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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
RNG system or Farm friendly system ?
Hello everyone.
I made a post yesterday but i wasn't explaining it well and when i wanted to edit it have dissapeared "waiting for confirmation" so i post a new here.===================
The lasts fews years, we saw almost all MMORPGs whith freaking RNG system : To upgrade one item you had to try it, you had, depending of the grade, more or less chances for sucess or fail, and if fail, your item was destroyed sometimes.
This sytem was put in place by Devs to make p2w items that increase chances of sucess or prevent item's destruction. Still it was a fking casino.
So, now this game wont have any p2w mechanics, i was wondering if they could not add RNG system to this amazing looking project, but instead :
Put a system into this game that we could pay with InGame money a very huge ammount of golds to get 100% chances of sucess to upgrade our item. Or anything that we have to farm very hard and long to get it, but at the end we know why we farmed that hard and we get 100% chances of sucess.
Well, maybe for players that love to play casino games we could leave a system like this so they can waste all their money of they want, but personally, i'm done with this system.
Before saying i'm crying for nothing, just know that i made a full mytic warship in Archeage before 3.0, regrading 11 items to mytic rank, costed me 250K golds and took me 13 months of hard work, frustration, madness,...
I wouldf have higly prefered to farm for 15-16 months, had to pay 300K golds but for each items i had to pay lot of golds but i was sure to get it without frustration, rewarded of the hard work i made and dont have to sell my gear multiple time to get money to waste in this freaking casino minigame.
Keep in head that a no RNG system wont allow everyone to get all best items since it wont make them easier to get (well, very depending of your luck). It will just remove the frustration on fails since this RNG system was basically to encourage p2w mechanics. Best items will still be dropped on bosses or something.
Keep in head that a no RNG system wont allow everyone to get all best items since it wont make them easier to get (well, very depending of your luck). It will just remove the frustration on fails since this RNG system was basically to encourage p2w mechanics. Best items will still be dropped on bosses or something.
So, what's your opinion about it :
Choice 1 : Please No RNG at all.
Choice 2 : Make a no RNG system but keep a RNG system for thoses that love "casinos".
Choice 3 : Long live RNG system, long live RNGesus.
Can you rephrase 2 and 3 to sound less douchey?
- no RNG
- no GRIND
- yes to SKILL BASED upgrades
Skill based upgrades:
- hard challenges that need to be finished to give you upgrade tokens
- hard raids, difficult to complete, giving you upgrade tokens
- etc.
In short, require skill activity to gain upgrades, rather then RNG or GRIND.
I am all for an rng loot drop system in the game though. Grind until I get that perfect roll dude, hell yeah, love it!
RNG enchanting is still the best way without making the game too easy or progress impossible.
According to your preferences, I wonder if MMORPGs are for you at all. You seem to prefer the opposite to everything a MMORPG stands for.
RNG lends to a bit if danger in the game in small doses. It's a gamble, and gambling is fun for most people.
Its also an equalizer because everyone is taking a similar chance. Such as RNG loot tables or RNG enchanting. It's when a game relies heavily or fully on RNG is when I have a problem.
Not to me mate, you have no idea how horrible bad luck magnet I am.
Been unlucky in RNG all my life. It's why I hate it so much.
Stick with me pal, you can absorb the bad luck and I'll split my winnings 70/20 with you.
I stopped count how much time i get so mad in the fucking AA regrade system, and i cant say how many time i sold all my gear or bought 1-5 apexs to try more, or even just get back what i yoloed ... It ruined my sanity bro, it was really bad for my health. I'm here to enjoy my time and be happy whith what i farmed for, not to destroy my keyboard, lose all my gear or waste lot of IRL money for shitty pixels.
I know AOC wont have p2w but still, i have horrible experience with RNG and im a freaking "casino addict" when it come about it ...
improved grade has been in every game i can think of. but we have 2 levels of enhancements. in ESO, we have tempers from the raw materials, and while it's rng whether the item drops from refining the ore or plants etc. there's no challenge, all ya need is enough to guarantee improvement.
then we have that nightmare RNG setup... my luck is a bit better than most, but that don't mean i haven't had my own frustrations... get 2 of the rarest items in game only to have them blow up because you have to enhance to get anywhere.... i hear ya...
what i propose, is why not have the improvement materials rng from mobs etc. the higher grade made rarer in drops, but ensure the enhancement costs as well? being careful of course not to turn the whole process into nothing but a year long grindfest.... it shouldn't cost real cash, it shouldn't cost sanity, and it shouldn't cost pc gear, like keyboards and the such just to get anywhere in game.
i'm sure it's been mentioned, or even touched on in the comments, did see some, but it's an idea either way. and we haven't even considered the trading system so far between areas, the tempers could be crafted to improve the items, and each areas could have stuff that needs to be obtained to combine and improve the armor/weapons?
So avoiding the P2W gamble made me a scrub.
The RNG vs. Farm argument I think is off-sided. While it would be awesome to gather/craft and succeed every time at every level, that leads to everyone have max gear and nothing besides rare/legendary drops being rare/legendary.
However, having to spend time to create all the materials needed and craft everything necessary prior to enhancement and then losing all of it for nothing is a grind fest. A frustrating time consuming little pay off grind fest.
I think it has been mentioned before where a hybrid system might be best. Also, if I understand what was said about crafting correctly, even maxed out gear will be somewhat unique per craftsman and purpose.
If I play an epic sword-smith I want to be able to give my customers consistent and predictable results.
i do want it to be unique, i definitely want it somewhat original, i don't want it too easy, but i do definitely want to keep my hair, and not feel the need to do a king kong rampage due to failing even the easiest enchantment 80% of the time. i'm sure this is something we can all definitely agree to. i'm itching to see what the dev's do
For example, effort should be included in gear upgrading (we all probably hate RNG upgrades that fail and totally waste all your time and effort).
RNG should be included in loot that bosses drop, it is exciting to not know what will drop and hope it's something nice for you.
So yes a hybrid system but with care what will be RNG and what will be effort based.