
I remember from one of the Node videos they had a dragon show up after the Node reached level 6. I realize that was just used as an example, but dragons always seem to crop up in fantasy settings and are usually one of the more interesting fauna of the world. So basically, this where where we discuss the kinds of dragons we could possibly see in the world of the game and what they could mean in terms of the lore.

I'll start off with a few points, just get things rolling. First off, there are 3 kinds of dragons that hardly make an appearance in MMOs, I've yet to hear of an instance where they were in the game, in fact these three hardly show up in fantasy setting books, manga, graphic novels, shows, animated series or anime. The three I'm referring to are the Pseudo Dragon, a small and physically weak dragon that tries to achieve things more mentally; the Faerie Dragon, a tiny dragon that's more physically lacking than the Pseudo Dragon and is usually portrayed as being adept at illusions due to how they have almost ability to take a hit; and the Shadow Dragon, a dragon that draws on darkness and usually acts as an ambush hunter despite it's immense physical power, some iterations even describe it as having an ability to sap the physical and magical power from its targets to further increase its advantages over its opponents.

Now, I'll focus on what the lore could mean for them to the best of my ability.

Pseudo Dragon: A being that sought the power of the dragons and made a pact without fulling thinking through on the wish or wording which resulted in a dragon that is barely around the size of most races at full height and lacks the physical might of other dragons. It's cunning and guile have made sure it stays alive long enough to propagate, but as to why they continue to do so is beyond anyone's guess. Some of these dragons have even been known to disguise themselves and give quests to adventurers. Their mental abilities are so great that it is believed in the early days of magic it was they who created spells that target that are designed to specifically have effects on the target's mind. (That's all the lore I could think off the top of my head)

Faerie Dragon: A seemingly insignificant being, most even confuse them for large insects and not their true dragon state. Being the smallest and weakest of dragons they have developed a great intelligence and due to their proficiency with illusion spells it is believed by some of the more notable scholars that they could actually be the creators of illusion magic. Some of their illusions are so powerful they have been known to feel and even smell real, among some schools for mages there are even belief's that if you can successfully capture one it will teach you a rare illusion spell in exchange for its freedom. Beware when you try to fool them for they will take such offense to your deceit you might just be hunted by them and be subject to frightful and nightmarish images at all hours of the day and night until you have honored your word to them, it unknown just how far reaching and powerful their magic really is. (I can't think of anymore lore here for them)

Shadow Dragon: A Powerful dragon that uses the power of darkness to achieve its goals. It is said they used be kind and instructive creatures that would teach any creature that was interested but whatever has corrupted the world has twisted them and turned them into creatures that seek the pain and torment of all who stand against them. They are known for being patient and watchful, sometimes remaining in Dungeons to watch multiple parties conquer the dungeon before testing a seemingly random party at a seemingly random location in the dungeon. Other sources say they establish a large territory and treat everything within it as play things. Some even say they merely a legend created by merchants and mercenaries  to keep the more unruly of their lot in line. Whatever the truth, all sources say that if you ever encounter one escape is next impossible. (That's all I could think of at the moment)

Alright, let's see what the rest of you have to say and/or add.


  • Thank you for your post! I'd almost forgotten about the Shadow Dragon type. When I was feeling particularly mean spirited, I used put one in my 2e dungeon maps :)
  • Dragons are cool when there is only few, hard to fin and sound more like a legend than a thing everyone can put thier hands on.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Not to mention, they're usually guarding the best stuff. Since crafting will be crafting will be a bit more involved than most games prior, I wonder more pieces of monsters can be used for crafting. Just imagine, making weapon from a dragon's bone, or armor from it's bones or hide. There could be quite a market for dragons as components or items crafted from pieces of their body. Not mention the stories that could circulate the game's lore about items crafted from dragons.
  • Dragons also have a life cycle so we might also see different ages and sizes.

    An example is Fred Saberhagen's Book of Swords series;

    Dragons are born appearing more as large tadpoles. Those that survive the various predators grow into more of the shape that people are used to seeing; winged with rear legs. Rudimentary breath weapon appears.

    As they grow from young adults to aged they lose the ability to fly and their forelegs fully develop. This is their landwalker phase, a form that is more feared than the smaller, flying size. Capable of tearing through a small patrol while over-turning and damaging wagons.

    The last phase has the legs disappearing entirely with their incredible bulk that they've achieved limiting them to marshy and other wetlands terrain. Imagine multi ton anacondas. Very few survive to this phase.

    IS won't likely copy this example but we might see dragons of unusual shapes and sizes with different combat abilities.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Here's a monster that I haven't seen in any MMO, the Vritra. What is it? Some of you are asking. A creature described as a demonic dragon, although some sources refer to it as giant serpent. Wouldn't be awesome to see a massive serpentine dragon. It's a monster from the Vedic culture and is described as being so big it can wrap around a mountain and have its head touch the sky. Now obviously something that big would be pushing the limits of system they make 10 years from now if it were to appear in a game. But it could make a great template for a World tier boss, a massive demonic dragon would definitely force the players to think things through a bit more than usual. And its actual description and lore wouldn't need to be changed much to make it fit into the world of Ashes of Creation.
  • I've been thinking about mounts quite a bit recently, and I've had the idea that they could implement Drakes into the game. One of the higher tiered mounts, but incredibly rare to find and hard to "tame".

  • Dinosaurs, dinosaurs with wings!
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