage, incorporate some CC, maybe even lengthen/decrease the chain, etc. If they're going this far, I would be surprised if different weapons/weapon combinations didn't have different weapon skills from each other.

    For example, to use the demo as an example- the Tank had a shield bash to end their combo. That same shield bash won't be an option should you have a second dagger, or something. This adds much of that element of variation you were talking about. This also makes choosing your weapons meaningful, and to an extent adding a second skill would reduce how meaningful it is, because although it would add more variation it would give you more options, making each option less meaningful. 
  • @Rune_Relic
    get a mouse with ~2 extra buttons and a wheel, get used to push shift with your pinkie finger and enjoy ~44 keybinds without any further finger gymnastic.
    Depending on hand size and keyboard you could also push ctrl with your pinkie to increase possible keybinds to ~66 without any gymnastic.

    The game aims for 12 keys atm but 1 or 2 additional keys wouldn't hurt at all.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    @Uao I have a naga. Hate their software though an cant get used to it.
    Hands are too big and clumsy ;)
    Never tried the pinkie shift idea for combo sets.
    Thanks. Will give it a bash at some point.
  • Having a melee and ranged option for each class would be nice, from other MMO experiences melee classes would sometimes be looked over for certain runs due to mechanics that favored ranged classes. That being said I do not think that any melee class should have proficiency on the level of a ranged class, but they should be able to contribute damage when melee range is not possible.
  • @Rune_Relic
    I personaly keep buying the logitech m500. It has 2 big buttons on the side and mouse wheel clicks to the left and right side. Software is easy to use and you can assign any key you want to any button on the mouse.
    I actualy thought about buying the naga too at some point, but there are no games that support that many keys anyway, instead that many small unbound keys would just distract me.
  • @Uao
    At the time i was looking at the m500 and got put off loads of reviews of them breaking. I nearly always buy logitech, but the reviews put me off. So I ended up with the Naga.
    And yes....your observations are accurate. lol.
    I am pretty sure I will imminently step on it by accident ;)
    How often do the m500s break ?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Camnesia said:
    Having a melee and ranged option for each class would be nice, from other MMO experiences melee classes would sometimes be looked over for certain runs due to mechanics that favored ranged classes. That being said I do not think that any melee class should have proficiency on the level of a ranged class, but they should be able to contribute damage when melee range is not possible.
    Not sure. Could have silver linings too
    Melee fighters could simply have slow powerful shots.
    Range fighters could produce fast weak shots.
    Those range players could focus on hitting many players with less damage rather than a few players with more damage.
    Then it becomes more agility vs stability rather than melee vs ranged kind of thing.
  • @Camnesia
    Imo the world within a mmorpg is very brutal and in the end its all about killing enemys. It would be strange if the characters who live there wouldnt have a huge variety of moves to compete with eachother in as many situations as possible to ensure survival.
    With that in mind, there shouldn't be totaly seperated range/melee classes but instead classes that might have 3-4 more range/melee skills than others but all range and melee skills should be effective regardless. If a swordfighter happens to shoot you with a gun, it would hurt just as much, but maybe he would have less bullets in his bag.
    (i know that there wont be guns in the game, just an example)
  • @Rune_Relic
    If you play games like wow where you have to constantly push the right mouse button,
    prepare to buy a new one every 8-12 months... At least if you play 24/7 :D However the mouse isnt too expensive compared to other 'gaming' mouses.
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