Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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How Important are graphics to you?

Hello Everyone,
Just curious how the community as of right now feels about graphics in video games. This came up for me as I recently saw just how much Blizz was able to push their engine since the vanilla days. Personally, I need game play to be the main focus and then I need the graphics to be at least up date. If the developer is going for a stylized look, like wild star, then I am OK with that as well and it does not prevent me from being immersed in the game. 


  • Ha, I expect you and I are the exceptions.  :)
  • There are some games I still play that have graphics from 1999... EQ for instance, that's more for nostalgia of the game experience.

    Other than that, new game's will have a hard time grabbing my attention without great graphics.
  • I feel that some games aim to have modern and epic graphics whereas some games don't. Those that aim for high graphics and don't deliver I'm kinda like ....well you kinda said you would have it - in which case I was promised something and never received which is somewhat disappointing and off putting.

    If a game aims for high graphics (like Ashes) they need to ensure that they deliver, so far it's really promising. I also believe that games that promise high graphics need to ensure they are always high graphics by frequently keeping them up to date.
    No point promising high graphics then watching it age just as quick to be pushed aside by another game ^^

    Finally I do prefer combat to graphics - but I also like not being disappointed aha ^^
  • It is realy dependent on the game i play for what kind of grafics i prefer.
    For years i have played the game Tibia what does not have the best of grafics as the game is from the 90's but the contend in the game itself is quite extensive.

    On the other side i have also played Black Desert for a while, and altough you have plenty to do and the grafics are great. The game has a big down side of having a lot of pop up scenery that in my opinion makes the imergion into the game quite difficult.

    So for me having great grafics for games is quite important for the newer released games. But if the grafics don't work well, it is better to take a bit less.
  • Don't care at all. 
  • Diura said:
    I feel that some games aim to have modern and epic graphics whereas some games don't. Those that aim for high graphics and don't deliver I'm kinda like ....well you kinda said you would have it - in which case I was promised something and never received which is somewhat disappointing and off putting.

    If a game aims for high graphics (like Ashes) they need to ensure that they deliver, so far it's really promising. I also believe that games that promise high graphics need to ensure they are always high graphics by frequently keeping them up to date.
    No point promising high graphics then watching it age just as quick to be pushed aside by another game ^^

    Finally I do prefer combat to graphics - but I also like not being disappointed aha ^^
    I think that it is also more difficult for an MMO to try and go the high graphics route. It is easier to keep updating and a more cartoony looking MMO (like WOW) for over a decade than to attempt the same with high graphics games. Age of Conan, which came out 4 years after WOW, went for  a more realistic and gory look and those graphics did not stand the test of time. Not really sure where Ashes will fall on that spectrum. 
  • Graphics are important for any new game, but gameplay is much more important.

    Graphics can be tweaked by downscaling, shaders, better textures and other effects, but if the gameplay is bad, even the best looking game won't last for long.
  • Not playing MMORPGs for pretty landscapes but it wouldn't hurt either.
  • Basically what Diura said. (Herrow all you amazing pieces of garbage that look like other games once they release compared to their gameplay showcases)

    Other than that I can only add it should feel natural. Once you decide on a style it should be coherent throughout the game. In simple examples, if you want a realistic feeling world you shouldn't throw cartoon splash bombs of colours in my face.

    In that regard I like the direction that Ashes is showing. Makes the fantastic feel as it belongs where it is.

  • depend how it effect game play 
  • Ashes is one of those games that needs goods graphics because of the amount of detail Intrepid is planning on putting into the world. Can't really do that with pixel art. But there are games that don't need it because the mechanics are really simple and it's more about the basic structure of the game rather than being overwhelmingly beautiful and immersive(e.g. the success of Minecraft).
  • as long as it not like Warcraft (which its not) I will be happy 
  • I'd be lying if I'd choose other options because I still do play Pokemon Red/Gold/Blue/Crystal/Sapphire etc and Empire Earth(I), Medival Total War, AofE[1],  Counter Strike, Half Life 1, Sims 2 because for me these games have unique gameplay and fun.... or Nostalgia but for the most part I feel there is something in the game I didn't accomplish yet. I play them all the time. 

    But I'd not expect Assassin Creed with low graphics for example, aside from gameplay the graphics what hook me up to that game. Gameplay is great, but wouldn't keep me up for so long. I don't play Prototype 1 because the graphics are really bad for me and the gameplay is bad. So there isnothing making up for it. For me Ashes of Creation should have good graphics with good gameplay. If they make a tremendous mind blowing never ending fun game experience, I'd omit the graphics. But since I don't think Intrepid has enough time to develop such best of the best, godlike game in 3-4 years, the graphics are also important. But of course, If I don't rebuild my computer, I'm gonna play with the lowest settings. 
  • If it's immersion-breaking bad, it'll be difficult for me to stay interested unless it's like... hilariously bad. And that's typically not what you want a game to be known for.
  • For me personally, graphics are pretty important initially but as time goes on and I become used to the scenery, gameplay takes over and becomes the most important thing.

    So I guess my real answer is, as long as it looks good I'm willing to sacrifice bleeding edge graphics for solid gameplay (and FPS).
  • Like many others have said, as long as they use what is modern and I can utilize the power that I have paid a premium for without losing FPS I will be happy. Drops below 60 are kind of the sign for me that the game needs tweaking when am running with fairly new gear. I'm running a GTX 1080 atm, so games that don't utilize all the bells and whistles I paid for are irritating. Two years from now I may upgrade what I am using now, but probably not if it runs the game smooth.
  • I would like to note though that graphics optimization is THE most important for me.

    Specially for massive PvP (sieges, guild wars). I want graphics that look nice, but I still wanna have smooth game play in 100 vs 100 fight (or more).


    - I do want nice looking environment that can pull me into the game
    - I do NOT want korean style super flashy spell effects. The less flashy spells are the better.

    Flashy spell effects only work ok in solo mode. When massive PvP occurs and you have this flashy spells everywhere, it not only looks horrible but it becomes unplayable due to severe FPS drop.

    So please with sugar on top, give us very mild and moderate spell effects, or at least let us adjust how much "flashyness" we want in options, and let that "flashyness" not be adjustable only for us but for how we see other players spells as well.
  • Gothix said:
    I would like to note though that graphics optimization is THE most important for me.

    Specially for massive PvP (sieges, guild wars). I want graphics that look nice, but I still wanna have smooth game play in 100 vs 100 fight (or more).


    - I do want nice looking environment that can pull me into the game
    - I do NOT want korean style super flashy spell effects. The less flashy spells are the better.

    Flashy spell effects only work ok in solo mode. When massive PvP occurs and you have this flashy spells everywhere, it not only looks horrible but it becomes unplayable due to severe FPS drop.

    So please with sugar on top, give us very mild and moderate spell effects, or at least let us adjust how much "flashyness" we want in options, and let that "flashyness" not be adjustable only for us but for how we see other players spells as well.
    But you need to remember that we have 2017 now and if this game get release by the end of next year it still looks like mmo from 2006. I'm up for optimisation but on way that you turn tuf off.  MMO are dying genre and if game doesn't look good it will just simply not sell.
  • For me graphics need to look "normal" and not cartoony or anime style. Same with animations. They need to be "normal". Games that have graphic styles I do not like, for instance minecraft, trove, albion online are usually games I just don't play because I can't get immersed by it and it doesn't feel like I'm playing an MMORPG but something distant that doesn't relate to me.

    The quality of the graphics are less important, but it doesn't hurt to look pretty ;)
  • I've played games with lower graphics and good game play while still having fun. But usually it's an art choice or it was state of the art for it's time.

    If the game just looks like a flaming turd pile though, it impacts how much I enjoy it.
  • gameplay mechanics usually keep me playing a game rather than graphics.
  • I like to see what I'm looking at.
  • The game is in early development stages but if the graphics are early 2000's I will be disappointed. It's 2017 and MMO's are starting to look better than some singleplayer games, AoC better be up there with AA and BDO, minus its annoying popping in and out.

    Being in pre-pre-Alpha, I'm glad we wont see this in the full release.

  • Sure graphics are important, but I dont think that they are as key to MMO's as people think its about immersion into the game which keeps people coming back to play and put in the hours not the landscape or the waves on the water. People come back for content and that elusive piece of gear to make your armor or weapon perfect. Or that PvP rank/kill that means so much to you, coming from EQ1 back then graphics were not really a thing now people think its all that matters, and I agree that the game needs to look nice but its content that drives MMO's forward and keeps them coming back for more. The game needs to look nice, run smooth in large scale areas with lots of people but its not the 4k graphics that will keep people interested its content. -Comprehensive guide to Ashes of Creation. -Ashes of Creation Guild.
  • Cadderly said:
    Sure graphics are important, but I dont think that they are as key to MMO's as people think its about immersion into the game which keeps people coming back to play and put in the hours not the landscape or the waves on the water. People come back for content and that elusive piece of gear to make your armor or weapon perfect. Or that PvP rank/kill that means so much to you, coming from EQ1 back then graphics were not really a thing now people think its all that matters, and I agree that the game needs to look nice but its content that drives MMO's forward and keeps them coming back for more. The game needs to look nice, run smooth in large scale areas with lots of people but its not the 4k graphics that will keep people interested its content. -Comprehensive guide to Ashes of Creation. -Ashes of Creation Guild.
    Graphics is the eye candy that gets people to into the store yo look around. It's the gameplay and content that convinces them to buy and stay around B)
  • When I hop in game, I'll be turning those graphics waaaay down, for the best combat experience. I prefer to win with nothing potentially stopping me.
  • This day and age there's no point playing a crappy looking game. It's 2017, my PC is 4k ready and I don't feel like looking at junk 2000 games with my spare time. I want to spend my gaming time looking at something that'll catch my attention while I'm running along, so I can go "Wow, look at those pretty lights, those spell effects are amazing"

    But Intrepid are using UE4, that's pretty enough for me. 
  • The graphics needs to be good on a game that is being made now. I still play games with older graphics but that's just because they where made a long time ago.
  • EQ2 on would be fine for me as long as the design and implementation of mechanics are spot on. The only thing I would add is I would like very long draw distances. I want to be able to climb a mountain, pick a spot in the distance and travel there.
  • Its about the grapics but more importantly the general style of the game. I am so glad this game isnt a anime sort of thing like archage wierd looking figures and oversized stuff like boobs or swords.

    Thats one of the huge + points atm for this game IMO, its more western and I like that alot.
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