Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Authentic VS "Showy"....

Sorry for my english.
A recent video from the developers, showing gameplay for female magician in an ice cave, caused me some concern. In most fantasy MMOs, in my humble opinion, the characters look more like superheroes in plastic shiny outfit rather than harsh fantasy heroes.
Simply put, they look too artificial.
I would like to know the players opinion what kind of design should prevail in the AoC (authentic or ... others or mix)? Now I will explain.
Authentic armor / weapons could reflect the owner's belonging to a certain organization, religion, race, social status, profession, current time era, national and regional culture and, of course, it should be pretty comfortable and functional. examples:
Under "showy" gear, I mean the armor / weapon not a very comfortable (at least visually) having excessively bright coloring or highlighting, unnecessary additions like huge horns on shoulders or wings etc., and sometimes not very appropriate size of the owner, and not always corresponding to the current era . examples:
I would also like to know how you see your character in the game (a visual example)..


  • there was a fair bit of discussion on this <a href="" target="_blank">thread here</a> that i think you may find goes with yours. :)
  • @Vorch21 You do know you can embed the images right? Also if you feel they would be too spacious you can do a width/height tag ;)
  • I was also disappointed with the armor design and my dominating thought has been how very impractical it is. No protection from elements or combat, waist cape would be super easy to trip over. Maybe magician girl has spells of protection cast on herself, but that is beside point.

    In comparison, a quick internet search found <a href="">THIS</a>. Looks both practical and stylish.

    OP also has a couple good mage-type examples: <a href="">HERE</a> and <a href="">HERE</a>.
  • Since they have different seasons i would like to have stylish but sensible outfits for the changing weather since the art style of the mmo is more relistic.

    I very much so still love the flashy mages outfit, but simply adding extra slots to wear a shawl, cape, heavy hat and boots would fix the issue of the outfit being out of place in certain climates.

    I would like to see wather affect your character if your not wearing the proper gear.
  • [quote quote=3710]Since they have different seasons i would like to have stylish but sensible outfits for the changing weather since the art style of the mmo is more relistic.

    I very much so still love the flashy mages outfit, but simply adding extra slots to wear a shawl, cape, heavy hat and boots would fix the issue of the outfit being out of place in certain climates.

    I would like to see wather affect your character if your not wearing the proper gear.


    Yes please.

    [quote quote=3636]Sorry for my english.
    A recent video from the developers, showing gameplay for female magician in an ice cave, caused me some concern. In most fantasy MMOs, in my humble opinion, the characters look more like superheroes in plastic shiny outfit rather than harsh fantasy heroes.
    Simply put, they look too artificial.
    I would like to know the players opinion what kind of design should prevail in the AoC (authentic or … others or mix)? Now I will explain.
    Authentic armor / weapons could reflect the owner’s belonging to a certain organization, religion, race, social status, profession, current time era, national and regional culture and, of course, it should be pretty comfortable and functional. examples:
    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    Under “showy” gear, I mean the armor / weapon not a very comfortable (at least visually) having excessively bright coloring or highlighting, unnecessary additions like huge horns on shoulders or wings etc., and sometimes not very appropriate size of the owner, and not always corresponding to the current era . examples: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    I would also like to know how you see your character in the game (a visual example)..

    This was just the Mage class being showcased, but I can see your concerns. But more outfits will be coming into the game, so until there have a released video of some outfits, you shouldn't be that concerned. But still concerned.

  • Suppose, some games(Witcher, TeS series, even new "For Honor"-(without mages type) etc.) already proves, what armor/clothes could be realistic and styilish in same time. +Also would be nice(optionally), if different types of inventory modifications could be affect on player appearence (ad. pockets, belts, satchels, backpacks etc.) AND appearence of your mount.
    +likes TESO racial motiffs system for each armor/cloth peace - it's cool if we could see dif. styles for each region/clan/guild/cult/religion(gods)/mb. social status, rank etc. as part of exploration process.
  • [quote quote=3736]Suppose, some games(Witcher, TeS series, even new “For Honor”-(without mages type) etc.) already proves, what armor/clothes could be realistic and styilish in same time. +Also would be nice(optionally), if different types of inventory modifications could be affect on player appearence (ad. pockets, belts, satchels, backpacks etc.) AND appearence of your mount.
    +likes TESO racial motiffs system for each armor/cloth peace – it’s cool if we could see dif. styles for each region/clan/guild/cult/religion(gods)/mb. social status, rank etc. as part of exploration process.

    Agreed visual "tells" is always very nice :) Maybe some visualisation on how much you're carrying, that'd be nice too.
  • I don't think authentic and showy is mutually exclusive, I understand your example given and it is a concern that probably a lot of people have, but I want to point it out.
    Just because someone feels like, something doesn't feel authentic, doesn't mean it is not.

    [quote quote=3636]harsh fantasy heroes.[/quote]

    Who says it is? Even in a dark and opressive world, if I am given the reason that people try to counter the vibe with showy and flashy outfits so as to help to not succumb to it. It's authentic to have it. It's a cultural expression and shouldn't be denied.
    Look at animals, you will find extremly flashy ones in colour and appearance which is used to scare off/intimidate others instead of blending in and hide.
    I agree that we often get completly over the top visual representation and we could use some, let's say, simpler styles, but what I am trying to express is, we shouldn't let our own preferences and "real life projections" interfere with the style a game is going for.
    "I'm kind of tired of the whole this is "medival" and should look and feel "realistic" like it"- argument.
    It may draw inspiration from it, but this is still a fantasy game and can just as much express itselfe in the, for us, fantastic.

    On a very simplistic note, a canadian may feels comfortable at -20°C while someone from Africa might freeze already by +20°C. We shouldn't draw to much from our own wishful understanding on what is comfortable.
    Authentic is a word to use for it's quality to be representative throughout the world with the same ruleset. Canada is a different ruleset, to Africa, and so is AoC.

    Yes to sesonal attire and visual "tells". Variation is, I think, always welcome.
  • I just watched a pre-alpha video and love the potential that this game shows. The only constructive feedback I have so far from the video is that rocks don't feel heavy- they seem to roll around like balls that resemble rocks. Otherwise, everything looks great!!
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